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Last active February 15, 2018 19:01
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mycrt code review


Author: Cameron Taylor

This class is responsible for reading metrics from our defined s3 storage schema and managing the files as it reads. It is designed to work for both captures and replays, while in-progress and after they have finished running.

Tear it up!

Core Concepts

  • files in the depot folder are segments of the whole data set, and are created by the capture/replay as it is running with a timestamp for when they were created.
  • metrics-timestamp.json files are "in-progress" metrics files that represent the union of all files in the depot before it was created.
  • once the metrics are read after the capture/replay finishes, all of the data will live in a single metrics.json file, and the rest will be disposed of.

Future Considerations

  • I'd like to add a "multi-file" final result to handle cases where the metrics.json file is too large.
import { ChildProgramStatus, ChildProgramType, IChildProgram, IMetric, IMetricsList, MetricType } from '../data';
import { defaultLogger } from '../logging';
import { StorageBackend } from '../storage/backend';
import { mergeIMetricsLists } from './metrics-merger';
import { iMetricsListArrToString } from './utils';
const logger = defaultLogger(__dirname);
* Reads/Write metrics to a storage backend.
export class MetricsStorage {
public static METRICS_TIME_PATTERN = /^metrics\-\d+\.json$/;
* Get the root prefix for a child program.
public static getRootPrefix(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/`;
* Get the depot prefix for a child program.
public static getDepotPrefix(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/depot/`;
* Get the storage key for a completed metrics file.
public static getDoneMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/metrics.json`;
* Get the storage key for the in-progress metrics file at a given time.
public static getInProgressMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram, time: Date): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/metrics-${time.getTime()}.json`;
* Get the storage key for a single sample metrics file at a given time.
public static getSingleSampleMetricsKey(childProgram: IChildProgram, time: Date): string {
const childType = MetricsStorage.childProcessTypeToString(childProgram.type);
return `${childType}${}/depot/metrics-${time.getTime()}.json`;
public static specificMetricFromList(list: IMetricsList[], type: MetricType): IMetricsList {
for (const metric of list) {
if (metric.type === type) {
return metric;
throw new Error(`Bad Metric Type: ${type}`);
private static childProcessTypeToString(type?: ChildProgramType): string {
return type === ChildProgramType.CAPTURE ? "capture" : "replay";
private static getTimeFromKey(key: string): number {
return parseInt(key.match(/^.*metrics\-(\d+)\.json$/)![1]);
* New MetricsStorage to interface with the provided backend.
* @param backend An interface to the storage mechanism.
constructor(private backend: StorageBackend) {}
* Read specific metrics for a child program.
* @param childProgram The program in quesiton.
* @param metricType The desired metric type. If undefined or null, all are returned.
public readMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram, metricType?: MetricType | undefined | null):
Promise<IMetricsList | IMetricsList[]> {
switch (childProgram.status) {
case ChildProgramStatus.SCHEDULED:
case ChildProgramStatus.STARTING:
throw new Error(`Its too early to get metrics`);
case ChildProgramStatus.RUNNING:
case ChildProgramStatus.STOPPING:"Reading live metrics");
return this.readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram, metricType, true);
case ChildProgramStatus.DONE:
case ChildProgramStatus.FAILED:"Reading dead metrics");
return this.readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram, metricType, false);
throw new Error(`Bad ChildProgramStatus: ${childProgram.status}`);
* Read the metrics for a process based on the schema described here:
* @param childProgram The program in question.
* @param metricType The metric time to read. If undefined or null, all are returned.
* @param live Whether or not the program is still gathering metrics.
private async readMetricsFromBackend(childProgram: IChildProgram, metricType: MetricType | undefined | null,
live: boolean): Promise<IMetricsList | IMetricsList[]> {
let metrics: IMetricsList[];
const doneKey = MetricsStorage.getDoneMetricsKey(childProgram);
if (!await this.backend.exists(doneKey)) {"getting updated metrics");
const result = await this.getUpdatedMetrics(childProgram);
const date = result[1];
metrics = result[0];
if (live) {`updating in-progress metrics to time ${date.getTime()}`);
await this.updateInProgressMetrics(childProgram, metrics, date);
} else {"creating final metrics file");
await this.backend.writeJson<IMetricsList[]>(doneKey, metrics);"cleaning up in-progress metrics and depot files");
await this.deleteInProgressAndDepot(childProgram);
} else {"reading full metrics file");
metrics = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(doneKey);
if (!metricType) {
return metrics;
for (const metric of metrics) {
if (metric.type === metricType) {
return metric;
throw new Error(`No metrics for type ${metricType}`);
* read the in-progress metrics file (if it exists), and add any metrics files in the depot that
* were added after the in-progress metrics file was created.
private async getUpdatedMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram): Promise<[IMetricsList[], Date]> {"get any in-progress metrics");
const inProgress = await this.getLatestInProgressMetrics(childProgram);
const lastTime = inProgress[0] ? MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(inProgress[0]!) : Number.MIN_VALUE;
let metrics = inProgress[1];
let newTime = lastTime;"check for new metrics");
const depotPrefix = MetricsStorage.getDepotPrefix(childProgram);
const depotKeys = await this.backend.allMatching(depotPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);
for (const key of depotKeys) {
const time = MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(key);
if (time > lastTime) {
const sample = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(key);` found at ${key} with time ${time}: ${iMetricsListArrToString(sample)}`);
metrics = mergeIMetricsLists(metrics, sample);
newTime = time;
const newDate = new Date(newTime);`Got updated metrics: ${iMetricsListArrToString(metrics)} at ${newDate.getTime()}`);
return [metrics, newDate];
* write the metrics as the new in-progress metrics file, and delete the old ones
private async updateInProgressMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram, metrics: IMetricsList[], date: Date) {`Deleting any existing in-progress metrics`);
await this.deleteInProgress(childProgram);
const key = MetricsStorage.getInProgressMetricsKey(childProgram, date);`Updating in-progress metrics: ${key}`);
await this.backend.writeJson<IMetricsList[]>(key, metrics);
* Load any in-progress metrics
private async getLatestInProgressMetrics(childProgram: IChildProgram): Promise<[string | null, IMetricsList[]]> {
let key: string | null = null;
let lastTime: number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
const rootPrefix = MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram);
const inProgressKeys = await this.backend.allMatching(rootPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);
inProgressKeys.forEach((inProgressKey: string) => {
const time = MetricsStorage.getTimeFromKey(inProgressKey);
if (time > lastTime) {
key = inProgressKey;
lastTime = time;
let result: IMetricsList[] = [];
if (key !== null) {`Found in-progress metrics at ${key}`);
result = await this.backend.readJson<IMetricsList[]>(key);
} else {`No in-progress metrics`);
return [key, result];
* delete any in-progress metrics files and the depot folder.
private async deleteInProgressAndDepot(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
await this.deleteInProgress(childProgram);
await this.deleteDepotFolder(childProgram);
* delete any in-progress metrics files.
private async deleteInProgress(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
const rootPrefix = MetricsStorage.getRootPrefix(childProgram);
const keys = await this.backend.allMatching(rootPrefix, MetricsStorage.METRICS_TIME_PATTERN);`Deleting ${keys.length} in-progress metrics file(s)`);
keys.forEach(async (key: string) => {
await this.backend.deleteJson(key);
* delete the depot folder.
private async deleteDepotFolder(childProgram: IChildProgram) {
const depotPrefix = MetricsStorage.getDepotPrefix(childProgram);`Deleting all files in ${depotPrefix}`);
await this.backend.deletePrefix(depotPrefix);
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