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Created February 24, 2018 16:56
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  • adjusted schema key retrieval methods to rely on broader prefixes, no more DRY
  • rename function to have consistent naming
  • handle null case for getting a type string
  • remove type redundancies
  • refactor await in if statement to be more readable
  • call existing function
  • throw error when multiple IMetricsList of same type are found.
import { ChildProgramStatus, ChildProgramType, IChildProgram, IMetric, IMetricsList, MetricType } from '../data';
import { defaultLogger } from '../logging';
import { StorageBackend } from '../storage/backend';
import { mergeIMetricsLists } from './metrics-merger';
import { iMetricsListArrToString } from './utils';
const logger = defaultLogger(__dirname);
* Reads/Write metrics to a storage backend.
export class MetricsStorage {
public static METRICS_TIME_PATTERN = /^metrics\-\d+\.json$/;
* Get the root prefix for a child program.
public static getRootPrefix(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/`;
* Get the depot prefix for a child program.
public static getDepotPrefix(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
return `${MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram)}depot/`;
* Get the storage key for a completed metrics file.
public static getDoneMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
return `${MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram)}metrics.json`;
* Get the storage key for the in-progress metrics file at a given time.
public static getInProgressMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram, time: Date): string {
return `${MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram)}metrics-${time.getTime()}.json`;
* Get the storage key for a single sample metrics file at a given time.
public static getSingleSampleMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram, time: Date): string {
return `${MetricsStorage.getDepotPrefix(childProgram)}metrics-${time.getTime()}.json`;
* Pulls an element that matches the metric type from a list.
public static getSpecificMetricFromList(list: IMetricsList[], type: MetricType): IMetricsList {
list = list.filter((metrics) => metrics.type === type );
if (list.length <= 0) {
throw new Error(`No metrics of type ${type}`);
} else if (list.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`Too many (${list.length}) IMetricsLists with type ${type}`);
return list[0];
private static childProcessTypeToString(type?: ChildProgramType): string {
switch (type) {
case ChildProgramType.CAPTURE:
return "capture";
case ChildProgramType.REPLAY:
return "replay";
throw new Error(`Bad Metric Type: ${type}`);
private static getTimeFromKey(key: string): number {
return parseInt(key.match(/^.*metrics\-(\d+)\.json$/)![1]);
* New MetricsStorage to interface with the provided backend.
* @param backend An interface to the storage mechanism.
constructor(private backend: StorageBackend) {}
* Read specific metrics for a child program.
* @param childProgram The program in quesiton.
* @param metricType The desired metric type. If undefined or null, all are returned.
public readMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram, metricType?: MetricType | null):
Promise<IMetricsList | IMetricsList[]> {
switch (childProgram.status) {
case ChildProgramStatus.SCHEDULED:
case ChildProgramStatus.STARTING:
throw new Error(`Its too early to get metrics`);
case ChildProgramStatus.RUNNING:
case ChildProgramStatus.STOPPING:"Reading live metrics");
return this.readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram, metricType, true);
case ChildProgramStatus.DONE:
case ChildProgramStatus.FAILED:"Reading dead metrics");
return this.readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram, metricType, false);
throw new Error(`Bad ChildProgramStatus: ${childProgram.status}`);
* Read the metrics for a process based on the schema described here:
* @param childProgram The program in question.
* @param metricType The metric time to read. If undefined or null, all are returned.
* @param live Whether or not the program is still gathering metrics.
private async readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram: IChildProgram, metricType: MetricType | undefined | null,
live: boolean): Promise<IMetricsList | IMetricsList[]> {
let metrics: IMetricsList[];
const doneKey = MetricsStorage.getDoneMetricsKey(childProgram);
const isDone = await this.backend.exists(doneKey);
if (isDone) {"reading full metrics file");
metrics = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(doneKey);
} else {"getting updated metrics");
const result = await this.getUpdatedMetrics(childProgram);
const date = result[1];
metrics = result[0];
if (live) {`updating in-progress metrics to time ${date.getTime()}`);
await this.updateInProgressMetrics(childProgram, metrics, date);
} else {"creating final metrics file");
await this.backend.writeJson<IMetricsList[]>(doneKey, metrics);"cleaning up in-progress metrics and depot files");
await this.deleteInProgressAndDepot(childProgram);
if (!metricType) {
return metrics;
try {
return MetricsStorage.getSpecificMetricFromList(metrics, metricType);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`No metrics for type ${metricType}`);
* read the in-progress metrics file (if it exists), and add any metrics files in the depot that
* were added after the in-progress metrics file was created.
private async getUpdatedMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram): Promise<[IMetricsList[], Date]> {"get any in-progress metrics");
const inProgress = await this.getLatestInProgressMetrics(childProgram);
const lastTime = inProgress[0] ? MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(inProgress[0]!) : Number.MIN_VALUE;
let metrics = inProgress[1];
let newTime = lastTime;"check for new metrics");
const depotPrefix = MetricsStorage.getDepotPrefix(childProgram);
const depotKeys = await this.backend.allMatching(depotPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);
for (const key of depotKeys) {
const time = MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(key);
if (time > lastTime) {
const sample = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(key);` found at ${key} with time ${time}: ${iMetricsListArrToString(sample)}`);
metrics = mergeIMetricsLists(metrics, sample);
newTime = time;
const newDate = new Date(newTime);`Got updated metrics: ${iMetricsListArrToString(metrics)} at ${newDate.getTime()}`);
return [metrics, newDate];
* write the metrics as the new in-progress metrics file, and delete the old ones
private async updateInProgressMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram, metrics: IMetricsList[], date: Date) {`Deleting any existing in-progress metrics`);
await this.deleteInProgress(childProgram);
const key = MetricsStorage.getInProgressMetricsKey(childProgram, date);`Updating in-progress metrics: ${key}`);
await this.backend.writeJson<IMetricsList[]>(key, metrics);
* Load any in-progress metrics
private async getLatestInProgressMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram): Promise<[string | null, IMetricsList[]]> {
let key: string | null = null;
let lastTime: number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
const rootPrefix = MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram);
const inProgressKeys = await this.backend.allMatching(rootPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);
inProgressKeys.forEach((inProgressKey: string) => {
const time = MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(inProgressKey);
if (time > lastTime) {
key = inProgressKey;
lastTime = time;
let result: IMetricsList[] = [];
if (key !== null) {`Found in-progress metrics at ${key}`);
result = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(key);
} else {`No in-progress metrics`);
return [key, result];
* delete any in-progress metrics files and the depot folder.
private async deleteInProgressAndDepot(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
await this.deleteInProgress(childProgram);
await this.deleteDepotFolder(childProgram);
* delete any in-progress metrics files.
private async deleteInProgress(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
const rootPrefix = MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram);
const keys = await this.backend.allMatching(rootPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);`Deleting ${keys.length} in-progress metrics file(s)`);
keys.forEach(async (key: string) => {
await this.backend.deleteJson(key);
* delete the depot folder.
private async deleteDepotFolder(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
const depotPrefix = MetricsStorage.getDepotPrefix(childProgram);`Deleting all files in ${depotPrefix}`);
await this.backend.deletePrefix(depotPrefix);
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