Setup an alias to start Node container and map the current folder for quick isolated Linux environment.
Add to ~/.alias
# Creates Node container with mapped current folder and runs Bash shell
alias node-box='docker run -v $PWD:/src -w /src -u node -it node /bin/bash'
- Dockerizing a Node.js web app
- NodeUp Docker podcast episode
- Node Dockerhub images - list of Docker images with different Node versions
- Docker cheat sheet
- fuge - Node microservices and sites with nice development workflow
- Microservices with fuge - my blog post showing local development workflow
- Run Node in a docker container with file access
- If you have multiple Docker files, you can pick the one to use during build
docker build -f <name> .
- Good video from NodeSource Need to Node: Getting Started with Node.js, Docker and Kubernetes
- You can run very simple process for managing system signals inside the docker container and that can start your actual process. yelp/dumb-init
- 8 Protips to Start Killing It When Dockerizing Node.js includes how to make separate user, caching, etc.