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Visualise a nested Python dictionary by Graphviz

Visualise a nested Python dictionary by Graphviz

Suppose we have a nested Python dictionary like this:

d = {
    'fc1': {'kernel': (768, 3072), 'bias': (3072,)},
    'fc2': {'kernel': (3072, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
    'self_attn': {
        'k_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'q_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'v_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'out_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
    'self_attn_layer_norm': {'scale': (768,), 'bias': (768,)},
    'encoder_attn': {
        'k_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'q_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'v_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
        'out_proj': {'kernel': (768, 768), 'bias': (768,)},
    'encoder_attn_layer_norm': {'scale': (768,), 'bias': (768,)},
    'final_layer_norm': {'scale': (768,), 'bias': (768,)},

We can convert it to Graphviz representation by this:

def dict2dot(d, root_name):
    xs = []
    xs.append('digraph A {')
    xs.append(f'  0 [label="{root_name}"]')

    def dfs(d, parent=0):
        current = parent + 1
        for k, v in d.items():
            if not isinstance(v, dict):  # leaf
                xs.append(f'  {current} [label="{k}\\n{v}"]')
                xs.append(f'  {parent} -> {current}')
                current += 1
                xs.append(f'  {current} [label="{k}"]')
                xs.append(f'  {parent} -> {current}')
                current = dfs(v, current)
        return current

    return '\n'.join(xs)

print(dict2dot(d, 'params'))

The result would be like this:

digraph A {
  0 [label="params"]
  1 [label="fc1"]
  0 -> 1
  2 [label="kernel\n(768, 3072)"]
  1 -> 2
  3 [label="bias\n(3072,)"]
  1 -> 3
  4 [label="fc2"]
  0 -> 4
  5 [label="kernel\n(3072, 768)"]
  4 -> 5
  6 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  4 -> 6
  7 [label="self_attn"]
  0 -> 7
  8 [label="k_proj"]
  7 -> 8
  9 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  8 -> 9
  10 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  8 -> 10
  11 [label="q_proj"]
  7 -> 11
  12 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  11 -> 12
  13 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  11 -> 13
  14 [label="v_proj"]
  7 -> 14
  15 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  14 -> 15
  16 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  14 -> 16
  17 [label="out_proj"]
  7 -> 17
  18 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  17 -> 18
  19 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  17 -> 19
  20 [label="self_attn_layer_norm"]
  0 -> 20
  21 [label="scale\n(768,)"]
  20 -> 21
  22 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  20 -> 22
  23 [label="encoder_attn"]
  0 -> 23
  24 [label="k_proj"]
  23 -> 24
  25 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  24 -> 25
  26 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  24 -> 26
  27 [label="q_proj"]
  23 -> 27
  28 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  27 -> 28
  29 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  27 -> 29
  30 [label="v_proj"]
  23 -> 30
  31 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  30 -> 31
  32 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  30 -> 32
  33 [label="out_proj"]
  23 -> 33
  34 [label="kernel\n(768, 768)"]
  33 -> 34
  35 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  33 -> 35
  36 [label="encoder_attn_layer_norm"]
  0 -> 36
  37 [label="scale\n(768,)"]
  36 -> 37
  38 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  36 -> 38
  39 [label="final_layer_norm"]
  0 -> 39
  40 [label="scale\n(768,)"]
  39 -> 40
  41 [label="bias\n(768,)"]
  39 -> 41

And we can generate a PNG file:

dot -Tpng -o result.png

License: CC0 1.0

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