Here is the list of most commonly used jQuery API functions:
- find(): Selects elements based on the provided selector string
- hide(): Hides an element if it was visible
- show(): Shows an element if it was hidden
- html(): Gets or sets an inner HTML of an element
- append() Injects an element into the DOM after the selected element
- prepend() Injects an element into the DOM before the selected element
- on(): Attaches an event listener to an element
- off() Detaches an event listener from an element
- css(): Gets or sets the style attribute value of an element
- attr() Gets or sets any attribute of an element
- val(): Gets or sets the value attribute of an element
- text(): Gets the combined text of an element and its children
- each(): Iterates over a set of matched elements
Sounds about right.
Please if some one has favorites used methods like CraigglesO with animate(), please share.
Might help others, I've been using animate.css framework for animations, I'm gonna dig a little bit more into animate() to see what kind of things I can reach.. although, is not better do the animations with CSS as long as we could be able to do them ??