- The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree)
- B-Tree vs Log-Structured Merge-Tree
- Modern B-tree techniques
- LSM-based Storage Techniques: A Survey
- B-tree Indexes and CPU Caches by Goetz Graefe and Per-Åke Larson
- Cache-Conscious Index Structures for Main-Memory Databases by Vilho Raatikka
- Making B+-Trees Cache Conscious in Main Memory by Jun Rao and Kenneth Ross
- Monkey: Optimal Navigable Key-Value Store by Niv Dayan et. al.
- Dostoevsky: Better Space-Time Trade-Offs for LSM-Tree Based Key-Value Stores via Adaptive Removal of Superfluous Merging by Niv Dayan et. al.
- The Log-Structured Merge-Bush & the Wacky Continuum by Niv Dayan et. al.
- Scaling Write-Intensive Key-Value Stores by Niv Dayan
- Stratified B-trees and versioning dictionaries
- Reducing Bloom Filter CPU Overhead in LSM-Trees on Modern Storage Devices
- Optimal Bloom Filters and Adaptive Merging for LSM-Trees
- SHaMBa: Reducing Bloom Filter Overhead in LSM Trees
- A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Modern in-Memory Indices
- FPGA-Accelerated Compactions for LSM-based Key-Value Store
- Revisiting the design of LSM-tree Based OLTP storage engine with persistent memory
- LB+Trees: optimizing persistent index performance on 3DXPoint memory
- SLM-DB: Single-Level Key-Value Store with Persistent Memory - this inspired LotusDB
- Small Refinements to the DAM Can Have Big Consequences for Data-Structure Design
- External-memory Dictionaries in the Affine and PDAM Models
- A High Throughput B+tree for SIMD Architectures
- TreeLine: An Update-In-Place Key-Value Store for Modern Storage
- FD-Tree: a Tree Index on Solid State Drives
- Tree Indexing on Solid State Drives
- Tree Indexing on Flash Disks
Percona XtraDB is an enhanced version of the InnoDB storage engine, designed to better scale on modern hardware.
- Write Optimization: Myths, Comparison, Clarifications
- Write Optimization: Myths, Comparison, Clarifications - Part 2
- How TokuDB Fractal Tree Indexes work
- TokuMX Fractal Tree(R) indexes, what are they?
- A Comparison of Fractal Trees to LSM Trees
- Percona Live Slides and Video Available: The Right Read Optimization is Actually Write Optimization
- An article explaining B-trees, LSM trees and Fractal tree indexes
An open-source distributed NoSQL wide-column data store. It was designed to be compatible with Apache Cassandra while achieving significantly higher throughputs and lower latencies.
An in-process SQL OLAP database management system, in process, serverless and optimized for analytics.
SplinterDB is a key-value store from vmware designed for high performance on fast storage devices.
- SplinterDB: Closing the Bandwidth Gap for NVMe Key-Value Stores
- SplinterDB and Maplets: Improving the Tradeoffs in Key-Value Store Compaction Policy
- SplinterDB - a key-value store designed for high performance on fast storage devices from vmware
Alibaba Cloud PolarDB is a cloud-native relational database service that decouples computing resources from storage resources and uses integrated software and hardware to provide secure and reliable services with high performance, auto scaling capabilities within seconds, and a large storage capacity.
- PolarDB-IMCI: A Cloud-Native HTAP Database System at Alibaba
- Review: PolarDB-SCC: A Cloud-Native Database Ensuring Low Latency for Strongly Consistent Reads
- PolarDB - cloud native distributed sql database from ali baba
LotusDB is the most advanced key-value store written in Go, extremely fast, compatible with LSM tree and B+ tree, and optimization of badger and bbolt.
An open source transactional key value store created more than ten years ago. It is one of the first systems to combine the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL architectures with the power of ACID transactions.
- FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store
- How FoundationDB works and why it works
OrioleDB is a new storage engine for PostgreSQL, bringing a modern approach to database capacity, capabilities and performance to the world's most-loved database platform.
RocksDB is a key-value store targeting large-scale distributed systems and optimized for Solid State Drives (SSDs)
- Disaggregating RocksDB: A Production Experience
- Evolution of Development Priorities in Key-value Stores Serving Large-scale Applications: The RocksDB Experience
Vector search integrated with Astra