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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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2015 NodeConf Notes

NodeConf 2015 (June 11-13)

###Isomorphic JS

  • challenges/tradeoffs in writing identical code client/server side
  • write once, render anywhere
  • State does not live in the template
  • existing problem in server side rendering - how to present local timezone that represents client without passing client's timezone
  • Serving side is first class citizen in React
  • ways people have been getting around polyfills on polyfills, leveldb-browserify, leveljs
  • node 12 has built in l10n and i10n, but still tricky to determine where logic for that should live
  • react is checksum based diffing for determining how to update DOM, any change in how client renders initial state can interfere
  • want guarantee with this input always get this output
  • native stuff with polyfills
  • node version differences could result in code not cross compatible browser/server code
  • other concers: date library not shimmed, maps, character encoding - line endings, utf8
  • wrapping in anon funcs and exporting iffy
  • big shims do not compose
  • dont mutate distributions, use module exports
  • having modules that detext whether define is defined or undefined,
  • webpack vs browserify as a way to bundle front end assets, broserify limits itself to npm modules but is simpler
  • jquery plugins ubiquitous
  • how to codify fine grained resource validation
  • conditional building of frontend assets, instead of individual resources
  • prebuilt together, deliver separately
  • http 2.0 and what it means, bundle everything together used to be the way to go to reduce number of back and forths
  • webpack follows a react-router, swtiching betn shims, shared js file global stuff

###Modular UI

  • publish css html and js together as a package in npm, include via browerify/webpack
  • if you publish npm module, assume it be used beyond server. e.g. browser, iot
  • ui heavy, npm install , put it on page
  • cssify (override, npm install, pull in style, inject into dom, functional, webpack ignores conditional or requires)
  • webpack - require globally safe from require
  • web componenets - scope css ; how package components,
  • keep html in tooling
  • imports make it harder to decide, explicit dependency tree
  • beerfest is a browserify extension for images into base64 encoded string
  • npm amenable to ui components
  • did not miss cascading when using react or npm components
  • package level control of components
  • casading util extend
  • runtime query stylesheet
  • recycling dom elements itself
  • wants twitter bootstrap for npm install, autocomplete, jsfest, datepicker
  • need convention/standard for modular ui shipping on ui: web componenets are that standard, go through common dom api
  • percelify, browserify plugin for css
  • grunt fileblocks - if file matches pattern, add to bundle, css duble
  • eliminate cascading, modular is better
  • css is global is a problem
  • it has to allow options to modify, component exposes the properties it expects to change.
  • after selector, responsive media queries, react style component as a js object.
  • web component problems: resource loading, lack of data binding; interacting with web component outside of web component.
  • (client side framework) - register element
  • images in npm base64 encode, left to module publisher to not publish large images
  • fonts bower.
  • packages just require dirname, and everything underneath is adde

###Debugging production node

  • newrelic production
  • appdynamics java side, node side websocket support
  • newrelic, over life time of request is something unusual
  • loggly
  • error in sentry, kafka for logging. (uber)
  • strongloop, produciton tooling
  • stream based, websockets
  • dont serialize error logs
  • aync harder to instrument, transaction. memoery leaks (v8 heaps vs buffers mdb)
  • stack trace pprint with colors for scans
  • v8 actual usagge is leaking
  • heap memory represention via flamechart vs flamegraph in d3
  • reproduce it locally - categrories of failure, restart
  • make sure bad app state is cached
  • cache once
  • bad memeory performace
  • accidentally synchronous code which you expect to be sync, blocking main thread common culprits
  • os issues, sockets not opening
  • wrap base class and wrap it with context to see arguments at every lines of stacktrace for function debugging
  • statsd invoming outoing, opensockets, incoming outgoing latency. app specific metrics, if drivers are zero is bad (uber) i/o router messages, ad hoc afterwards
  • something that hits every thing hit, +ve and -ve, set metric dashboard page.
  • daemon, cpu and memory graph
  • log regex, threshold, alert for lack of notifications over some time
  • people not using domains (know domains but dont use them) i.e. do not throw errors
  • asyncwrap (in io.js and v0.12), longjohn, cls
  • load testing, jenkins
  • one off scripts, one offs scripts, 10 production
  • bypass authentication
  • build microservices so that you can load test well
  • unit performance testing
  • server monitoring, dom slow,
  • dom redraw performacnce
  • deployment test run it till it clashes.
  • garbage collector
  • system level tracing in linux
  • garbage collector debugging
  • tracing
  • flame graphs when we see issues spikes in latency, p95, 95th percentile

###Community Discussion/Argumentation

  • inclusion taking it from other communities like python
  • making changes in core, breaking changes pulling in internally
  • x wants A, y wants B, how can they work together to make sure that both happens
  • perception of cultural of argumentation, self fulfilling prophecy
  • code community; laser focus on what happens in core.
  • github issues
  • levedb problems
  • 300-400 community
  • shared sense of values about the project
  • nodebots
  • helping enormous number of people, open arms to them
  • make obvious about availability of mentorship
  • cognitive argument vs effective argument, -> objective set of values
  • ask power circle; dont get it from others

