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Created August 31, 2018 20:31
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nudruz without clllib
;; rsm-mod
(defun %get-powers (k n)
"Get the list of the factor <k> that appears in <n>."
:with nn = n
:with facts = nil
:while (= (mod nn k) 0) :do
(setf nn (/ nn k))
(push k facts)
:finally (return facts)))
(defun %get-powers-of-2-3 (n)
"Get the list of the primes 2 and 3 that occur in <n>."
(let ((2-facts (%get-powers 2 n))
(3-facts (%get-powers 3 n)))
(nconc 2-facts 3-facts)))
(defun factors (n &key (no-dups t))
"Computes and returns a list of the primes factors of <n>. If <no-dups> is
true, then no multiple entries of a factor are returned.
Example: (rsm.mod:factors 100)
(2 5)
Example: (rsm.mod:factors 100 :no-dups nil)
(2 2 5 5)"
(let ((2-3-facts (%get-powers-of-2-3 n)))
(let ((other-facts
:with nn = (/ n (apply #'cl:* 2-3-facts))
:with m = (isqrt nn)
:with k = 5
:with factors = nil
:with skip fixnum = 2
:while (<= k m) :do
(if (= (mod nn k) 0)
(setf nn
(do ((n1 nn (/ n1 k)))
((> (mod n1 k) 0) n1)
(push k factors)))
(setf m (isqrt nn)))
(incf k skip)
(if (= skip 2)
(setf skip 4)
(setf skip 2))))
:finally (return (nreverse
(if (> nn 1)
(cons nn factors)
(if no-dups
(nconc 2-3-facts other-facts))
(nconc 2-3-facts other-facts)))))
;; @azimut: replaced poisson with lisprng, due not cllib/rng.lisp on ql
;; @azimut: from clocc-cllib/simple
(defmacro with-collect ((&rest collectors) &body forms)
"Evaluate forms, collecting objects into lists.
Within the FORMS, you can use local macros listed among collectors,
they are returned as multiple values.
E.g., (with-collect (c1 c2) (dotimes (i 10) (if (oddp i) (c1 i) (c2 i))))
==> (1 3 5 7 9); (0 2 4 6 8) [2 values]
In CLISP, push/nreverse is about 1.25 times as fast as pushing into the
tail, so this macro uses push/nreverse on CLISP and push into the tail
on other lisps (which is 1.5-2 times as fast as push/nreverse there)."
(let ((ret (mapcar (lambda (cc) (gensym (format nil "~s-RET-" cc)))
`(let (,@ret)
(declare (list ,@ret))
(macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (co re) `(,co (form) `(push ,form ,',re)))
collectors ret)
(values ,@(mapcar (lambda (re) `(sys::list-nreverse ,re)) ret)))))
(let ((ret (mapcar (lambda (cc) (gensym (format nil "~s-RET-" cc)))
(tail (mapcar (lambda (cc) (gensym (format nil "~s-TAIL-" cc)))
(tmp (mapcar (lambda (cc) (gensym (format nil "~s-TMP-" cc)))
`(let (,@ret ,@tail)
(declare (list ,@ret ,@tail))
(macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (co re ta tm)
`(,co (form)
`(let ((,',tm (list ,form)))
(if ,',re (setf (cdr ,',ta) (setf ,',ta ,',tm))
(setf ,',re (setf ,',ta ,',tm))))))
collectors ret tail tmp)
(values ,@ret)))))
;; @azimut - FROM cllib/math.lisp
(defun subsets (set)
"return a list of all subsets of the given set (represented as a list)"
(let ((first (first set)) (rest (rest set)))
(if rest
(let ((others (subsets rest)))
(nconc others
(mapcar (lambda (subset)
(cons first subset))
(list nil (list first)))))
(defun make-vector-indexed (len)
"Return a simple vector #(0 1 ... (1-len))."
(let ((vv (make-array len)))
(dotimes (ii len vv)
(setf (aref vv ii) ii))))
(defun vector-shuffle (vec)
"Generate a random permutation of the vector in place.
If the argument is a number, return a new random vector of this length.
Uses the Fisher/Yates algorithm, see
Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 Algorithm 3.4.2P, p.145
R.A. Fisher & F. Yates, Statistical Tables, London 1938, Example 12
R. Durstenfeld, CACM 7 (1964), 420.
This is more or less the same as
(permutation vec (random (! (length vec))))
except that the factorial is likely to be far too large for `random'."
(etypecase vec
(vector (loop :for ii :downfrom (1- (length vec)) :to 1
:for jj = (random (1+ ii))
:unless (= jj ii)
:do (rotatef (aref vec ii) (aref vec jj)))
(number (vector-shuffle (make-vector-indexed vec)))))
(defun permutation
(vec nth &optional (len (1- (length vec))) (fact (alexandria:factorial len)))
"Generate the NTH permutation of the vector VEC in place.
The algorithm is similar to the standard Fisher/Yates one, but instead
of random numbers [a_n-1,...,a_1] it represents a number in [0;n!] as
x = a_n-1*(n-1)! + ... + a_1
The original vector is returned when NTH = (1- (! (length vec)))."
(loop :for ff = fact :then (/ ff ii)
:for ii :downfrom len :to 1 :with jj
:do (setf (values jj nth) (floor nth ff))
:unless (= jj ii)
:do (rotatef (aref vec ii) (aref vec jj)))
(defmacro with-permutations-shuffle ((var vec &optional ret-form) &body body)
"Gererate the successive shufflings of vector VEC using `permutation'.
