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Created July 23, 2014 18:08
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module-test output from MoarVM pre-star 2014.07
# built from
make modules-test
/usr/bin/perl tools/build/ /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07 /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m modules/MODULES.txt
Testing modules/zavolaj with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-argless.t ......... ok
t/02-simple-args.t ..... ok
t/03-simple-returns.t .. ok
t/04-pointers.t ........ ok
t/05-arrays.t .......... ok
t/06-struct.t .......... ok
t/07-writebarrier.t .... ok
t/08-callbacks.t ....... ok
All tests successful.
Files=8, Tests=94, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr 0.02 sys + 14.84 cusr 1.70 csys = 16.64 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/xml-writer with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/escaping.t ... ok
t/structure.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=11, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.00 sys + 2.40 cusr 0.26 csys = 2.70 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/svg with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/basics.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=3, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 1.15 cusr 0.13 csys = 1.32 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/svg-plot with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/series.t .. ok
t/ticks.t ... ok
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=10, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.00 sys + 2.42 cusr 0.28 csys = 2.74 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Math-RungeKutta with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-rk-integrate.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=6, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 5.05 cusr 0.16 csys = 5.24 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Math-Model with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/basic.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=6, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 8.10 cusr 0.17 csys = 8.30 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/perl6-Term-ANSIColor with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/00-load.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 1.09 cusr 0.17 csys = 1.30 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/test-mock with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/returning.t .. ok
t/synopsis.t ... ok
t/with.t ....... ok
All tests successful.
Files=3, Tests=13, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.00 sys + 4.18 cusr 0.51 csys = 4.74 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Grammar-Profiler-Simple with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/csv.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=15, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.00 sys + 1.81 cusr 0.17 csys = 2.03 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/grammar-debugger with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/tracer.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 1.13 cusr 0.14 csys = 1.31 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Perl6-MIME-Base64 with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/basic.t ................. ok
t/binary-and-long-line.t .. ok
t/rfc4648-test-vector.t ... ok
All tests successful.
Files=3, Tests=45, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.01 sys + 6.86 cusr 0.55 csys = 7.48 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/uri with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01.t ................... ok
t/escape.t ............... ok
t/november-urlencoded.t .. ok
t/rfc-3986-examples.t .... ok
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=91, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr 0.01 sys + 7.73 cusr 0.61 csys = 8.42 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/perl6-lwp-simple with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/000-load-module.t ............. ok
t/basic-auth.t .................. ok
t/custom-headers-and-content.t .. ok
t/get-binary-camelia.t .......... ok
t/get-chunked-6guts.t ........... ok
t/get-perl6-org.t ............... ok
t/get-unsized.t ................. ok
t/get-w3-latin1-utf8.t .......... ok
t/get-w3-redirect.t ............. ok
t/getstore.t .................... ok
t/parse-url.t ................... ok
t/socket-sanity.t ............... ok
t/stringify-headers.t ........... ok
All tests successful.
Files=13, Tests=55, 36 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.02 sys + 26.94 cusr 2.83 csys = 29.88 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/json with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-parse.t ...... ok
t/02-structure.t .. ok
t/03-unicode.t .... ok
t/04-roundtrip.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=119, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.01 sys + 7.91 cusr 0.65 csys = 8.66 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/perl6-digest-md5 with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/0-load-module.t .. ok
t/perl5-compat.t ... ok
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=7, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.00 sys + 3.22 cusr 0.31 csys = 3.57 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/file-find with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-file-find.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=10, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 3.25 cusr 0.15 csys = 3.44 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/shell-command with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/02-shell-command.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=12, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 2.40 cusr 0.16 csys = 2.61 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/panda with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/builder.t .... ok
t/common.t ..... ok
t/ecosystem.t .. ok
t/installer.t .. Copying blib/lib/ to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/
Copying blib/lib/bar.pod to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/bar.pod
Copying blib/lib/foo.jar to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/foo.jar
Copying blib/lib/foo.pir to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/foo.pir
Copying blib/lib/baz.js to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/baz.js
Copying blib/lib/foo.moarvm to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/lib/foo.moarvm
Copying bin/bar to /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/modules/panda/removeme/bin/bar
t/installer.t .. ok
t/tester.t ..... ok
All tests successful.
