Save aya-eiya/1721182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<!doctype html /> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>1_howToPutCharToCanvas.html</title> | |
<style> | |
canvas#vwrMain{ | |
border:1px solid black; | |
} | |
div#main{ | |
margin:5px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<script> | |
function nameSpace(glb,spc){ | |
var ns = spc.split('.'); | |
var spcs = glb; | |
for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ | |
spcs = spcs[ns[i]] = new Object(); | |
} | |
return spcs; | |
} | |
(function(global,_$){ | |
_$.textCanvas = function(canvasId){ | |
this.Canvas = global.document.getElementById(canvasId); | |
this.putChar = function(val){ | |
var _cxt = this.Canvas.getContext("2d"); | |
_cxt.clearRect(0,0,300,300); | |
_cxt.font = "20pt Arial"; | |
_cxt.fillText(val, 10, 50); | |
} | |
} | |
})( | |
this, | |
nameSpace(this,'aya.eiya.test') | |
); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<h1>Canvasに文字を打ち込む</h1> | |
<p>HTML5のCanvasの練習です。テキストエリアの文字をCanvasに表示します。</p> | |
<div id="main"> | |
<canvas id="vwrMain"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
<form> | |
<input type="text" onkeyup="(new aya.eiya.test.textCanvas('vwrMain')).putChar(this.value);" /> | |
</form> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
<!doctype html /> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>2_howToWriteVerticallyToCanvas.html</title> | |
<style> | |
canvas#vwrMain{ | |
border:1px solid black; | |
} | |
div#main{ | |
margin:5px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<script> | |
function nameSpace(glb,spc){ | |
var ns = spc.split('.'); | |
var spcs = glb; | |
for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ | |
spcs = spcs[ns[i]] = new Object(); | |
} | |
return spcs; | |
} | |
(function(global,_$){ | |
_$.textCanvas = function(canvasId){ | |
this.Canvas = global.document.getElementById(canvasId); | |
this.Canvas.width = 300; | |
this.Canvas.height = 300; | |
this.fontSize = 20; | |
this.putCharVertically = function(val){ | |
var _cxt = this.Canvas.getContext("2d"); | |
var hp = 0; | |
var hps = 0; | |
var vp = 0; | |
var vps = 0; | |
var chr = ''; | |
_cxt.clearRect(0,0,300,300); | |
_cxt.font = this.fontSize+"px Arial"; | |
for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){ | |
chr = val.charAt(i); | |
if( chr.match(/[、。]/) ){ | |
hp = 0; | |
}else{ | |
hp = _cxt.measureText(chr).width; | |
} | |
vp = this.fontSize; | |
_cxt.fillText(chr, 260 - hps + this.fontSize - hp/2 , this.fontSize + vps ); | |
vps = vps + vp; | |
if(vps > this.Canvas.height - this.fontSize*2){ | |
hps += this.fontSize; | |
vps = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
})( | |
this, | |
nameSpace(this,'aya.eiya.test') | |
); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body onload="cvs = new aya.eiya.test.textCanvas('vwrMain');cvs.putCharVertically(document.getElementById('inMain').value);"> | |
<h1>Canvasに縦書きで文字を打ち込む</h1> | |
<p>HTML5のCanvasの練習です。テキストエリアの文字を縦書きでCanvasに表示します。</p> | |
<p>禁則処理および字の縦方向の大きさは考慮されません。</p> | |
<div id="main"> | |
<canvas id="vwrMain"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
<form> | |
<input type="text" id="inMain" onkeyup="cvs.putCharVertically(this.value);" value="HTML5のCanvasの練習です。テキストエリアの文字を縦書きでCanvasに表示します。" /> | |
</form> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
<!doctype html /> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>3_howToSelectVerticalTextFromCanvas.html</title> | |
<style> | |
canvas#vwrMain{ | |
border:1px solid black; | |
} | |
div#main{ | |
