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Created March 30, 2013 21:20
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Edx - 6.00x Lecture 10 Problem 7
class Coordinate(object):
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def getX(self):
# Getter method for a Coordinate object's x coordinate.
# Getter methods are better practice than just accessing an attribute directly
return self.x
def getY(self):
# Getter method for a Coordinate object's y coordinate
return self.y
def __str__(self):
return '<' + str(self.getX()) + ',' + str(self.getY()) + '>'
def __eq__(self, other):
# First make sure `other` is of the same type
assert type(other) == type(self)
# Since `other` is the same type, test if coordinates are equal
return self.getX() == other.getX() and self.getY() == other.getY()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Coordinate(' + str(self.getX()) + ',' + str(self.getY()) + ')'
a = Coordinate(2,3) # Create new object 'a'
b = Coordinate(4,5) # Create new object 'b'
print a.getX() # Print the x value of object 'a'
print a.getY() # Print the y value of object 'a'
print b == a # Compare b with 'a'
print a == b # Compare a with 'b'
# Notice how 'self' and 'other' are swapped during comparison,
# the left object gets assigned to self
print a # How object 'a' is printed by __str__
print repr(a) # How object 'a' is printed by __repr__
# Notice that the way it is printed, looks the same
# as object 'a' itself 'Coordinate(2,3)'.
# Using eval (python's built-in function), we
# can evaluate the value of repr(a), hence the
# example eval(repr(a)) == a
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libswan commented Apr 12, 2013

Nice looking code. Would you mind giving me feedback on my L12 P7 here?

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