I'm learning unity by redoing old projects or scenes of videogames (coming from a webGL background), and documenting things I get stuck on, as well as findings.
Basically npm for Unity. Just need to add dependencies and scopedRegistries to Packages/manifest.json, Unity will detect the change and install the package.
Add this line in CGPROGRAM, after #include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "Packages/jp.keijiro.noiseshader/Shader/SimplexNoise2D.hlsl"
Just make sure the "Reference" name is what you need it to be, when unfolding the property in the ShaderGraph blackboard panel. By default, it will get a generated name like Texture2D_F36GI
For instance GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, 256, 256), _texture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, false, 1);
Single transform properties (like transform.position.z or rotation.y) cannot be set, they need to be overwritten
This will work:
transform.position = new Vector4(....);
transform.position += new Vector4(....);
Thus position.Set(...) will not work, you need to assign a new Vector, i.e: object.transform.position = new Vector4(...);
Graphics.Blit(_rt, temp);
Graphics.Blit(temp, _rt, _drawMaterial);
The material can for instance render the content of the previous RenderTexture and add something on top of it. Ideal for drawing or fading a texture (equivalent of autoClear none).
RenderTexture temp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(_splatMap.width, _splatMap.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat);
// ...
// then:
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(temp); // Important!
Awake will run regardless (and always before Start)
You can also use layers but this is more cumbersome, unless you want to raycast a few different objects. Here's a raycast example:
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (collider.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity)) {
// do something with hit.point, hit.textureCoordinates, etc
Somehow they are now shown anywhere? This is on mac:
- Delete selected node or connection: Cmd+Delete
- Option+Drag: Drag around
- Scroll: Zoom
You can hide the preview & the blackboard by clicking the buttons in the top right - saves a lot of space
Right Click > Show Generated Code
Useful if you never remember how to write annoying functions like world to local ;)
If it refuses to connect 2 nodes (by instead offering to create a new node), check your types
So you can keep tweaking without having to restart. Really awesome feature.
So you will need to scale & apply your meshes. /!\ Keep in mind most of blender's primitives are 2 units large by default (cube, plane go from -1 to 1).
Right Click > Create Animator Controller, then drag & drop the geometry. It should automatically find the animation. To make it loop, make sure in your 3D software the timeline doesn't have any blanks. In Unity, select the Geometry, and choose the "Animation" panel from the Inspector and make sure "Loop time" is checked.
Can be somewhat expensive so do this in Start() rather than in a loop!
GameObject mesh = gameObject.transform.Find("Object_Name").gameObject;
Material material = mesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
Prefer Handles.DrawLine
instead for 2D shapes, (with using UnityEditor
), or Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (and others) for 3D shapes.