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Last active September 22, 2016 21:08
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  • Save awesome/4458086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save awesome/4458086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
got ffaker gem documentation? me neither, but here's a list of the class methods… so awesome 😂!

following markdown quoted from

Faker::Address                     #=> "Autumnside"
                                        #=> "South Brielleberg"
                                        #=> "West Alvera"

Faker::Address.street_name              #=> "Greyson Rapid"
                                        #=> "Hoppe Grove"
                                        #=> "Reichert Lights"

Faker::Address.street_address           #=> "98786 Neal Motorway"
                                        #=> "6619 Yvonne Dale"
                                        #=> "6143 Bailey Plaza"

Faker::Address.secondary_address        #=> "Suite 560"
                                        #=> "Apt. 332"
                                        #=> "Apt. 411"

Faker::Company                     #=> "Pouros-Ondricka"
                                        #=> "Ward Group"
                                        #=> "Walter-Romaguera"

Faker::Company.suffix                   #=> "and Sons"
                                        #=> "LLC"
                                        #=> "and Sons"

Faker::Company.catch_phrase             #=> "Versatile mobile help-desk"
                                        #=> "Extended fresh-thinking utilisation"
                                        #=> "Reactive coherent flexibility"                       #=> "extend one-to-one convergence"
                                        #=> "architect 24/7 interfaces"
                                        #=> "revolutionize viral vortals"

Faker::Company.position                 #=> "General Corporate President"
                                        #=> "Executive Department Consultant"
                                        #=> "Associate Director"

Faker::Education                 #=> "Larkwood Institution"
                                        #=> "Whiteshire School"
                                        #=> "California International College"                 #=> "Bachelor of Science in Political Administration"
                                        #=> "Doctor of Medicine in Marketing Economics"
                                        #=> "Bachelor of Music in Marketing Development"

Faker::Education.degree_short           #=> "MD in Industrial Arts"
                                        #=> "DPhil in Social Management"
                                        #=> "AB in Political Science"

Faker::Education.major                  #=> "Financial Philosophy"
                                        #=> "Social Arts"
                                        #=> "Business Accountancy"

Faker::Education.school_name            #=> "Larkfield"
                                        #=> "Northshire"
                                        #=> "Lakepoint"

Faker::Geolocation                  #=> 40.89505
                                        #=> 41.77117
                                        #=> 41.022921

Faker::Geolocation.lng                  #=> -115.120716573
                                        #=> -118.427610513239
                                        #=> -72.204989

Faker::Internet                   #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"

Faker::Internet.user_name               #=> "emory"
                                        #=> "janelle_schamberger"
                                        #=> "brigitte.dooley"

Faker::Internet.domain_name             #=> ""
                                        #=> ""
                                        #=> ""

Faker::Internet.disposable_email        #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"

Faker::Internet.free_email              #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"
                                        #=> "[email protected]"

Faker::Internet.domain_word             #=> "purdykutch"
                                        #=> "sauer"
                                        #=> "trantowmaggio"

Faker::Internet.domain_suffix           #=> "us"
                                        #=> "info"
                                        #=> "biz"


Faker::Job.title                        #=> "Future Data Assistant"
                                        #=> "Product Division Technician"
                                        #=> "Product Research Developer"


Faker::Lorem.word                       #=> "sint"
                                        #=> "sit"
                                        #=> "omnis"

Faker::Lorem.sentence                   #=> "Expedita et aspernatur eum sit ipsam culpa."
                                        #=> "Rem sunt voluptatem laborum dolores."
                                        #=> "Ad explicabo atque culpa."

Faker::Lorem.paragraph                  #=> "Quidem deserunt qui atque labore sunt quis laborum. Et iste
                                        #    laudantium nobis adipisci delectus. Quod vero repudiandae m
                                        #    agni repellat totam. Id ullam a aperiam et laboriosam. Volup
                                        #    tas aut perspiciatis o..."
                                        #=> "Dolor et quae quisquam placeat. Accusantium quidem totam no
                                        #    n et deleniti accusamus hic. Iure quidem inventore molestiae
                                        #    harum magni dolor. Deleniti ex a voluptas nihil temporibus.
                                        #    "
                                        #=> "Fugiat sapiente vero voluptatum natus assumenda quam beatae
                                        #    in. Nemo velit incidunt dolor perspiciatis. Ipsum minima oc
                                        #    caecati est laudantium ducimus libero. Et fugit et adipisci
                                        #    molestias. Cupiditate ..."

