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Last active November 30, 2024 15:38
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OCaml scanner adapted from the Crafting Interpreters book
(* A straightforward adaptation of the Java code for the Scanner in the book Crafting Interpreters, by Robert Nystrom
Original Java code can be found here : *)
type token =
| LeftParen
| RightParen
| LeftBrace
| RightBrace
| Comma
| Dot
| Minus
| Plus
| Semicolon
| Star
| Equal
| EqualEqual
| Bang
| BangEqual
| Less
| LessEqual
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
| Slash
| String of string
| Number of (string * float)
| Identifier of string
| And
| Class
| Else
| False
| For
| Fun
| If
| Nil
| Or
| Print
| Return
| Super
| This
| True
| Var
| While
let number_token_of_string string =
try Number (string, float_of_string string)
with Failure _ ->
print_endline ("Failed to parse number: " ^ string);
raise (Failure "Failed to parse number")
let keywords =
("and", And);
("class", Class);
("else", Else);
("false", False);
("for", For);
("fun", Fun);
("if", If);
("nil", Nil);
("or", Or);
("print", Print);
("return", Return);
("super", Super);
("this", This);
("true", True);
("var", Var);
("while", While);
type error = UnknownCharacter of char | UnterminatedString
type error_log = { on_line : int; error : error }
let message_of_error error =
match error with
| UnknownCharacter c -> Printf.sprintf "Unexpected character: %c" c
| UnterminatedString -> "Unterminated string."
let string_of_error_log log =
Printf.sprintf "(%d: %s)" log.on_line (message_of_error log.error)
let string_of_errors errors = string_of_error_log errors
|> String.concat "; " |> Printf.sprintf "[%s]"
type scanner_state = {
source : string;
tokens : token list;
errors : error_log list;
index : int;
start : int;
line : int;
let string_of_state state =
"{ tokens = %s; errors = %s; current_index = %d; current_line = %d }"
(string_of_tokens state.tokens)
(string_of_errors state.errors)
state.index state.line
let initial_state source =
{ source; tokens = []; errors = []; index = 0; start = 0; line = 1 }
type char_lookup_result = Found of char | OutOfBounds
let current_char state =
if state.index < String.length state.source then
Found state.source.[state.index]
else OutOfBounds
let start_new_lexeme state = { state with start = state.index }
let incr_index state = { state with index = state.index + 1 }
let incr_line state = { state with line = state.line + 1 }
let advance state = (current_char state, incr_index state)
let peek state = current_char state
let peek_next state = peek { state with index = state.index + 1 }
let add_token token state = { state with tokens = token :: state.tokens }
let add_number_token state =
let token =
(String.sub state.source state.start (state.index - state.start))
add_token token state
let add_identifier_or_keyword_token state =
let string =
String.sub state.source state.start (state.index - state.start)
let token =
match List.assoc_opt string keywords with
| Some token -> token
| None -> Identifier string
add_token token state
let add_error error state = { state with errors = error :: state.errors }
let rec next_line state =
let next, state = advance state in
match next with
| OutOfBounds -> state
| Found '\n' -> state |> incr_line
| _ -> next_line state
let rec scan_string state =
let next, state = advance state in
match next with
| OutOfBounds ->
state |> add_error { on_line = state.line; error = UnterminatedString }
| Found '"' ->
let string =
let start_string = state.start + 1 in
let end_string = state.index - 1 in
String.sub state.source start_string (end_string - start_string)
state |> add_token (String string)
| Found _ -> scan_string state
let rec scan_number state =
match peek state with
| Found '0' .. '9' ->
let _, state = advance state in
scan_number state
| Found '.' -> (
match peek_next state with
| Found '0' .. '9' ->
let _, state = advance state in
scan_number state
| _ -> state |> add_number_token)
| _ -> state |> add_number_token
let rec scan_identifier state =
match peek state with
| Found c -> (
match c with
| 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' ->
let _, state = advance state in
scan_identifier state
| _ -> state |> add_identifier_or_keyword_token)
| OutOfBounds -> state |> add_identifier_or_keyword_token
let rec scan state =
let state = start_new_lexeme state in
let next, state = advance state in
match next with
| OutOfBounds -> state |> add_token EOF
| Found c ->
let new_state =
match c with
| '\t' | ' ' -> state
| '\n' -> state |> incr_line
| '(' -> state |> add_token LeftParen
| ')' -> state |> add_token RightParen
| '{' -> state |> add_token LeftBrace
| '}' -> state |> add_token RightBrace
| ',' -> state |> add_token Comma
| '.' -> state |> add_token Dot
| '-' -> state |> add_token Minus
| '+' -> state |> add_token Plus
| ';' -> state |> add_token Semicolon
| '*' -> state |> add_token Star
| '=' -> (
match peek state with
| Found '=' -> state |> incr_index |> add_token EqualEqual
| _ -> state |> add_token Equal)
| '!' -> (
match peek state with
| Found '=' -> state |> incr_index |> add_token BangEqual
| _ -> state |> add_token Bang)
| '<' -> (
match peek state with
| Found '=' -> state |> incr_index |> add_token LessEqual
| _ -> state |> add_token Less)
| '>' -> (
match peek state with
| Found '=' -> state |> incr_index |> add_token GreaterEqual
| _ -> state |> add_token Greater)
| '/' -> (
match peek state with
| Found '/' -> state |> next_line
| _ -> state |> add_token Slash)
| '"' -> scan_string state
| '0' .. '9' -> scan_number state
| 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' -> scan_identifier state
| _ ->
|> add_error { on_line = state.line; error = UnknownCharacter c }
scan new_state
let full_scan source =
let state = scan (initial_state source) in
(List.rev state.tokens, List.rev state.errors)
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