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Anton Vinogradov awinogradov

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module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
// Enb targets
var fs = require('fs');
var targetsList = [],
htmlList = [],
cssList = ['desktop.bundles/common/common.css', 'desktop.bundles/common/', 'desktop.bundles/common/common.ie8.css', 'desktop.bundles/common/common.ie9.css'],
jsList = ['desktop.bundles/common/common.js'];
// If you are using borschik to expand links (bem make and enb do this for you)
// you could use this hack for any jQuery plugin found in the wild
modules.define('i-jquery__my-plugin', ['jquery'], function(provide, $){
var jQuery = $,
window = {jQuery: jQuery};
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
git clone git:// Package\ Control
cd Package\ Control
git checkout python3
# restart Sublime Text 3 and you should have Package Control working
if defined?(RSpec)
namespace :rcov do do |task|
task.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb'
task.rspec_opts = "--format progress"
task.rcov = true
task.rcov_opts = "--rails --exclude osx\/objc,spec,gems\/ " +
"--aggregate tmp/"