margin:5px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<script> | |
//nameSpace | |
function nameSpace(glb,spc){ | |
var ns = spc.split('.'); | |
var spcs = glb; | |
for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ | |
spcs = spcs[ns[i]] = new Object(); | |
} | |
return spcs; | |
} | |
(function(global,_$){ | |
_$.textCanvas = function(canvasId){ | |
this.Canvas = global.document.getElementById(canvasId); | |
this.Canvas.width = 300; | |
this.Canvas.height = 300; | |
this.fontSize = 20; | |
this.charPointMap = new Array(); | |
this.text = ""; | |
this.putCharVertically = function(val){ | |
var _cxt = this.Canvas.getContext("2d"); | |
var hp = 0; | |
var hps = 0; | |
var vp = 0; | |
var vps = 0; | |
var chr = ''; | |
var stx = 0; | |
this.text = val; | |
_cxt.clearRect(0,0,300,300); | |
_cxt.font = this.fontSize+"px Arial"; | |
this.charPointMap = new Array(); | |
for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){ | |
chr = val.charAt(i); | |
if( chr.match(/[、。]/) ){ | |
hp = 0; | |
}else{ | |
hp = _cxt.measureText(chr).width; | |
} | |
vp = this.fontSize; | |
stx = 260 - hps; | |
sty = this.fontSize + vps; | |
if( | |
( this._selectArea.st <= i && i <=this._selectArea.ed ) | |
|| | |
( this._selectArea.ed <= i && i <=this._selectArea.st ) | |
) | |
{ | |
_cxt.strokeStyle = "blue"; | |
_cxt.fillStyle = "blue"; | |
}else{ | |
_cxt.strokeStyle = "black"; | |
_cxt.fillStyle = "black"; | |
} | |
_cxt.fillText(chr, stx + this.fontSize - hp/2, sty ); | |
this.charPointMap[this.charPointMap.length]=( | |
function(stx,sty,size,c){ | |
return function(x,y){ | |
return (stx+size/2 <= x && x <= stx+size*3/2 && sty-size <= y && y <= sty)?c:-1; | |
}; | |
})(stx,sty,this.fontSize,i); | |
vps = vps + vp; | |
if(vps > this.Canvas.height - this.fontSize*2){ | |
hps += this.fontSize; | |
vps = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
this.Canvas.onmouseup = ( | |
function(parent){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
var st,ed; | |
parent.Canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){}; | |
if(parent._selectArea.st >= 0){ | |
if(parent._selectArea.st < parent._selectArea.ed){ | |
st = parent._selectArea.st; | |
ed = parent._selectArea.ed+1; | |
}else{ | |
st = parent._selectArea.ed; | |
ed = parent._selectArea.st+1; | |
} | |
alert(parent.text.substring(st,ed)); | |
console.log(parent.text.substring(st,ed)); | |
} | |
parent._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
parent.putCharVertically(parent.text); | |
} | |
})(this); | |
this.selectText = function(num){ | |
if(num < 0) return; | |
if(this._selectArea.st < 0) | |
this._selectArea.st = num; | |
this._selectArea.ed = num; | |
} | |
this.Canvas.onmousedown =( | |
function(parent){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
parent.selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e1,parent)); | |
parent.Canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){ | |
parent.putCharVertically(parent.text); | |
parent.selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e2,parent)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
)(this); | |
_getCharPointFromMousePosition = function(e,parent){ | |
var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
var x = e.clientX - rect.left; | |
var y = e.clientY - rect.top; | |
var hits=parent.charPointMap; | |
var hit=-1; | |
for(var i=0;i<hits.length;i++){ | |
hit = hits[i](x,y); | |
if(hit>=0){ | |
return hit; | |
} | |
} | |
return -1; | |
}; | |
} | |
})( | |
this, | |
nameSpace(this,'aya.eiya.test') | |
); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body onload="cvs = new aya.eiya.test.textCanvas('vwrMain');cvs.putCharVertically(document.getElementById('inMain').value);"> | |
<h1>Canvasの縦書きの文字を選択する</h1> | |
<p>HTML5のCanvasの練習です。Canvasに表示された縦書きの文字を選択します。</p> | |
<p>文字列のドラッグした範囲をアラートで表示します。</p> | |
<div id="main"> | |
<canvas id="vwrMain"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
<form> | |
<input type="text" id="inMain" onkeyup="cvs.putCharVertically(this.value);" value="HTML5のCanvasの練習です。テキストエリアの文字を縦書きでCanvasに表示します。" /> | |
</form> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
<!doctype html /> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>4_howToPutSomeVerticalTextLikeProposalFontToCanvas.html</title> | |
<style> | |
canvas#vwrMain{ | |
border:1px solid black; | |
} | |
div#main{ | |
margin:5px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<script> | |
// お名前付けるときの約束ごと: | |
// * newできるものは大英字ではじめるよね。 | |
// * 複数の単語で構成される名前の場合はcamelCaseでつなぐよね。 | |
// * 外からアクセスして欲しくないメンバは_で始めるよね。 | |
// * ローカル変数を明示したいときは_で始めるよね。 | |
// * 英単語を略記するのはローカル変数だけだよね。 | |
// * したがって略記してある変数はあえて_で始めなくてもいいよね。 | |
// * 引数をとるメソッドは他動詞だよね。 | |
// * isかhasで始まるメソッドは、明示的にtrue or falseで値を返すよね。 | |
function nameSpace(glb,spc){ | |
var ns = spc.split('.'); | |
var spcs = glb; | |
for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ | |
spcs = spcs[ns[i]] = new Object(); | |
} | |
return spcs; | |
} | |
(function(_global,_$){ | |
// フォントメジャーは、実測した文字の幅と長さを取得します。 | |
_$.FontMeasure = function (){ | |
this._unitMeasure = _global.document.createElement('div'); | |
this._unitMeasure.style.position = 'absolute'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.top = '0'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.left = '0'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
_global.document.body.appendChild(this._unitMeasure); | |
this._canvas = _global.document.createElement('canvas'); | |
this._canvas.height = 1200; | |
this._canvas.width = 1200; | |
this._sightScale = 5; | |
this._sizeDictionary = {}; | |
this.measure = function(_font,chr){ | |
// memoize | |
if(this._sizeDictionary[_font] && this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]){ | |
return this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]; | |
} | |
var cxt = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
var fsz = 1; | |
var uni = '1px'; | |
var rct = null; | |
var _fontSettingSize = 1; | |
var _writedImage = null; | |
var _fontMeasuredSize = 1 | |
if(_font.match(/([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(px|pt|em)/)){ | |
fsz = RegExp.$1; | |
cxt.font = | |
this._unitMeasure.style.font = _font; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.width = | |
this._unitMeasure.style.height = '1'+RegExp.$3; | |
rct = this._unitMeasure.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
uni = (rct.right - rct.left); | |
_fontSettingSize = fsz * uni; | |
cxt.fillStyle = "#000000"; | |
cxt.fillRect(0,0,this._canvas.width,this._canvas.height); | |
cxt.textBaseline = 'top'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = cxt.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'; | |
cxt.fillText(chr, 0 , 0 ); | |
_writedImage = cxt.getImageData(0,0,_fontSettingSize , _fontSettingSize); | |
_fontMeasuredSize = _measureImage(_writedImage); | |
// 調整 | |
_fontMeasuredSize.width += _fontSettingSize/20; | |
_fontMeasuredSize.height += _fontSettingSize/10; | |
_fontMeasuredSize.unit = _fontSettingSize; | |
if( !this._sizeDictionary[_font] ){ | |
this._sizeDictionary[_font] = {}; | |
} | |
this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr] = _fontMeasuredSize; | |