Faker::Lorem.words(4)                   #=> ["repellat", "quos", "amet", "voluptatem"]
                                        #=> ["porro", "molestias", "ut", "qui"]
                                        #=> ["blanditiis", "soluta", "enim", "fugit"]

Faker::Lorem.sentence(5)                #=> "Laborum sint voluptate voluptatem rem doloremque et incidun
                                        #    t itaque."
                                        #=> "Autem atque eum laborum alias perspiciatis debitis suscipit
                                        #    deserunt sint."
                                        #=> "Quaerat nam consectetur eum dolor deleniti tempore doloremq
                                        #    ue et aspernatur."

Faker::Lorem.sentences(3)               #=> ["Culpa debitis architecto est.", "Quo et voluptatem distinc
                                        #    tio repellendus qui cupiditate.", "Quo repellendus ut eius."
                                        #    ]
                                        #=> ["Quos nihil dolorem quidem maxime.", "Expedita ab veniam do
                                        #    lorum at et placeat iure.", "In perspiciatis cupiditate amet
                                        #    non saepe consequatur molestias minus."]
                                        #=> ["Quasi velit et voluptas est.", "Dolores ut dolor aut repel
                                        #    lat fuga minima sed quia.", "Eum id minus atque ex modi."]

Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(3)              #=> ["Iusto mollitia sequi nam perspiciatis fuga aut. Modi moles
                                        #    tiae consectetur architecto et dolorem aut perferendis. Cumq
                                        #    ue rerum aliquam sapiente. Dolorum quo reiciendis nemo vero.
                                        #    Quo earum explicabo pariatur.", "Possimus omnis accusamus f
                                        #    uga. Harum sint facere sed dolor itaque quia. Ullam optio at
                                        #    que vel nihil facilis quidem accusantium sint.", "Itaque per
                                        #    ferendis saepe pariatur maxime expedita laborum qui. Ea nemo
                                        #    dolor aut. In sed sit minus itaque sit."]
                                        #=> ["Ducimus non quo qui doloremque aperiam aspernatur. Consequ
                                        #    atur id qui sit occaecati. Incidunt tempora quia et. Esse vo
                                        #    luptatem debitis similique ab totam sit. Illo neque vel face
                                        #    re maxime voluptatum non voluptatem.", "Aut eveniet consequa
                                        #    tur laudantium veniam qui dolores. Provident pariatur perspi
                                        #    ciatis id. Eum iste id quasi. Esse nihil quis rerum laudanti
                                        #    um aliquam molestiae eum tempora.", "Quia porro sint numquam
                                        #    qui. Ut sint reiciendis quis pariatur veniam nesciunt optio
                                        #    . Officia unde fugit distinctio dolorem voluptatem incidunt.
                                        #    Ex omnis sit et non aut."]
                                        #=> ["Dicta consequatur sapiente saepe fugiat ut. Necessitatibus
                                        #    enim explicabo qui fugiat occaecati expedita quis. Quo iust
                                        #    o magnam facere nihil earum.", "In deleniti explicabo veniam
                                        #    dolorem temporibus enim. Delectus exercitationem ipsum dolo
                                        #    r modi. Aut quia voluptas velit sint aperiam sed eveniet.",
                                        #    "Quo doloribus explicabo ut magnam quasi. Voluptatem debitis
                                        #    quaerat aperiam. Accusantium quis voluptatem dolorem."]


Faker::HipsterIpsum.paragraph           #=> "Wayfarers mustache thundercats pitchfork messenger bag high
                                        #    life. Beard messenger bag wayfarers squid vinyl letterpress
                                        #    party iphone jean shorts. Lomo irony before they sold out e
                                        #    thical wayfarers scene..."
                                        #=> "Tofu stumptown cliche sartorial vhs letterpress keffiyeh wi
                                        #    lliamsburg. Whatever jean shorts williamsburg lomo salvia fo
                                        #    od truck 8-bit. Cosby sweater portland artisan wayfarers vhs
                                        #    photo booth."
                                        #=> "Skateboard fanny pack wes anderson sartorial cred gluten-fr
                                        #    ee vinyl marfa locavore. Messenger bag master cleanse mlkshk
                                        #    vegan thundercats beard wes anderson brunch. Helvetica mess
                                        #    enger bag lo-fi four l..."


