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Created February 5, 2013 02:20
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let s:unite_source = {
\ 'name': 'def',
\ }
function! s:unite_source.gather_candidates(args, context)
let s:exePath ="YOUR_DICT/"
let s:path = expand('%:p')
let s:ext = expand('%:e')
let s:lines = getbufline('%', 1, '$')
let s:func_list = []
let s:line_number = 1
let argvs = []
for line in s:lines
if line =~ 'def ' && s:ext == "py"
let tmp = substitute(line, "def ", "", "g")
let lastIndex = match(tmp, "(")
call add(argvs, strpart(tmp, 0, lastIndex))
let s:line_number += 1
let s:result = system('python '.s:exePath.' '.join(argvs, " "))
let s:dataList = split(s:result, "||")
for data in s:dataList
let input = split(data, "++")
call add(s:func_list, [input[0], input[1], str2nr(input[2])])
return map(copy(s:func_list), '{
\ "word" : v:val[0],
\ "source" : "get_function",
\ "kind" : "jump_list",
\ "action__path": v:val[1],
\ "action__line": v:val[2]
\ }')
call unite#define_source(s:unite_source)
unlet s:unite_source
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