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{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies,
TypeOperators, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
import Control.Exception -- (Exception, SomeException, catch, throw)
import Control.Monad (ap)
type family If (b :: Bool) :: Constraint where
If 'True = ()
If 'False = ("Error" ~ "If: False")
type family Contains (e :: k) (es :: [k]) :: Constraint where
Contains e (e ': es) = ()
Contains x (e ': es) = Contains x es
Contains x '[] = ("Error" ~ "Exception not found in thrown exceptions")
type family DoesntContain (e :: k) (es :: [k]) :: Constraint where
DoesntContain e (e ': es) = ("Error" ~ "DoesntContain: type found in list when it wasn't expected")
DoesntContain x (e ': es) = DoesntContain x es
DoesntContain x '[] = ()
type family Exceptions (es :: [k]) :: Constraint where
Exceptions '[] = ()
Exceptions (e ': es) = (Exception e, Exceptions es)
type family AllInClass (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) :: Constraint where
AllInClass c '[] = ()
AllInClass c (x ': xs) = (c x, AllInClass c xs)
type family InClasses (a :: k) (cs :: [k -> Constraint]) :: Constraint where
InClasses a (c ': cs) = (c a, InClasses a cs)
InClasses a '[] = ()
type family Insert (e :: k) (es :: [k]) :: [k] where
Insert e (e ': es) = e ': es
Insert x (e ': es) = e ': (Insert x es)
Insert x '[] = '[x]
type family Concat (es :: [k]) (fs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Concat es '[] = es
Concat es (f ': fs) = Concat (Insert f es) fs
type family Merge (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
Merge es '[] = es
Merge ls (r ': rs) = Merge (Insert r ls) rs
type family Delete (e :: k) (es :: [k]) :: [k] where
Delete e (e ': es) = es
Delete x (e ': es) = e ': (Delete x es)
Delete x '[] = '[]
-- openFile :: Throws '[FilenotfoundException, PermissionError] String
type CommonExceptions =
, ErrorCall
, PatternMatchFail
, ArrayException
newtype ThrowsI i j a = ThrowsI (IO a)
instance IxFunctor ThrowsI where
imap f (ThrowsI i) = ThrowsI (fmap f i)
instance IxPointed ThrowsI where
ireturn x = ThrowsI (return x)
instance IxApplicative ThrowsI where
iap (ThrowsI fi) (ThrowsI ai) = ThrowsI (ap fi ai)
instance IxMonad ThrowsI where
-- ibind :: (a -> ThrowsI j k b) -> ThrowsI i j a -> ThrowsI i k b
ibind f (ThrowsI i) = ThrowsI $ do
x <- i
let ThrowsI r = f x
type Throwing e es a = Throws es (Insert e es) a
test0 :: ThrowsI es es a
test0 = undefined
test1 :: ThrowsI es (Insert ArithException es) a
test1 = undefined
test2 :: ThrowsI es (Insert NonTermination es) a
test2 = undefined
test3 :: ThrowsI es (Insert PatternMatchFail es) a
test3 = undefined
catch'' :: (Contains e es, Exception e) => ThrowsI fe es a -> (e -> IO a) -> ThrowsI fe (Delete e es) a
catch'' (ThrowsI i) h = ThrowsI (catch i h)
throw'' :: (Exception e) => e -> ThrowsI es (Insert e es) a
throw'' e = ThrowsI (throw e)
try'' :: (Contains e es, Exception e) => ThrowsI fs es a -> ThrowsI fs (Delete e es) (Either e a)
try'' (ThrowsI i) = ThrowsI (try i)
runSafe :: ThrowsI CommonExceptions '[] a -> IO a
runSafe (ThrowsI i) = i >>= evaluate
runUnsafe :: ThrowsI fs es a -> IO a
runUnsafe (ThrowsI i) = i >>= evaluate
-- ============ Control.Monad.Indexed =========
class IxFunctor f where
imap :: (a -> b) -> f j k a -> f j k b
class IxPointed m => IxApplicative m where
iap :: m i j (a -> b) -> m j k a -> m i k b
class IxFunctor m => IxPointed m where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
class IxFunctor w => IxCopointed w where
iextract :: w i i a -> a
class IxApplicative m => IxMonad m where
ibind :: (a -> m j k b) -> m i j a -> m i k b
ijoin :: IxMonad m => m i j (m j k a) -> m i k a
ijoin = ibind id
infixr 1 =<<<
infixl 1 >>>=
(>>>=) :: IxMonad m => m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
m >>>= k = ibind k m
(=<<<) :: IxMonad m => (a -> m j k b) -> m i j a -> m i k b
(=<<<) = ibind
iapIxMonad :: IxMonad m => m i j (a -> b) -> m j k a -> m i k b
iapIxMonad f x = f >>>= \ f' -> x >>>= \x' -> ireturn (f' x')
-- ============= End Control.Monad.Indexed =========
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