Faker::HTMLIpsum.body                   #=> "<h1>Exercitationem et</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Eligendi</t
                                        #    h><th>Vel</th><th>Sed</th><th>At</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr
                                        #    ><..."
                                        #=> "<h1>Excepturi sequi</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Quam</th><th>
                                        #    Eius</th><th>Quibusdam</th><th>Totam</th></tr></thead><tbody
                                        #    ><tr>..."
                                        #=> "<h1>Iusto voluptatem</h1><p>Laborum velit ducimus eius. Mol
                                        #    estiae id vel ipsam a accusantium et ut. Sunt et fugiat qui
                                        #    sint ab quia. Eum ut molestiae cumque molestiae error volupt
                                        #    ates. Ipsum molestiae ..."

Faker::HTMLIpsum.table                  #=> "<table><thead><tr><th>Voluptatem</th><th>Porro</th><th>Tene
                                        #    tur</th><th>Facilis</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Numquam<
                                        #    /t..."
                                        #=> "<table><thead><tr><th>Impedit</th><th>Voluptatem</th><th>Qu
                                        #    i</th><th>Est</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Nihil</td>..."
                                        #=> "<table><thead><tr><th>Iste</th><th>Et</th><th>Sequi</th><th
                                        #    >Et</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Blanditiis</td>..."

Faker::HTMLIpsum.fancy_string           #=> "<a href=\"#distinctio\" title=\"Tenetur explicabo\">Velit e
                                        #    st</a> <code>aperiam reiciendis</code> Consectetur aut hic e
                                        #    um quisquam. Dolore aut rerum dolor accusantium ab repellend
                                        #    us magni. Deserunt optio o..."
                                        #=> "Et vel similique ullam accusantium laboriosam. Sit ut ea to
                                        #    tam. Iusto praesentium ut molestiae. Voluptatem laudantium a
                                        #    ut qui adipisci. Est saepe repellendus qui blanditiis volupt
                                        #    ates sed odit ullam. <..."
                                        #=> "Neque et omnis ipsam ad culpa maiores inventore. Laborum cu
                                        #    m est fugit libero repellendus vero. Modi pariatur sunt tene
                                        #    tur soluta inventore ratione. Iste consequuntur quia omnis n
                                        #    umquam excepturi quod ..."

Faker::Name                        #=> "Trevion Herman V"
                                        #=> "Aracely Balistreri"
                                        #=> "Daphnee Terry Sr."

Faker::Name.first_name                  #=> "Aliza"
                                        #=> "Joseph"
                                        #=> "Orland"

Faker::Name.last_name                   #=> "Hand"
                                        #=> "Macejkovic"
                                        #=> "Heller"

Faker::Name.prefix                      #=> "Dr."
                                        #=> "Ms."
                                        #=> "Mr."

Faker::Name.suffix                      #=> "I"
                                        #=> "III"
                                        #=> "DDS"


Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number         #=> "335-364-4549 x430"
                                        #=> "040-278-4021 x753"
                                        #=> "420.645.4382"

Faker::PhoneNumber.short_phone_number   #=> "473-412-3192"
                                        #=> "353-084-1297"
                                        #=> "080-546-2356"


Faker::Product.brand                    #=> "Trouffeforge"
                                        #=> "VIG"
                                        #=> "NDZ"

Faker::Product.product_name             #=> "Air HD Viewer"
                                        #=> "HD Kit"
                                        #=> "Air HD Bridge"

Faker::Product.product                  #=> "Amnix Air HD Tuner"
                                        #=> "Panapod Audible Filter"
                                        #=> "Phuffe Disc Receiver"

Faker::Product.model                    #=> "I-422"
                                        #=> "J89"
                                        #=> "L6"

Faker::NameCN                      #=> "姵书虞"
                                        #=> "修男嵇"
                                        #=> "瑜人军"