###ES6 in io.js

  • const and let
  • classes
  • generators

###Electron shell

  • use web technologies to write cross platform desktop apps
  • cross platform browser development
  • renderer
  • vs node webkit

###Full stack iojs

  • const for require statements since likely never change it
  • {link, greeting} === {link: link, greeting: greeting}
  • render it on server side instead of client
  • how do i display state
  • isomorphic, taking state from one side and make viewable on other
  • dom element might have model
  • fluxible, context get service from, client side wrapper
  • latency compensation
  • javascript loading menu
  • react does not yet have meteors way of representing

###Technical Commity governance policy

  • joyent, io.js
  • reconvene into one project
  • foundation, node open governance.
  • technical steerng policy
  • open to others influence
  • preload modules, relationship with v8
  • v8s main priority of chrome
  • work with features with v8 as they ship for them
  • big users of v8

###JS Module package managers

  • combine npm with browserify/package manager/jspm
  • require js
  • how vendor code is getting packaged
  • shims (existing api) vs polyfills (backfill for apis that dont exist yet)
  • commonJS or UMD model used, people are not using script tags, UMD model
  • jspm works against github and uses it as package manager
  • bower frustating, where is the script, no convention, single source dependency managemnent; bower gives you flat structure
  • use require to include everything from a directory
  • sourcemap from a directory
  • backend dependencies
  • frontend dependencies, packages differently, diferent versions of same module
  • recursive dependencies are an issue too
  • flattening the curve make available at top level
  • css loading
  • ember cl compile and concat
  • dependency management strategies
  • strategy: every webpage module, recursively include, breaking out, adapter module,
  • strategy: using fa webpack, common js qay requires css, css loader
  • single page everything together
  • isomorphic , frontend and backed, modules, 52000 packages in npm worked on browser as well as server
  • strategy: require statements separate js modules
  • grunt or gulp to minify
  • monolithic utility libraries
  • bootstrap modularly
  • wripping our selector portion of selector
  • individual features pulled in a la carte
  • make frontend more like npm modules
  • flatten recursive dependency trees, bundle.
  • different concerns on frontend
  • small module context
  • address things as you need indivudally
  • slow processor, native browser specs
  • input range type, range within range
  • component, modularize
  • jquery, leaves state on the dom, more maintainable javascript
  • query(selection) example of how jquery can be component by component replaced
  • ecosystem supporting individual modules together, monoliths together
  • better ways to describe in npm
  • dont punish newer or mobile browser, punish the ie8 or ie9 by including polyfills


  • object streams in , backpressure , set high watermark, object stream pubsub
  • high watermark how much you should buffer when writer is faster than reader
  • core streams, dont pause incoming tcp streams too much
  • pause tcp socket
  • streams 3 vs streams v2
  • readable emit data, vs wraitable asking for data
  • flowing vs non-flowing state
  • readable streams, num bytes, undefined or 0
  • mreadme 0 marks, just give me however many bytes you have read.
  • deque 5 butes ast a time to the filesystem. .buffer attribute, everytime, writeable part, how far write before filesystem.
  • sync vs async stream - loop as much as as it could, _write mixed sync and async
  • buffer is implemented as linked list
  • writec underlying resource, _write ability to handle
  • transform stream to coalesce into one.
  • filestream desire block size,
  • block event loop, is bad potentially block
  • pipe: pipe sets closure event listeners on various events, add listener to readable on data; trigger flowing mode;
  • first initial spark gets it to writing things;
  • flow read whatever it can, write sets up false, drain on its size
  • when writeable blocks, buffers shock absobers for when things pause, after done writing and thing cannot read anymore, streams, destrysoon, do next
  • reading read up the buffer, queue, _read, wait for draing _read; maximize and traffic, underlying resource, writeable
  • writeable calls _write with chunk encoding and callback, if do notcallback, return false, write with chunk, pile up a buffer,
  • absolutely cannot eat another byte, double shock absorbing,
  • readable tries to max specific amount of time writing
  • duplex has buffers on either side
  • transforms are subclasses of buffers
  • transforms move from loopback duplex
  • duplexify - node writeable and readbble, method one streamhandle errors, duplexify
  • end of stream - logic to set up when stream is ending on end; readable, half open, streams2 - list of streams only pushing data , bufffers empty, buffers empty, tcp empty, no more data will be emitted
  • http server in node, figure out when they end, big file, stream will not emit end, client error; emit closed, might get close event, readable has ended and buffer has ended
  • end of streams pass a callback, fuction stream dn callbacp
  • pump - close on end, two streams, one prematurely ends, streams 1 check if either has destroy cand call, streams 2 if none corect end event, http server, streaming large file to end, filestream never closes file descriptior after this has happend, out of file descriptiors
  • in level request, strreaming bunch of data, forget to propagate data
  • listening for error , memory leaks for pipe
  • sendfile modularity, talking over one method pipe
  • pumpify - Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify; - pass it an array of streasms eror handling, encapsulate
  • readable streams,
  • sreams cannot control what other streams people are using. globally agreed upon construct comes from core.
  • through and through2
  • readable stream and writeable
  • disseminate practical streams best practices
  • buffers
  • pulsestreaml
  • in duplex, reable and writeable.
  • promises , eventemitters have issues ordering of events, wg-streams, promises streams in a browser
  • classifying asynchrony

