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Created July 3, 2018 11:46
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using Sundials
using Sundials: N_Vector, N_Vector_S
using ForwardDiff
#using ReverseDiff
sens(f!, t0, y0, p, tout; reltol, abstol)
Compute the solution and sensivities to the parametrized ODE problem defined by `f!(ẏ, t, y, p)`, starting at t0, y0, p.
Return the solutions `y` at times tout (>t0) as well as the corresponding sensivity matrices `ys`.
y[i, t] is the solutions component i at timestep t.
ys[i, j, t] is the i-th component sensivity wrt the j-th parameter at timestep t.
ys[i, np+j, t] the i-th component sensivity wrt the j-th initial condition value.
function sens(f!::Function, t0::Float64, y0::Vector{Float64}, p::Vector{Float64}, tout::Vector{Float64}; reltol::Float64 = 1e-5, abstol::Float64 = 1e-5)
n = length(y0)
np = length(p)
ys0 = zeros(n,np+n)
ys0[:, np+(1:n)] = eye(n)
function frhs(t,y,ydot)
dyt = similar(y0)
chunk = min(n, 8)
c1 = ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig(nothing, dyt, dyt, ForwardDiff.Chunk{chunk}())
c2 = ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig(nothing, dyt, p, ForwardDiff.Chunk{chunk}())
#t1 = ReverseDiff.JacobianTape((dy,y)->f!(dy,0,y,p), dyt, y0)
#t2 = ReverseDiff.JacobianTape((dy,p)->f!(dy,0,y0,p), dyt, p)
function srhs(t,y,ydot,ys,ysdot)
jac = ForwardDiff.jacobian((dy,y)->f!(dy,t,y,p), dyt, y, c1, Val{false}())
#jac = ReverseDiff.jacobian!(t1, y)
ysdot[:] = jac * ys
jac = ForwardDiff.jacobian((dy,p)->f!(dy,t,y,p), dyt, p, c2, Val{false}())
#jac = ReverseDiff.jacobian!(t2, p)
ysdot[:, 1:np] += jac
pbar = abs.(vcat(p, y0))
y, ys = cvodes(frhs, srhs, t0, y0, ys0, reltol, abstol, pbar, tout)
### internals
## data structure dealing with the sundials callbacks
struct CVSData
f # f(t,y,dy)
fs # fs()
CVSData(f, fs, n::Int, nS::Int) = CVSData(f, fs, Array{Float64}(n, nS), Array{Float64}(n, nS))
function cvrhsfn(t::Float64, y::N_Vector, dy::N_Vector, data::CVSData)
data.f(t, Vector(y), Vector(dy))
return Sundials.CV_SUCCESS
function cvsensrhsfn(ns::Cint, t::Float64, y::N_Vector, dy::N_Vector, ys::N_Vector_S, dys::N_Vector_S, data::CVSData, tmp1::N_Vector, tmp2::N_Vector)
jys = data.jys
jdys = data.jdys
mycopy!(ys, data.jys)
data.fs(t, Vector(y), Vector(dy), jys, jdys)
mycopy!(jdys, dys)
return Sundials.CV_SUCCESS
## cvodes wrapper
"Given the sensivity problem, return (y,ys) where
y[i,t] is the solutions i-th componnent for timestep t and
ys[i,j,t] is the sensivity of the i-th component wrt to the j-th paramater, where
the last parameter indices correspond to the initial conditions components."
function cvodes(f,fS, t0, y0, yS0, reltol, abstol, pbar, t::AbstractVector)
N, Ns = size(yS0)
y = zeros(N, length(t))
ys = zeros(N, Ns, length(t))
tret = [t0]
yret = similar(y0)
ysret = similar(yS0)
yS0n = [Sundials.NVector(yS0[:,j]) for j=1:Ns]
yS0nv = [N_Vector(n) for n in yS0n]
#yS0nv = [N_Vector(yS0[:,j]) for j = 1:Ns]
pyS0 = pointer(yS0nv)
crhs = cfunction(cvrhsfn, Cint, (Sundials.realtype, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector, Any))
csensrhs = cfunction(cvsensrhsfn, Cint, (Cint, Sundials.realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector_S, N_Vector_S, Any, N_Vector, N_Vector))
mem_ptr = Sundials.CVodeCreate(Sundials.CV_ADAMS, Sundials.CV_FUNCTIONAL)
#mem_ptr = Sundials.CVodeCreate(Sundials.CV_BDF, Sundials.CV_NEWTON)
cvode_mem = Sundials.Handle(mem_ptr)
Sundials.CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, CVSData(f, fS, size(yS0)...))
Sundials.CVodeInit(cvode_mem, crhs, t0, convert(N_Vector, y0))
Sundials.CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol)
Sundials.CVodeSensInit(cvode_mem, Ns, Sundials.CV_STAGGERED, csensrhs, pyS0)
Sundials.CVodeSetSensParams(cvode_mem, C_NULL, pbar, C_NULL)
for i in 1:length(t)
Sundials.CVode(cvode_mem, t[i], yret, tret, Sundials.CV_NORMAL)
Sundials.CVodeGetSens(cvode_mem, tret, pyS0)
mycopy!(pyS0, ysret)
y[:,i] = yret
ys[:,:,i] = ysret
y, ys
## conversion between sunduals n_vector_s and matrices
function mycopy!(pp::Sundials.N_Vector_S, arr::Matrix)
nj = size(arr,2)
ps = unsafe_wrap(Array, pp, nj)
for j = 1:nj
arr[:,j] = Sundials.asarray(ps[j])
function mycopy!(arr::Matrix, pp::Sundials.N_Vector_S)
nj = size(arr,2)
ps = unsafe_wrap(Array, pp, nj)
for j = 1:nj
Sundials.asarray(ps[j])[:] = arr[:,j]
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axsk commented Jul 3, 2018

function testsens()
  f!(dy,t,y,p) = (dy[:]=y.*p)
  t0 = 0.
  t  = [1., 2.]
  y0 = [1., 2.]
  p  = [3., 4.]
  y, ys = sens(f!, t0, y0, p, t)
  @assert isapprox(y[1,1], 20.0856, rtol=1e-3)
  @assert isapprox(ys[2,2,2], 11924.3, rtol=1e-3) # todo: check if these are indeed the right results

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