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Forked from amitsaha/
Created June 10, 2012 15:33
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Install ownCloud3 on Fedora 16
# Shell script to setup and install ownCloud3 on Fedora 16 (and later, hopefully)
# You may try on others, but it may not work
# Run it as root/sudo
# Also installs PageKite (
# Any harm to any object animate/inanimate caused by this script
# is solely unintentional and the script writer assumes no responsibility
# Refer:
# April 9, 2012
# Amit Saha ([email protected])
#Let's begin
#Am I root?
if [ ! $( id -u ) -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'Please run this script as sudo/root'
#URLs to download sources from
# MySQL root pass
echo 'Welcome! Beginning ownCloud3 installation.'
echo 'Downloading requisite packages..'
# install the packages (assumes a Yes for install)
yum --assumeyes install httpd php php-mysql php-mbstring php-devel mysql mysql-server zlib zlib-devel pcre-devel phpmyadmin
# setup a working directory
echo 'Setting up Working directory'
mkdir backstage
cd backstage
# install and setup php-zip
echo 'Installing PHP zip module'
wget $phpzip_url
tar -zxvf zip
cd zip-1.10.2
make install
echo >> /etc/php.ini
cd ..
#download ownCloud
echo 'Downloading and setting up ownCloud3'
wget $owncloud_url
bunzip2 -d owncloud-3.0.0.tar.bz2
tar xf owncloud-3.0.0.tar
#copy owncloud files to the apache directory
cp -r owncloud /var/www/html/
cd /var/www/html
chown -R apache:apache owncloud/
echo 'Setup ownCloud with Apache'
#back home
#install pagekite
/usr/bin/curl -s | /bin/bash
echo 'Pagekite installed'
#start mysqld and apache
echo 'Attempting to start MySQL server and Apache'
service httpd start
service mysqld start
#system startup
chkconfig --add httpd
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig --add mysqld
chkconfig mysqld on
#change MySQL root password
mysqladmin -u root password $PASS
echo 'Changed root password of MySQL Admin'
# next you need to create the MySQL database using
# phpadmin by going to: http://localhost/phpmyadmin
echo 'Done installing. Now, configure ownCloud.'
#open the browser
echo 'Opening PhpMyAdmin'
firefox http://localhost/phpmyadmin &
echo 'Go to for accessing your cloud from the world'
echo 'Good Bye!'
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