Save moomerman/4674060 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/ | |
git clone git://github.com/wbond/sublime_package_control.git Package\ Control | |
cd Package\ Control | |
git checkout python3 | |
# restart Sublime Text 3 and you should have Package Control working |
Great... Thanks!
Ctrl+Shit+P works. but the list of repositories does not come up for >Install
I am in the same boat as picwellwisher12pk. I'm on the latest ubuntu release, with build ST 3021.
I did rm -rf ~/.config/sublime-text-3; Started ST3, put in my license key. Then...
john@paloalto:~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages$ git clone https://github.com/wbond/sublime_package_control.git "Package Control"
Cloning into 'PackageControl'...
remote: Counting objects: 1095, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (404/404), done.
remote: Total 1095 (delta 708), reused 1066 (delta 680)
Receiving objects: 100% (1095/1095), 394.27 KiB | 442 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (708/708), done.
I restarted sublime. Then type control + shift + P, then type Package Control: Install package. It autocompletes it for me, when I hit enter though... nothing happens. No list of packages/repositories.
When I do Package Control: List Package, it only has 1, 2.0.0alpha3 wbond.. etc etc.
nevermind, I found the answer in the bug reports. ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings this file needs to have the git_binary variable set to '/usr/bin/git'; This should be in the install FAQ somewhere for linux users. It was tricky to find the solution.
(reference: wbond/package_control#375 )
JohnTheodore: Thanks for writing your solution! Helped me.
Excellent. Thank you! This worked perfectly.
I tried what JohnTheodore said but I still can't install Package control on Sublime text 3 on ubuntu 12.04
I followed the instructions and tried it on the standalone 64 bit windows version and it doesn't seem to work.
svassr's comment and link above worked for me on windows 2008 x64.
I had to install in AppRoaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages folder as the blog post in the link states.
I have installed as per the instructions, yet when i hit cmd + sh + P, install does not display!?
OSX 10.8.4
Hi, I tried JohnTheodore's fix on my Ubuntu 12.04 and it work for for the first installs of packages but then it started popping up a message saying "there are no packages available for installation right now".
Can anyone help at all?
For me the git clone command hangs on windows
Works prefectly here, installed snippets already, thanks!
I used to have Sublime text 2 but few days ago found that I cannot open it. Later I found that there is a new version which is Sublime text 3. So I tried to migrated plugins but always had errors. So, I uninstalled Sublime text 2. Now I tried to followed the instruction on the wbond.net and I just lost. I am not familiar with the Git and how to use it while I have one now. Is there any simple ways how to install Control Package for Sublime Text 3 Beta?
Worked great for me, after I read through the instructions. Thanks much for the work
Thank you, this worked out of the box.
Thanks. you made me happy)
Thanks it works perfectly
Just so people know, these instructions are out-of-date. ST3 support was added to the stable release over a year ago, and the branch referenced here no longer even exists. I also highly recommend not checking out with git unless you are prepared to help debug development work. Almost all users should just follow the instructions at:
That link is dead? The whole domain is dead?
This worked great for me. Thanks!
Just what I needed, thanks!
@wbond the site (https://packagecontrol.io/installation) is dead.
it works for me too.. thanks!
Thanks a lot.
It works well in my mac.(El Capitan)
@wbond the site (https://packagecontrol.io/installation) is dead.
@wbond Impossible to reach https://packagecontrol.io/ .... So, impossible to get the code to install Package Control.
@wbond I see the followin errors in console when try to install Package Control from Sublime Text 3:
Error installing Package Control: HTTPS error encountered, falling back to HTTP - <urlopen error [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it>
Error installing Package Control: HTTP error encountered, giving up - <urlopen error [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it>
error: An error occurred installing Package Control
Please check the Console for details
Visit https://packagecontrol.io/installation for manual instructions
Site https://packagecontrol.io/installation is dead.
Thanks! Worked like a charm for me. The instructions on wbond didn't go into enough detail for me.