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avimar / FetchOpenRouterVision.js
Created September 26, 2024 13:28
Fetch OpenRouter vision models
const https = require('https');
function fetchJSON(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(url, (response) => {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
reject(new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.statusCode}`));
let data = '';
avimar / LiberChat Token Count.js
Last active September 26, 2024 07:53
LiberChat Token Count
//Via: Austin @
//Small updates via for tokenizer, stats box.
//Edits: - Include prompt field, version 2
// - estimate for GPT 4o/sonnet & Opus at 2024-06-02 pricing
// ==UserScript==
// @name OpenAI Token Counter for LibreChat
// @namespace
// @version 1.3
// @description Automatically count tokens of chat content on LibreChat
// @author ChatGPT 4
avimar / web_toast.js
Created February 10, 2021 15:49
Web Toasts
import Toastify from 'toastify-js'; //
import "toastify-js/src/toastify.css";
//To use:
//import toast from '../web_toast.js';
//toast(message,class(optional), options)
//My default is that the toast stays open until dismissed and defaults to bootstrap's "bg-info" if no class is specified.
//NOTE: In an SPA, you'll need to clear any persistent toasts on page switch
//use import {closeAll as clearToasts} from './web_toast.js';
export let params={};
export let service=null;
export let id=null;
import Fa from 'svelte-fa'
import { faEdit, faPlus, faTrash } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import feathers from '../web_feathers.js';
const rest = feathers.service('logs');
avimar / index.js
Created February 15, 2019 08:03
FreeSWITCH de-register monitor
#! /usr/bin/node
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var transport = nodemailer.createTransport("sendmail");
function fix_len(num, len){
if(len<=5) return ("00000" + num).slice(-len);
else {
var seed="0000000000";
while(seed.length<len) seed+=seed;
avimar / 1.txt
Last active February 26, 2018 16:07
testing prevention
Sample file.
avimar /
Last active July 1, 2017 14:13
Node.js/Javascript Stack

Programming Environment:

node.js backend:

  • nconf: loadable, pluggable configuration
  • restify: instead of express, it's oriented for APIs
  • bunyan: for logging, built in support from restify
  • knex.js: SQL query builder/promises/pooling (but it's not an ORM)
  • PM2: deploy and clustering
avimar / gist:16824955e21781c7e2c6594ef743bc6f
Created February 17, 2017 06:09
innodb not optimizing?
`show create table logs_fs`
CREATE TABLE `logs_fs` (
`uuid` char(36) DEFAULT NULL,
`host` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`date` datetime(6) NOT NULL,
`hrtime` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`level` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`value` text,
KEY `uuid` (`uuid`),

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am avimar on github.
  • I am avimarcus ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 1AFA CC40 32FD 2FE9 BCE3 88FE D5DD 1501 34E0 ABD8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

avimar / isracard.js
Last active June 18, 2020 10:04 — forked from etodanik/isracard.js
Checks the validity of a given Isracard credit card number
/*License: MIT*/
function isracardCheck(num) {//algorithm explanation:
if(typeof num !== 'number') num=''+num;
if(num.length < 8 || num.length > 9) return false;
var sum=0;
return sum % 11 == 0;