foundation-topbar-menu.php and foundation-topbar-walker.php should be required in the WordPress functions.php file.
The code in foundation-topbar.php should be added below the body tag in header.php
Setup a menu in WordPress admin under Appearance > Menus
Use the 'label' class on a menu item to create a menu section title
Foundation Top Bar Doc:
Thanks a lot for sharing this. But...I just can't get this to work. Granted, I don't know a lot about these things. I have done as you advised, included the files, added the script as advised at, added the CSS and the menu bar does indeed appear.
It also turns into the mobile menu when I decrease the browser width (Chrome).
But upon clicking on the menu, it does not drop down (I did use the code with the fixes by . How can I troubleshoot this?
I am using this for a Wordpress installtion with a Twenty Twelve Child Theme.