Just use the command below:
ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE \
-vf scale=3840x2160:flags=lanczos \
-c:v libx264 \
-crf 13 \
-c:a aac -b:a 512k \
<body> | |
<div class="container-fluid"> | |
<div class="gradient-sides"> | |
<div class="row"> | |
<div class="col-md-4"> | |
</div> | |
<div class="col-md-3"> | |
<div class="form-area"> | |
<div class="brand-name"> | |
import itertools | |
import requests | |
import json | |
# generate permutations | |
def generateDomainList(length, characters, tld): | |
if length > 64: | |
print("Error: Can't generate domains larger than 64 Characters") | |
exit(2) | |
domains = [''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(characters, repeat=length)] |
#[starknet::contract] | |
pub mod SimpleCounter { | |
#[storage] | |
struct Storage { | |
// Counter variable | |
counter: u128, | |
} | |
#[constructor] | |
fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128) { |
# Changed to use content-type flag instead of header: -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | |
siege -c50 -t60S --content-type "application/json" 'http://domain.com/path/to/json.php POST {"ids": ["1","2","3"]}' |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT | |
pragma solidity ^0.8.9; | |
contract CrowdFunding { | |
struct Cause { | |
string name; | |
string description; | |
string ipfsHash; | |
uint256 target; |
Data required from frontend to create an alert in JSON format. | |
{ | |
"alertName": "someName", | |
"alertAddress": "smartContractAddress", | |
"alertSlackWebhook": "https://hooks.slack.com" | |
} |
A = [ | |
[0,0,1,1,1], | |
[1,1,0,0,1], | |
[0,0,1,1,1], | |
[1,1,0,0,1] | |
] | |
# flipping 2x2 array | |
# res = list(filter(None, test_list)) |
ChainEducation is a decentralized platform where anyone can upgrade their web3 skills with hands-on tutorials. They will be able to earn certificates as NFT once they complete a course. The platform will also create their profile to showcase it to the community. They can add their projects and achievements too.
These smart contracts will be responsible to distribute tokens to user once they unlock and achievements. Also, they will be responsible to mint achievement, milestone and course completion NFTs. Smart contracts will also store key attributes of user profile. We will be using erc20 token and erc721 token to mint smart contract. Two more smart contract would be required, one to store user information and another one to send achievments NFT who complete the course.
We will be using NextJS which is on top of React to develop frontend of our educational platform. It will be served via Netlify.