console.log(chr+":("+_fontMeasuredSize.width+","+_fontMeasuredSize.height+")"); | |
return this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]; | |
} | |
return { | |
width:void(0), | |
height:void(0), | |
unit:void(0) | |
}; | |
}; | |
_measureImage = function(_writedImage){ | |
var w = _writedImage.width; | |
var x = 0; | |
var y = 0; | |
var minX = 0; | |
var maxX = 1; | |
var minY = 0; | |
var maxY = 1; | |
for(var i=0;i<_writedImage.data.length;i+=4){ | |
if( | |
_writedImage.data[i+0] > 128 // 閾値がいまいち不安 | |
){ | |
if(x<minX) minX = x; | |
if(x>maxX) maxX = x; | |
if(y<minY) minY = y; | |
if(y>maxY) maxY = y; | |
} | |
x++; | |
if(x>=w){ | |
x=0; | |
y++; | |
} | |
} | |
return { | |
width : maxX - minX + 1, | |
height: maxY - minY + 1 | |
}; | |
} | |
}; | |
// テキストキャンバスは、キャンバスのIDを指定して、そこに文字列を縦書きします。 | |
_$.TextCanvas = function(_canvasId){ | |
this._fontMeasure = new _$.FontMeasure(); | |
this._canvas = _global.document.getElementById(_canvasId); | |
this._fontSize = 20; | |
this._charPointMap = new Array(); | |
this._text = ''; | |
this.putCharVertically = function(val,fsize){ | |
if(fsize) this._fontSize = fsize; | |
var cxt = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
var hp = 0; | |
var hps = 0; | |
var vp = 0; | |
var vps = 0; | |
var chr = ''; | |
var stx = 0; | |
var _font = this._fontSize+'px Arial'; | |
var msr = null | |
this._text = val; | |
cxt.clearRect(0,0,this._canvas.width,this._canvas.height); | |
cxt.font = _font; | |
this._charPointMap = new Array(); | |
for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){ | |
chr = val.charAt(i); | |
msr = this._fontMeasure.measure(_font,chr); | |
un = msr.unit; | |
if(chr.match(/[、。]/)){ | |
hp = -un/10; | |
vps = vps - un/2; | |
}else{ | |
hp = msr.width; | |
vp = msr.height; | |
} | |
stx = this._canvas.width - un*2 - hps; | |
sty = un + vps; | |
if( | |
( this._selectArea.st <= i && i <=this._selectArea.ed ) | |
|| | |
( this._selectArea.ed <= i && i <=this._selectArea.st ) | |
) | |
{ | |
cxt.strokeStyle = 'blue'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = 'blue'; | |
}else{ | |
cxt.strokeStyle = 'black'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = 'black'; | |
} | |
cxt.textBaseLine = 'top'; | |
cxt.fillText(chr, stx + un - hp/2, sty ); | |
this._charPointMap[this._charPointMap.length]=( | |
function(stx,sty,s,c){ | |
return function(x,y){ | |
return (stx+s/2 <= x && x <= stx+s*3/2 && sty-s <= y && y <= sty)?c:-1; | |
}; | |
})(stx,sty,un,i); | |
vps = vps + vp; | |
if(vps > this._canvas.height - un*2){ | |
hps += un; | |
vps = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
this._canvas.onmouseup = ( | |
function(prn){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
var st,ed; | |
prn._canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){}; | |
if(prn._selectArea.st >= 0){ | |
if(prn._selectArea.st < prn._selectArea.ed){ | |
st = prn._selectArea.st; | |
ed = prn._selectArea.ed+1; | |
}else{ | |
st = prn._selectArea.ed; | |
ed = prn._selectArea.st+1; | |
} | |
console.log(prn._text.substring(st,ed)); | |
} | |
prn._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
prn.putCharVertically(prn._text); | |
} | |
})(this); | |
this._selectText = function(num){ | |
if(num < 0) return; | |
if(this._selectArea.st < 0) | |
this._selectArea.st = num; | |
this._selectArea.ed = num; | |
} | |
this._canvas.onmousedown =( | |
function(prn){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
prn._selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e1,prn)); | |
