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Last active March 3, 2023 15:42
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Zero to Catlab with Julia

Zero to Catlab with Julia

Install Julia

or via package manager :

sudo apt install julia

Generate Catlab.jl notebooks

Get the Catlab.jl code

git clone
cd Catlab.jl/docs
# open julia repl

Install the dependencies

From the repl, switch to pkg mode by typing ]. The prompt should change to pkg>.

activate .

Backspace to exit pkg mode. Prompt changes back to julia>.

Build the docs project to generate the notebooks

Switch to shell mode by typing ;. Prompt changes to shell.

julia --project=. main.jl

Build can take a while, but should generate Jupyter notebooks into a directory generated.

Open the Catlab.jl project with VSCode, open the notebooks.

Enjoy :)

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