Files=5, Tests=33, 15 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.01 sys + 12.73 cusr 1.33 csys = 14.13 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/perl6-http-status with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-basic.t .. 1/4 Saw 1 call to deprecated code during execution.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/01-basic.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=4, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 1.23 cusr 0.14 csys = 1.42 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/PSGI with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/encode-psgi-response.t .. 1/24 Saw 1 call to deprecated code during execution.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/encode-psgi-response.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=24, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.00 sys + 1.87 cusr 0.16 csys = 2.08 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/perl6-http-easy with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m... t/ directory found.
Testing modules/Template-Mojo with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/00-basic.t ..... ok
t/01-template.t .. ok
t/02-complex.t ... ok
All tests successful.
Files=3, Tests=21, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 5.74 cusr 0.50 csys = 6.30 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Bailador with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-route-existance.t ... 1/4 Saw 2 calls to deprecated code during execution.
%!routes = itemized hash called at:
src/gen/m-CORE.setting, line 882
Please use %!routes = %(itemized hash) instead.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/01-route-existance.t ... ok
t/02-response-status.t ... 1/4 Saw 2 calls to deprecated code during execution.
%!routes = itemized hash called at:
src/gen/m-CORE.setting, line 882
Please use %!routes = %(itemized hash) instead.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/02-response-status.t ... ok
t/03-response-content.t .. 1/7 Saw 2 calls to deprecated code during execution.
%!routes = itemized hash called at:
src/gen/m-CORE.setting, line 882
Please use %!routes = %(itemized hash) instead.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/03-response-content.t .. ok
t/04-templates.t ......... 1/1 Saw 2 calls to deprecated code during execution.
%!routes = itemized hash called at:
src/gen/m-CORE.setting, line 882
Please use %!routes = %(itemized hash) instead.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/04-templates.t ......... ok
t/05-post-content.t ...... 1/3 Saw 2 calls to deprecated code during execution.
%!routes = itemized hash called at:
src/gen/m-CORE.setting, line 882
Please use %!routes = %(itemized hash) instead.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/05-post-content.t ...... ok
All tests successful.
Files=5, Tests=19, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.02 sys + 9.97 cusr 0.86 csys = 10.91 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/DBIish with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/05-mock.t ........... ok
t/10-mysql.t .......... ok
t/25-mysql-common.t ... ok
t/30-Pg.t ............. ok
t/35-Pg-common.t ...... ok
t/40-sqlite-common.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=6, Tests=218, 22 wallclock secs ( 0.11 usr 0.01 sys + 21.38 cusr 1.08 csys = 22.58 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/jsonrpc with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/client.t .. ok
t/server.t .. 25/29 Saw 1 call to deprecated code during execution.
%HTTPCODES = itemized hash called at:
/home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/languages/perl6/lib/HTTP/Status.pm6, line 9
Please use %HTTPCODES = %(itemized hash) instead.
Please contact the author to have these calls to deprecated code adapted,
so that this message will disappear!
t/server.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=68, 20 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr 0.01 sys + 19.03 cusr 0.44 csys = 19.55 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/Pod-To-HTML with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/01-basic.t .... ok
t/02-code.t ..... ok
t/03-comment.t .. ok
t/04-lists.t .... use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context
t/04-lists.t .... 1/3 use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context
use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context
t/04-lists.t .... ok
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=8, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.01 sys + 6.98 cusr 0.65 csys = 7.69 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/doc with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m...
t/typegraph.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=8, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 4.37 cusr 0.20 csys = 4.62 CPU)
Result: PASS
Testing modules/rakudo-debugger with /home/ak/projects/perl6/star/work-moar/rakudo-star-2014.07/install/bin/perl6-m... t/ directory found.
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