Faker::NameCN.last_first                #=> "向坚舜"
                                        #=> "疏骏哲"
                                        #=> "秘合雪"

Faker::NameCN.first_name                #=> "佑淑"
                                        #=> "燕谦"
                                        #=> "重生"

Faker::NameCN.last_name                 #=> "释"
                                        #=> "巩"
                                        #=> "麻"

Faker::NameDE                      #=> "Noelle Schuster"
                                        #=> "Bendix Schmid"
                                        #=> "Azra Neumann"

Faker::NameDE.first_name                #=> "Victoria"
                                        #=> "Lotta"
                                        #=> "Mads"

Faker::NameDE.last_name                 #=> "Martin"
                                        #=> "Klein"
                                        #=> "Walter"

Faker::NameDE.prefix                    #=> "Frau"
                                        #=> "Prof."
                                        #=> "Prof."

Faker::NameJA                      #=> "飛鳥田部"
                                        #=> "未杉浦"
                                        #=> "功本間"

Faker::NameJA.last_first                #=> "青木杏子"
                                        #=> "棚原大貴"
                                        #=> "知名翔"

Faker::NameJA.first_name                #=> "巴"
                                        #=> "浩子"
                                        #=> "沙耶"

Faker::NameJA.last_name                 #=> "小栗"
                                        #=> "高江洲"
                                        #=> "友寄"

Faker::NameRU                      #=> "Стелла Карнилина"
                                        #=> "Евгения Мазовская"
                                        #=> "Кузьма Ваиренко"

Faker::NameRU.last_name                 #=> "Манишева"
                                        #=> "Тюлева"
                                        #=> "Понченко"

Faker::NameRU.first_name                #=> "Артур"
                                        #=> "Руслана"
                                        #=> "Зинаида"

Faker::NameRU.patronymic                #=> "Мечеславович"
                                        #=> "Ионович"
                                        #=> "Исаевич"               #=> "Слежиков Роман Всеволодович"
                                        #=> "Осип Мугрузин"
                                        #=> "Джиджаев Гавриил Леванович"             #=> "Зиядтдинова Полина Людвиговна"
                                        #=> "Андреева Тереза Арсеновна"
                                        #=> "Дарина Минхазова"


Faker::NameSN.name_sn                   #=> "mame Djaly Mbodj"
                                        #=> "Hatab Samy"
                                        #=> "Niouma Dramé"

Faker::NameSN.name_male                 #=> "serigne Yakou Diagne"
                                        #=> "serigne Sécouba Diagne"
                                        #=> "Sihalébé Badji"

Faker::NameSN.name_female               #=> "Thiomba Niang"
                                        #=> "adjaratou Kiné Panduppy"
                                        #=> "Nini Gakou"

Faker::NameSN.first_name_male           #=> "Khoudia"
                                        #=> "Sanokho"
                                        #=> "Diomaye"

Faker::NameSN.first_name_female         #=> "Assa"
                                        #=> "Sahaba"
                                        #=> "Manthita"

Faker::NameSN.prefix_male               #=> "eladji"
                                        #=> "eladji"
                                        #=> "serigne"

Faker::NameSN.prefix_female             #=> "adjaratou"
                                        #=> "adja"
                                        #=> "adja"


Faker::PhoneNumberAU.phone_number       #=> "0495 539 191"
                                        #=> "(05) 6838 2406"
                                        #=> "0496 013 652"