prn._canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){ | |
prn.putCharVertically(prn._text); | |
prn._selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e2,prn)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
)(this); | |
_getCharPointFromMousePosition = function(e,prn){ | |
var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
var x = e.clientX - rect.left; | |
var y = e.clientY - rect.top; | |
var _hits = prn._charPointMap; | |
var _hit = -1; | |
for(var i=0;i<_hits.length;i++){ | |
_hit = _hits[i](x,y); | |
if(_hit>=0){ | |
return _hit; | |
} | |
} | |
return -1; | |
}; | |
} | |
})( | |
this, | |
nameSpace(this,'aya.eiya.test') | |
); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body onload="cvs = new aya.eiya.test.TextCanvas('vwrMain');cvs.putCharVertically(document.getElementById('inMain').value);"> | |
<h1>Canvasに縦書きで文字をプロポーサル風に表示する。</h1> | |
<p>HTML5のCanvasの練習です。Canvasに縦書きの文字を、文字の高さを確認しながら表示します。</p> | |
<p>割と面倒でした。</p> | |
<div id="main"> | |
<canvas id="vwrMain" width="300" height="300"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
<form> | |
<input type="text" id="inMain" onkeyup="cvs.putCharVertically(this.value);" | |
value="HTML5のCanvasの練習です。Canvasに縦書きの文字を、文字の高さを確認しながら表示します。" /> | |
</form> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
<!doctype html /> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>5_howToPutSomeSpecialCharactorsForVerticalStyle.html</title> | |
<style> | |
canvas#vwrMain{ | |
border:1px solid black; | |
} | |
div#main{ | |
margin:5px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<script> | |
// お名前付けるときの約束ごと: | |
// * newできるものは大英字ではじめるよね。 | |
// * 複数の単語で構成される名前の場合はcamelCaseでつなぐよね。 | |
// * 外からアクセスして欲しくないメンバは_で始めるよね。 | |
// * ローカル変数を明示したいときは_で始めるよね。 | |
// * 英単語を略記するのはローカル変数だけだよね。 | |
// * したがって略記してある変数はあえて_で始めなくてもいいよね。 | |
// * 引数をとるメソッドは他動詞だよね。 | |
// * isかhasで始まるメソッドは、明示的にtrue or falseで値を返すよね。 | |
function nameSpace(glb,spc){ | |
var ns = spc.split('.'); | |
var spcs = glb; | |
for(var i=0;i<ns.length;i++){ | |
spcs = spcs[ns[i]] = new Object(); | |
} | |
return spcs; | |
} | |
(function(_global,_$){ | |
// フォントメジャーは、実測した文字の幅と長さを取得します。 | |
_$.FontMeasure = function (){ | |
this._unitMeasure = _global.document.createElement('div'); | |
this._unitMeasure.style.position = 'absolute'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.top = '0'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.left = '0'; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
_global.document.body.appendChild(this._unitMeasure); | |
this._canvas = _global.document.createElement('canvas'); | |
this._canvas.height = 1200; | |
this._canvas.width = 1200; | |
this._sightScale = 3; | |
this._sizeDictionary = {}; | |
this.measure = function(_font,chr){ | |
// memoize | |
if(this._sizeDictionary[_font] && this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]){ | |
return this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]; | |
} | |
var cxt = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
var fsz = 1; | |
var uni = '1px'; | |
var rct = null; | |
var _fontSettingSize = 1; | |
var _writedImage = null; | |
var _fontMeasuredSize = 1 | |
if(_font.match(/([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(px|pt|em)/)){ | |
fsz = RegExp.$1; | |
cxt.font = | |
this._unitMeasure.style.font = _font; | |
this._unitMeasure.style.width = | |
this._unitMeasure.style.height = '1'+RegExp.$3; | |
rct = this._unitMeasure.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
uni = (rct.right - rct.left); | |
_fontSettingSize = fsz * uni; | |
cxt.fillStyle = "#000000"; | |