###Distributing node modules for getting PRs

  • tap
  • coveralls
  • travis CI
  • linters (automated tests commenting on PRs is better for code style testing)
  • nyc module (code coverage tool on top of istanbul)
  • istabul- cordova - pr, func
  • npm scripts are standard way to expose to committers what is possible on repo
  • github-changes
  • collborator -> geberate collaborator
  • hapi project, good success getting maintainer/contribs
  • pull me tender module
  • travis, coveralls
  • semver how lax on dependncies
  • angular commit message convention to generate changelog; bugfix/feature and commit changes; semantic release;
  • Really import to have good examples showing most important use cases for api
  • picking a good module scope is important for getting collaborators
  • unconscious awareness, exp learning to contribute; just publish it
  • mit org; publish module under your handle on github and use it everywhere; process of reinforcement
  • people cant see every mod you publish; you have to publicize
  • use emoticons on issues and pr
  • publish on github notify; first publsh; star it;
  • github notifications; closed and and open
  • iterate on concise yet searchable package description;
  • npm cli search
  • node modules cli tool
  • good examples for beginners really important
  • clear
  • automatically elect people to be maintainers
  • tech, community, package publisher, web development


  • cluster master and cluster worker, custer master and core
  • share socket incoming
  • give hardware instruction to send packet, lets pause this thread
  • most os designed around interrupt then restart thread model
  • only kick off hardware operaton, do not put thread on pause
  • node doesnt have to pause when network call, when io operaton is happening
  • dns, tcp connect, start program, create window
  • super command get result of all of them, epoll, kqueue
  • everything is a file descriptor linux
  • bucket of file descriptor, associate each event into it,
  • socket fileuv
  • plasters over one conceptiual model one interface
  • thread pool - network connections, os most disk operations, create file,
  • run it through thread pool
  • libuc runs a lot of stuff in thread pool
  • user mode scheduling, kernel mode switch doubling
  • networking, truly async networking without threads involved in any platform
  • currently fixed size of threadpool, limit is num processors
  • why file system operations do not have kernel async
  • linux kernel async file systeml os cache, 14 bytes package json, few bytes read a whole lot, write it back, leveraging the cache, data is kept swhere in memory
  • cache is a page fault; particular file live somwhere in memory but does not load is memory, when os processor or mem manager; raise interrupt; switch to kernel mode
  • when page selectors, low level async primitives
  • block boundaries; virtual threads
  • fs sync libuv
  • if four cores, only one node process, all jscrpt one thread, libuv thread pools blocking ops that dont block main thread
  • javascript not designed to have mutliple cores, multiple jscript vms could be a possibility, all cpu - cluster different
  • node primarliy for web servers
  • make sched decision, worker batch io.js multiple vms in a node process
  • javascripty patterns, modern os inverse of libuv
  • go/rust move work around threads
  • shared state
  • q.write thread pool,
  • reorder of queue
  • socket inside libuv and remove it aynchronously, is it possible.
  • uv_tcpt
  • raise an interrupt
  • uv_tvptt s
  • uv_read()
  • uv_write()
  • future pluggable import stream feature in so that people can plugin
  • not discard data, reuse port cant reuse other sockets

###Node.js performance monitoring(DIY)

  • c++ folks instrumentation
  • e.g. publicization node perf issues such as walmart memory leak and netflix cpu slowness
  • express static routes, piled up
  • longer the chain takes, longer takes for express to serve up
  • nodemon, v8-profiler, v8::headsnapshot, v8::capuprofile
  • v8 profiling function to get data out of read
  • v8 compiler - heap memory, gc profiler
  • process.memoryUsage
  • gc happened
  • building mem leaks, every request, add to array
  • create mem leak e.g
  • heap structure of interconnected paths
  • chrome collect javascript cpu profile
  • shallow size
  • function closures leak
  • heap snapshot
  • v8 profiler, mem leaks
  • flame graph
  • sunbirst
  • interpreting flame graphs, common red flags - pyramids (if you think a function should have taken a lot of time, but in fact, it is a sliver, but lot of steps necessary to get to that file, in that case maybe call that function directly) and plateu (this function is taking up a lot of time)
  • http stream on messages
  • latency from cpu exec time, disembiguate
  • node inspector, dtrace
  • chrome tracing deprecated
  • one way to help performance is to find synchronous code, and put it into different process
  • better native module, identify non optimal functions
  • async listener, module shims
  • async wrap in iojs
  • context local storage, event emitters, filtering
  • performance monitorig over system boundaries
  • selectively instrument functions that users care about, instrument function over function by hand
  • http server framework instrument and any database
  • appneta vs appdynamics vs dynatrace vs newrelic
  • trace instrument the stack
  • tracing bwtween microservices
  • cross service interaction
  • perf monit tools
  • zipkin from twitter
  • node irehydra
  • writing v8 happy code involves writing predictable code, e.g same number of arguments for functions, not using polymorphic functions(i.e. not different types), so that v8 can optimize function
  • latency tooling, flame graph
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