Faker::PhoneNumberSN.phone_number       #=> "77-356-93-09"
                                        #=> "33-891-67-75"
                                        #=> "33-886-02-02"
# $ irb
require 'ffaker'
# => true
(Faker.constants - Object.constants).sort.each {|o| puts x = "Faker::#{o}"; ((y = Faker.const_get(o)).methods - Object.methods).sort.each {|oo| z = y.method(oo).arity; puts "#{x}.#{oo}#{"(#{z} arg#{"s" unless z == 1})" if z > 0}"}}
# Faker::Address
# Faker::Address.city_prefix
# Faker::Address.city_suffix
# Faker::Address.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Address.neighborhood
# Faker::Address.secondary_address
# Faker::Address.street_address
# Faker::Address.street_name
# Faker::Address.street_suffix
# Faker::Address.uk_country
# Faker::Address.uk_county
# Faker::Address.uk_postcode
# Faker::Address.us_state
# Faker::Address.us_state_abbr
# Faker::Address.zip_code
# Faker::AddressAU
# Faker::AddressAU.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressAU.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressAU.full_address
# Faker::AddressAU.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressAU.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressAU.postcode
# Faker::AddressAU.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressAU.state
# Faker::AddressAU.state_abbr
# Faker::AddressAU.street_address
# Faker::AddressAU.street_name
# Faker::AddressAU.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressAU.uk_country
# Faker::AddressAU.uk_county
# Faker::AddressAU.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressAU.us_state
# Faker::AddressAU.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressAU.zip_code
# Faker::AddressCA
# Faker::AddressCA.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressCA.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressCA.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressCA.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressCA.postal_code
# Faker::AddressCA.province
# Faker::AddressCA.province_abbr
# Faker::AddressCA.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressCA.street_address
# Faker::AddressCA.street_name
# Faker::AddressCA.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressCA.uk_country
# Faker::AddressCA.uk_county
# Faker::AddressCA.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressCA.us_state
# Faker::AddressCA.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressCA.zip_code
# Faker::AddressDE
# Faker::AddressDE.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressDE.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressDE.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressDE.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressDE.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressDE.state
# Faker::AddressDE.street_address
# Faker::AddressDE.street_name
# Faker::AddressDE.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressDE.uk_country
# Faker::AddressDE.uk_county
# Faker::AddressDE.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressDE.us_state
# Faker::AddressDE.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressDE.zip_code
# Faker::AddressSN
# Faker::AddressSN.arrondissement
# Faker::AddressSN.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressSN.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressSN.departement
# Faker::AddressSN.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressSN.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressSN.region
# Faker::AddressSN.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressSN.street_address
# Faker::AddressSN.street_name
# Faker::AddressSN.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressSN.uk_country
# Faker::AddressSN.uk_county
# Faker::AddressSN.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressSN.us_state
# Faker::AddressSN.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressSN.zip_code
# Faker::AddressUK
# Faker::AddressUK.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressUK.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressUK.county
# Faker::AddressUK.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressUK.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressUK.postcode
# Faker::AddressUK.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressUK.street_address
# Faker::AddressUK.street_name
# Faker::AddressUK.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressUK.uk_country
# Faker::AddressUK.uk_county
# Faker::AddressUK.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressUK.us_state
# Faker::AddressUK.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressUK.zip_code
# Faker::AddressUS
# Faker::AddressUS.city_prefix
# Faker::AddressUS.city_suffix
# Faker::AddressUS.k(1 arg)
# Faker::AddressUS.neighborhood
# Faker::AddressUS.secondary_address
# Faker::AddressUS.state
# Faker::AddressUS.state_abbr
# Faker::AddressUS.street_address
# Faker::AddressUS.street_name
# Faker::AddressUS.street_suffix
# Faker::AddressUS.uk_country
# Faker::AddressUS.uk_county
# Faker::AddressUS.uk_postcode
# Faker::AddressUS.us_state
# Faker::AddressUS.us_state_abbr
# Faker::AddressUS.zip_code
# Faker::ArrayUtils
# Faker::ArrayUtils.const_array(1 arg)
# Faker::ArrayUtils.freeze_all(1 arg)
# Faker::ArrayUtils.rand(1 arg)
# Faker::ArrayUtils.random_pick(2 args)
# Faker::ArrayUtils.shuffle(1 arg)
# Faker::Company
# Faker::Company.catch_phrase
# Faker::Company.