cxt.fillRect(0,0,this._canvas.width,this._canvas.height); | |
cxt.textBaseline = 'top'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = cxt.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'; | |
cxt.fillText(chr, _fontSettingSize , _fontSettingSize ); | |
_writedImage = cxt.getImageData( 0 , 0 ,_fontSettingSize * this._sightScale , _fontSettingSize * this._sightScale); | |
_fontMeasuredSize = _measureImage(_writedImage); | |
_fontMeasuredSize.unit = _fontSettingSize; | |
if(_fontMeasuredSize.startX > 0)_fontMeasuredSize.startX = _fontMeasuredSize.startX -_fontSettingSize; | |
if(_fontMeasuredSize.startY > 0)_fontMeasuredSize.startY = _fontMeasuredSize.startY -_fontSettingSize; | |
console.log( chr + ":" + _fontMeasuredSize.startX + "," +_fontMeasuredSize.startY); | |
if( !this._sizeDictionary[_font] ){ | |
this._sizeDictionary[_font] = {}; | |
} | |
this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr] = { | |
width :_fontMeasuredSize.width , | |
height:_fontMeasuredSize.height, | |
startX:_fontMeasuredSize.startX, | |
startY:_fontMeasuredSize.startY, | |
unit :_fontMeasuredSize.unit | |
}; | |
return this._sizeDictionary[_font][chr]; | |
} | |
return { | |
width :void(0), | |
height:void(0), | |
startX:void(0), | |
startY:void(0), | |
unit :void(0) | |
}; | |
}; | |
_measureImage = function(_writedImage){ | |
var w = _writedImage.width; | |
var h = _writedImage.height; | |
var x = 0; | |
var y = 0; | |
var minX = w; | |
var maxX = 1; | |
var minY = h; | |
var maxY = 1; | |
var i=0; | |
var j=0; | |
for(i=0;i<_writedImage.data.length;i+=4){ | |
if( | |
_writedImage.data[i+0] > 0 | |
){ | |
if(x<minX){ minX = x; } | |
if(x>maxX){ maxX = x; } | |
if(y<minY){ minY = y; } | |
if(y>maxY){ maxY = y; } | |
} | |
x++; | |
if(x>=w){ | |
x=0; | |
y++; | |
} | |
} | |
return { | |
width : (maxX >= minX)? maxX - minX : w, | |
height: (maxY >= minY)? maxY - minY : 1, | |
startX: (maxX >= minX)? minX : -1, | |
startY: (maxY >= minY)? minY : -1 | |
}; | |
} | |
}; | |
// テキストキャンバスは、キャンバスのIDを指定して、そこに文字列を縦書きします。 | |
_$.TextCanvas = function(_canvasId,_font){ | |
_initFont = function (_font){ | |
if(!_font) return "12pt Arial"; | |
if(!_font.match(/([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(px|pt|em)/)){ | |
return "12pt "+_font; | |
}else{ | |
return _font; | |
} | |
}; | |
_getCharPointFromMousePosition = function(e,prn){ | |
var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
var x = e.clientX - rect.left; | |
var y = e.clientY - rect.top; | |
var _hits = prn._charPointMap; | |
var _hit = -1; | |
for(var i=0;i<_hits.length;i++){ | |
_hit = _hits[i](x,y); | |
if(_hit>=0){ | |
return _hit; | |
} | |
} | |
return -1; | |
}; | |
this._fontMeasure = new _$.FontMeasure(); | |
this._canvas = _global.document.getElementById(_canvasId); | |
this._font = _initFont(_font); | |
this._charPointMap = new Array(); | |
this._text = ''; | |
this.putCharVertically = function(val,_font){ | |
if(_font) this._font = _initFont(_font); | |
var cxt = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
var hp = 0; | |
var hps = 0; | |
var vp = 0; | |
var vps = 0; | |
var chr = ''; | |
var stx = 0; | |
var premsr = null; | |
var msr = null; | |
var tmp = 0; | |
this._text = val; | |
cxt.clearRect(0,0,this._canvas.width,this._canvas.height); | |
cxt.font = this._font; | |
this._charPointMap = new Array(); | |
for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){ | |
chr = val.charAt(i); | |
premsr = msr; | |
msr = this._fontMeasure.measure(this._font,chr); | |
un = msr.unit; | |
// small Charactors | |
if(chr.match(/[、。.,]/)){ | |
