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Last active June 27, 2020 22:52
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COVID-19 Mosque Reopening


  • A mosque is opening for five daily prayers (potentially multiple Jammats? this needs sharia clarification)
  • A mosque can hold multiple Jummah prayers on Fridays
  • A mosque can leave their door open for individual prayer throughout the day
  • A mosque needs to close its door for several hours for cleaning and so on
  • A mosque will have enough volunteers to deal with a potential surge in attendees and have appropriate crowd control capacity
  • Attendees can opt-to attend the mosque outside the daily prayer times
  • Attendees will leave the mosque after a fixed period (say an hour) to allow for others to attend the mosque

Requirements for a Mosque:

  • Ability to enter how many spaces available in total, given social distancing still apply
    • This need to be broken down into: Brother and Sisters sections
  • What are their opening hours, mosques will need to be shut down for cleaning for example
  • Ability to enter contact details
  • Ability to identify an attendee as they enter the mosque
  • Ability to identify attendees who are overstaying their turns

Requirements for Mosque Attendees:

  • Ability to select/enter the preferred salah (or date and time) to attend the mosque
  • Confirmation of when to attend the mosque and for how long they can stay in the mosque
  • Reminder notification when they are approaching the end of their time (this probably not a good idea since it will interrupt other attendees)

System-wide requirements:

  • The system should scale to support all the mosques (initally) in the UK (roughly around 2,000 mosques)
  • The system should scale to support a continually increasing number of users
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