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Company.position
# Faker::Company.suffix
# Faker::Education
# Faker::Education.degree_short
# Faker::Education.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Education.major
# Faker::Education.school_generic_name
# Faker::Education.school_name
# Faker::Geolocation
# Faker::Geolocation.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Geolocation.lng
# Faker::HTMLIpsum
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.a
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.body
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.dl
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.fancy_string
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.k(1 arg)
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.ol_long
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.ol_short
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.p
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.table
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.ul_links
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.ul_long
# Faker::HTMLIpsum.ul_short
# Faker::HipsterIpsum
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.k(1 arg)
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.paragraph
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.paragraphs
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.phrase
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.phrases
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.sentence
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.sentences
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.word
# Faker::HipsterIpsum.words
# Faker::Internet
# Faker::Internet.disposable_email
# Faker::Internet.domain_name
# Faker::Internet.domain_suffix
# Faker::Internet.domain_word
# Faker::Internet.free_email
# Faker::Internet.http_url
# Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address
# Faker::Internet.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Internet.uri(1 arg)
# Faker::Internet.user_name
# Faker::Job
# Faker::Job.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Job.title
# Faker::LETTERS
# Faker::LETTERS.&(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.*(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.+(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.-(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.<<(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.[]
# Faker::LETTERS.[]=
# Faker::LETTERS.all?
# Faker::LETTERS.any?
# Faker::LETTERS.append(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.assoc(1 arg)
# arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.chunk
# Faker::LETTERS.clear
# Faker::LETTERS.collect
# Faker::LETTERS.collect!
# Faker::LETTERS.collect_concat
# Faker::LETTERS.combination(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.compact
# Faker::LETTERS.compact!
# Faker::LETTERS.concat(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.count
# Faker::LETTERS.cycle
# Faker::LETTERS.delete(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.delete_at(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.delete_if
# Faker::LETTERS.detect
# Faker::LETTERS.detect_mapped
# Faker::LETTERS.drop(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.drop_while
# Faker::LETTERS.each
# Faker::LETTERS.each_cons(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.each_entry
# Faker::LETTERS.each_index
# Faker::LETTERS.each_slice(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.each_with_index
# Faker::LETTERS.each_with_object(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.empty?
# Faker::LETTERS.encode_json(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.entries
# Faker::LETTERS.exclude?(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.extract_options!
# Faker::LETTERS.fetch
# Faker::LETTERS.fifth
# Faker::LETTERS.fill
# Faker::LETTERS.find
# Faker::LETTERS.find_all
# Faker::LETTERS.find_index
# Faker::LETTERS.first
# Faker::LETTERS.flat_map
# Faker::LETTERS.flatten
# Faker::LETTERS.flatten!
# Faker::LETTERS.forty_two
# Faker::LETTERS.fourth
# Faker::LETTERS.freeze_all
# Faker::LETTERS.from(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.grep(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.group_by
# Faker::LETTERS.in_groups
# Faker::LETTERS.in_groups_of
# Faker::LETTERS.index
# Faker::LETTERS.index_by
# Faker::LETTERS.inject
# Faker::LETTERS.insert
# Faker::LETTERS.join
# Faker::LETTERS.keep_if
# Faker::LETTERS.last
# Faker::LETTERS.length
# Faker::LETTERS.many?
# Faker::LETTERS.max
# Faker::LETTERS.max_by
# Faker::LETTERS.member?