hp = msr.width - un - msr.startX; | |
vp = (premsr)?msr.height + premsr.height/2 : msr.height; | |
vps = (premsr)?vps - premsr.height/2 : vps; | |
}else{ | |
hp = msr.width + msr.startX; | |
vp = msr.height + msr.startY; | |
} | |
if( | |
( this._selectArea.st <= i && i <=this._selectArea.ed ) | |
|| | |
( this._selectArea.ed <= i && i <=this._selectArea.st ) | |
) | |
{ | |
cxt.strokeStyle = 'blue'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = 'blue'; | |
}else{ | |
cxt.strokeStyle = 'black'; | |
cxt.fillStyle = 'black'; | |
} | |
cxt.textBaseLine = 'top'; | |
// 90度回転表示する必要がある文字種 | |
if("{}()[]「」『』()【】[]{}…─━ー==~||".indexOf(chr) > -1){ | |
stx = this._canvas.width - un*2 - hps; | |
sty = un/4 + vps - msr.startX; | |
cxt.rotate(Math.PI / 2); | |
cxt.fillText(chr, sty , - (stx + un - hp/2)); | |
cxt.rotate(-Math.PI / 2); | |
hp = msr.height; | |
vp = msr.width; | |
}else{ | |
stx = this._canvas.width - un*2 - hps; | |
sty = un + vps; | |
cxt.fillText(chr, stx + un - hp/2, sty ); | |
} | |
this._charPointMap[this._charPointMap.length]=( | |
function(stx,sty,s,c){ | |
return function(x,y){ | |
return (stx+s/2 <= x && x <= stx+s*3/2 && sty-s <= y && y <= sty)?c:-1; | |
}; | |
})(stx,sty,un,i); | |
vps = vps + vp; | |
if(chr.charCodeAt(0) == 10 || vps > this._canvas.height - un*2){ | |
hps += un*1.5; | |
vps = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
this._canvas.onmouseup = ( | |
function(prn){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
var st,ed; | |
prn._canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){}; | |
if(prn._selectArea.st >= 0){ | |
if(prn._selectArea.st < prn._selectArea.ed){ | |
st = prn._selectArea.st; | |
ed = prn._selectArea.ed+1; | |
}else{ | |
st = prn._selectArea.ed; | |
ed = prn._selectArea.st+1; | |
} | |
console.log(prn._text.substring(st,ed)); | |
} | |
prn._selectArea={st:-1,ed:-1}; | |
prn.putCharVertically(prn._text); | |
} | |
})(this); | |
this._selectText = function(num){ | |
if(num < 0) return; | |
if(this._selectArea.st < 0) | |
this._selectArea.st = num; | |
this._selectArea.ed = num; | |
} | |
this._canvas.onmousedown =( | |
function(prn){ | |
return function(e1){ | |
prn._selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e1,prn)); | |
prn._canvas.onmousemove = function(e2){ | |
prn.putCharVertically(prn._text); | |
prn._selectText(_getCharPointFromMousePosition(e2,prn)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
)(this); | |
} | |
})( | |
this, | |
nameSpace(this,'aya.eiya.test') | |
); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body onload="cvs = new aya.eiya.test.TextCanvas('vwrMain');cvs.putCharVertically(document.getElementById('inMain').value);"> | |
<h1>Canvasに縦書きで特殊な文字も自然に表示する。</h1> | |
<p>HTML5のCanvasの練習です。Canvasに縦書きで括弧などの文字を自然に表示します。</p> | |
<p>せっかくなので改行にも対応しました。</p> | |
<div id="main"> | |
<canvas id="vwrMain" width="300" height="300"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
<form> | |
Font : <input type="text" id="font" value="12pt Arial" /><br /> | |
Text <br /><textarea id="inMain" | |
style="width:280px;height:120px" | |
onkeyup="cvs.putCharVertically(this.value,document.getElementById('font').value);"> | |
HTML5のCanvasの練習です。Canvasに縦書きで括弧などの文字を90度回転させて自然な形で表示します。 | |
「このような(括弧)が(自然な)形で{表示されていると}」 | |
{成功と『言え』ます…} | |
</textarea> | |
</form> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
- 閉包の利用
function myClass(DOMObject){
this.DOMObject = DOMObject;
this.myMethod = function(){alert(this);}; // 1st
this.DOMObject.onmousedown = function(e){alert(this);}; // 2nd
- プロポーサル風に文字を表示してみる
- 横書きフォントで無理やり縦書きにする場合の記号への対応