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Created May 9, 2016 18:29
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Big number library in Solidity (for modexp)
// Big number library in Solidity for the purpose of implementing modexp.
// Should have a similar API to
// Internally bignumbers are represented as an uint array of 128 bit values.
// NOTE: it assumes usage with "small" (<256bit) exponents (such as in RSA)
library BigInt {
// Interface with "bytes"
function modexp(bytes b, uint e, bytes m) returns (bytes r) {
return __save128(modexp(__load128(b), e, __load128(m)));
// Interface with "uint[]"
function modexp(uint[] b, uint e, uint[] m) returns (uint[] r) {
// FIXME: implement this, perhaps using Montgomery multiplication
return m; // only here to be able to test __load128/__save128
// A naive approach is the below.
function modexp_naive(bytes b, uint e, bytes m) returns (bytes r) {
r = new bytes(1);
r[0] = 1;
for (; e != 0;) {
if ((e & 1) == 1)
r = __mulmod(r, b, m);
e /= 2;
b = __mulmod(b, b, m);
return r;
// NOTE: these are `private` in order to use internal Solidity calling convention (cheaper)
function __mulmod(bytes a, bytes b, bytes m) private returns (bytes r) {
return __mod(__mul(a, b), m);
function __mod(bytes a, bytes m) private returns (bytes r) {
function __mul(bytes a, bytes b) private returns (bytes r) {
// Parse an arbitrary long number as 128-bit chunks into b[]
function __load128(bytes a) private returns (uint[] b) {
uint s = a.length / 16;
if (a.length % 16 > 0)
b = new uint[](s);
if (s == 0) return b;
// the first 128 bits, as it is left-aligned, we need to take the top
uint tmp;
assembly {
tmp := mload(add(a, 32))
tmp := and(tmp, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000)
tmp := div(tmp, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
b[0] = tmp;
// any subsequent 128 bits means masking the bottom 128 bits
uint j = 2 * 16;
for (uint i = 1; i < s; i++) {
assembly {
tmp := mload(add(a, j))
tmp := and(tmp, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
b[i] = tmp;
j += 16;
function __save128(uint[] a) private returns (bytes b) {
b = new bytes(a.length * 16);
if (a.length == 0) return b;
for (uint i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
uint tmp = a[i];
assembly {
// shift left 128 bits
tmp := mul(tmp, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000)
// store each 128 bit section left aligned
mstore(add(b, add(32, mul(16, i))), tmp)
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