(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.min
# Faker::LETTERS.min_by
# Faker::LETTERS.minmax
# Faker::LETTERS.minmax_by
# Faker::LETTERS.none?
# Faker::LETTERS.pack(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.partition
# Faker::LETTERS.permutation
# Faker::LETTERS.pop
# Faker::LETTERS.prepend
# Faker::LETTERS.product
# Faker::LETTERS.push
# Faker::LETTERS.rand
# Faker::LETTERS.random_pick(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.rassoc(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.reduce
# Faker::LETTERS.reject
# Faker::LETTERS.reject!
# Faker::LETTERS.repeated_combination(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.repeated_permutation(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.replace(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.reverse
# Faker::LETTERS.reverse!
# Faker::LETTERS.reverse_each
# Faker::LETTERS.rindex
# Faker::LETTERS.rotate
# Faker::LETTERS.rotate!
# Faker::LETTERS.sample
# Faker::LETTERS.second
# Faker::LETTERS.shelljoin
# Faker::LETTERS.shift
# Faker::LETTERS.shuffle
# Faker::LETTERS.shuffle!
# Faker::LETTERS.size
# Faker::LETTERS.slice
# Faker::LETTERS.slice!
# Faker::LETTERS.slice_before
# Faker::LETTERS.sort
# Faker::LETTERS.sort!
# Faker::LETTERS.sort_by
# Faker::LETTERS.sort_by!
# Faker::LETTERS.split
# Faker::LETTERS.sum
# Faker::LETTERS.take(1 arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.take_while
# Faker::LETTERS.third
# arg)
# Faker::LETTERS.to_a
# Faker::LETTERS.to_ary
# Faker::LETTERS.to_default_s
# Faker::LETTERS.to_formatted_s
# Faker::LETTERS.to_sentence
# Faker::LETTERS.to_set
# Faker::LETTERS.to_xml
# Faker::LETTERS.transpose
# Faker::LETTERS.uniq
# Faker::LETTERS.uniq!
# Faker::LETTERS.uniq_by
# Faker::LETTERS.uniq_by!
# Faker::LETTERS.unshift
# Faker::LETTERS.values_at
# Faker::LETTERS.|(1 arg)
# Faker::Lorem
# Faker::Lorem.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Lorem.paragraph
# Faker::Lorem.paragraphs
# Faker::Lorem.phrase
# Faker::Lorem.phrases
# Faker::Lorem.sentence
# Faker::Lorem.sentences
# Faker::Lorem.word
# Faker::Lorem.words
# Faker::LoremCN
# Faker::LoremCN.k(1 arg)
# Faker::LoremCN.paragraph
# Faker::LoremCN.paragraphs
# Faker::LoremCN.sentence
# Faker::LoremCN.sentences
# Faker::LoremCN.word
# Faker::LoremCN.words
# Faker::ModuleUtils
# Faker::Name
# Faker::Name.first_name
# Faker::Name.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Name.last_name
# Faker::Name.prefix
# Faker::Name.suffix
# Faker::NameCN
# Faker::NameCN.first_name
# Faker::NameCN.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameCN.last_first
# Faker::NameCN.last_name
# Faker::NameDE
# Faker::NameDE.first_name
# Faker::NameDE.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameDE.last_name
# Faker::NameDE.prefix
# Faker::NameDE.suffix
# Faker::NameJA
# Faker::NameJA.first_name
# Faker::NameJA.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameJA.last_first
# Faker::NameJA.last_name
# Faker::NameKR
# Faker::NameKR.first_name
# Faker::NameKR.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameKR.last_first
# Faker::NameKR.last_name
# Faker::NameRU
# Faker::NameRU.first_name
# Faker::NameRU.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameRU.last_name
# Faker::NameRU.patronymic
# Faker::NameRU.prefix
# Faker::NameRU.suffix
# Faker::NameRU.with_same_sex
# Faker::NameSN
# Faker::NameSN.first_name_female
# Faker::NameSN.first_name_male
# Faker::NameSN.k(1 arg)
# Faker::NameSN.last_name
# Faker::NameSN.name_female
# Faker::NameSN.name_male
# Faker::NameSN.name_sn
# Faker::NameSN.prefix_female
# Faker::NameSN.prefix_male
# Faker::PhoneNumber
# Faker::PhoneNumber.k(1 arg)
# Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumber.short_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.country_code
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.home_work_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.home_work_phone_prefix
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.international_home_work_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.international_mobile_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.international_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.k(1 arg)
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.mobile_phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.mobile_phone_prefix
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberAU.phone_prefix
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.country_code
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.fixed_line_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.international_toll_free_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.k(1 arg)
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.mobile_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.mobile_or_pager_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.premium_service_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.toll_free_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSG.voip_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.homework_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.homework_phone_prefix