VEC is not modified, VAR storage is allocated only once,
not n! times, and reused.
The return value is RET-FORM, if given, or the number of
permutations generated (i.e., n!).
The original vector is the last one returned."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (vv len len1 fact ii jj tot)
`(let* ((,vv ,vec) (,len (length ,vv)) (,len1 (1- ,len)) (,fact (alexandria:factorial ,len1))
(,var (copy-seq ,vv)) (,tot (* ,len ,fact)))
(dotimes (,ii ,tot ,(or ret-form tot))
(dotimes (,jj ,len) (setf (aref ,var ,jj) (aref ,vv ,jj)))
(permutation ,var ,ii ,len1 ,fact)
(defun check-permutations-end (name found length)
(let ((fact (alexandria:factorial length)))
(unless (= found fact)
(error "~s: generated ~:d permutation~:p, not ~d!=~:d, as expected"
name found length fact))))
(defmacro with-permutations-swap ((var vec &optional ret-form) &body body)
"Bind VAR to each permutation of vector VEC in turn, then execute the BODY.
Thus, BODY is evaluated (! (length vec)) times.
VEC is not modified; VAR storage is allocated only once,
not n! times, and reused.
The return value is RET-FORM, if given, or the number of
permutations generated (i.e., n!).
The permutations are generated by transposing adjacent elements,
according to the CACM algorithm 115 [H.F.Trotter, Comm ACM 5 (Aug 1962) 434].
The original vector is the last one returned."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (nn pp dd kk qq ii done top)
`(let* ((,var (copy-seq ,vec)) (,ii 0) (,nn (length ,var))
(,top (- ,nn 2)) (,kk 0) (,qq 0) (,done nil)
(,pp (make-array (1- ,nn) :element-type 'fixnum
:initial-element -1))
(,dd (make-array (1- ,nn) :element-type 'fixnum
:initial-element 1)))
(declare (type (array fixnum (*)) ,pp ,dd) (fixnum ,kk ,qq))
(setq ,kk 0 ,top (- ,nn 2))
(setf ,qq (+ (aref ,pp ,top) (aref ,dd ,top))
(aref ,pp ,top) ,qq)
(when (= ,qq (1+ ,top))
(setf (aref ,dd ,top) -1)
(go :loop))
(when (/= -1 ,qq) (go :swap))
(setf (aref ,dd ,top) 1)
(incf ,kk)
(when (> ,top 0)
(decf ,top)
(go :index))
(setq ,qq 0 ,done t)
(incf ,qq ,kk) (rotatef (aref ,var ,qq) (aref ,var (1+ ,qq))))
;;(format t "~4d * ~s [k ~d] [n ~d] [p ~s] [d ~s] [q ~d] [done ~s]~%"
;; ,ii ,var ,kk ,top ,pp ,dd ,qq ,done)
(incf ,ii)
(when ,done
(check-permutations-end 'with-permutations-swap ,ii ,nn)
(return ,(or ret-form ii)))))))
(defmacro with-permutations-lex ((var len &optional ret-form) &body body)
"Bind VAR to each permutation of vector [0:LEN-1] in turn,
then execute the BODY - i.e, BODY is evaluated (! len) times.
VAR storage is allocated only once, not n! times, and reused.
The return value is RET-FORM, if given, or the number of
permutations generated (i.e., n!).
The permutations are generated in the lexicographic order,
according to the CACM algorithm 202 [M.K.Shen, Comm ACL 6 (Sept 1963) 517]."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (ll nn ww ii)
`(let* ((,ll ,len) (,var (make-vector-indexed ,ll)) (,nn 0))
(declare (fixnum ,ll ,nn))
(unless (zerop ,nn)
(let ((,ww (1- ,ll)))
(declare (fixnum ,ww))
(do () ((or (zerop ,ww) (< (aref ,var (1- ,ww)) (aref ,var ,ww))))
(decf ,ww))
(when (zerop ,ww)
(check-permutations-end 'with-permutations-lex ,nn ,ll)
(return ,(or ret-form nn)))
(let ((,ii (position (aref ,var (1- ,ww)) ,var
:from-end t :test #'<)))
(rotatef (aref ,var (1- ,ww)) (aref ,var ,ii)))
(dotimes (,ii (ash (- ,ll ,ww) -1))
(rotatef (aref ,var (- ,ll ,ii 1)) (aref ,var (+ ,ww ,ii))))))
(incf ,nn)
(defun permutations-list (vec &key (method :lex))
"Return the list of all the permutations of the vector VEC.
The order in which the permutations are listed is either
lexicographic (when :METHOD is :LEX, which is the default),
in which case `with-permutations-lex' is used;
shuffling (when :METHOD is :SHUFFLE)
in which case `with-permutations-shuffle' is used;
transposing adjacent elements (when :METHOD is :SWAP),
in which case `with-permutations-swap' is used.
:SWAP is more than twice as fast as :LEX
and more that 10 times as fast as :SHUFFLE"
(declare (ignorable method))
(with-collect (coll)
(ecase method
(:lex (with-permutations-lex (vv (length vec))
(let ((tv (copy-seq vec)))
(dotimes (ii (length vec))
(setf (aref tv ii) (aref vec (aref vv ii))))
(coll tv))))
(:shuffle (with-permutations-shuffle (vv vec) (coll (copy-seq vv))))
(:swap (with-permutations-swap (vv vec) (coll (copy-seq vv)))))))
;; END OF math.lisp
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