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.k(1 arg)
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.mobile_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.mobile_phone_prefix
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.phone_number
# Faker::PhoneNumberSN.short_phone_number
# Faker::Product
# Faker::Product.brand
# Faker::Product.k(1 arg)
# Faker::Product.letters(1 arg)
# Faker::Product.model
# Faker::Product.product
# Faker::Product.product_name
# Faker::VERSION
# Faker::VERSION.%(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.*(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.+(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.<<(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.[]
# Faker::VERSION.[]=
# Faker::VERSION.acts_like_string?
# Faker::VERSION.ascii_only?
# arg)
# Faker::VERSION.between?(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.bytes
# Faker::VERSION.bytesize
# Faker::VERSION.byteslice
# Faker::VERSION.camelcase
# Faker::VERSION.camelize
# Faker::VERSION.capitalize
# Faker::VERSION.capitalize!
# Faker::VERSION.casecmp(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.chars
# Faker::VERSION.chomp
# Faker::VERSION.chomp!
# Faker::VERSION.chop
# Faker::VERSION.chop!
# Faker::VERSION.chr
# Faker::VERSION.classify
# Faker::VERSION.clear
# Faker::VERSION.codepoints
# Faker::VERSION.concat(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.constantize
# Faker::VERSION.count
# Faker::VERSION.crypt(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.dasherize
# Faker::VERSION.deconstantize
# Faker::VERSION.delete
# Faker::VERSION.delete!
# Faker::VERSION.demodulize
# Faker::VERSION.downcase
# Faker::VERSION.downcase!
# Faker::VERSION.dump
# Faker::VERSION.each_byte
# Faker::VERSION.each_char
# Faker::VERSION.each_codepoint
# Faker::VERSION.each_line
# Faker::VERSION.empty?
# Faker::VERSION.encode
# Faker::VERSION.encode!
# Faker::VERSION.encode_json(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.encoding
# Faker::VERSION.encoding_aware?
# Faker::VERSION.end_with?
# Faker::VERSION.ends_with?
# Faker::VERSION.exclude?(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.first
# Faker::VERSION.force_encoding(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.foreign_key
# Faker::VERSION.from(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.getbyte(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.gsub
# Faker::VERSION.gsub!
# Faker::VERSION.hex
# Faker::VERSION.html_safe
# Faker::VERSION.humanize
# Faker::VERSION.index
# Faker::VERSION.inquiry
# Faker::VERSION.insert(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.intern
# Faker::VERSION.is_utf8?
# Faker::VERSION.last
# Faker::VERSION.length
# Faker::VERSION.lines
# Faker::VERSION.ljust
# Faker::VERSION.lstrip
# Faker::VERSION.lstrip!
# Faker::VERSION.match
# Faker::VERSION.mb_chars
# Faker::VERSION.oct
# Faker::VERSION.ord
# Faker::VERSION.parameterize
# Faker::VERSION.partition(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.pluralize
# Faker::VERSION.prepend(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.replace(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.reverse
# Faker::VERSION.reverse!
# Faker::VERSION.rindex
# Faker::VERSION.rjust
# Faker::VERSION.rpartition(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.rstrip
# Faker::VERSION.rstrip!
# Faker::VERSION.safe_constantize
# Faker::VERSION.scan(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.setbyte(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.shellescape
# Faker::VERSION.shellsplit
# Faker::VERSION.singularize
# Faker::VERSION.size
# Faker::VERSION.slice
# Faker::VERSION.slice!
# Faker::VERSION.split
# Faker::VERSION.squeeze
# Faker::VERSION.squeeze!
# Faker::VERSION.squish
# Faker::VERSION.squish!
# Faker::VERSION.start_with?
# Faker::VERSION.starts_with?
# Faker::VERSION.strip
# Faker::VERSION.strip!
# Faker::VERSION.strip_heredoc
# Faker::VERSION.sub
# Faker::VERSION.sub!
# Faker::VERSION.succ
# Faker::VERSION.succ!
# Faker::VERSION.sum
# Faker::VERSION.swapcase
# Faker::VERSION.swapcase!
# Faker::VERSION.tableize
# Faker::VERSION.titlecase
# Faker::VERSION.titleize
# arg)
# Faker::VERSION.to_c
# Faker::VERSION.to_d
# Faker::VERSION.to_date
# Faker::VERSION.to_datetime
# Faker::VERSION.to_f
# Faker::VERSION.to_i
# Faker::VERSION.to_json_raw
# Faker::VERSION.to_json_raw_object
# Faker::VERSION.to_r
# Faker::VERSION.to_str
# Faker::VERSION.to_sym
# Faker::VERSION.to_time
# args)
#!(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.tr_s(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.tr_s!(2 args)
# Faker::VERSION.truncate
# Faker::VERSION.underscore
# Faker::VERSION.unpack(1 arg)
# Faker::VERSION.upcase
# Faker::VERSION.upcase!
# Faker::VERSION.upto
# Faker::VERSION.valid_encoding?
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