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Last active January 16, 2021 01:41
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smallc parser in haskell using parser combinators (w/ Megaparsec)
module Main where
- Megaparsec
- pretty-simple
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import qualified Text.Pretty.Simple as PS
type Parser = P.Parsec Void String
data Expr =
EID String
| EInt Int
| EBool Bool
| EAdd Expr Expr
| ESub Expr Expr
| EMult Expr Expr
| EDiv Expr Expr
| EPow Expr Expr
| EGreater Expr Expr
| ELess Expr Expr
| EGreaterEqual Expr Expr
| ELessEqual Expr Expr
| EEqual Expr Expr
| ENotEqual Expr Expr
| EOr Expr Expr
| EAnd Expr Expr
| ENot Expr
deriving (Show)
data DataType =
| BoolT
deriving (Show)
data Stmt =
| SSeq Stmt Stmt
| SDeclare DataType String
| SAssign String Expr
| SIf Expr Stmt Stmt
| SFor String Expr Expr Stmt
| SWhile Expr Stmt
| SPrint Expr
deriving (Show)
-- | Parse a SmallC program.
main :: IO ()
main =
do input <- getContents
case P.parse parser "" input of
Left x -> putStrLn "Error!"
>> PS.pPrint x
Right x -> PS.pPrint x
{- Helper parsers. -}
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme
tok :: String -> Parser String
tok x = lexeme $ P.chunk x
{- Main parser. -}
parser :: Parser Stmt
parser =
tok "int"
*> tok "main"
*> tok "("
*> tok ")"
*> tok "{"
*> stmt
<* tok "}"
<* P.eof
{- Expression parser. -}
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = orExpr
orExpr :: Parser Expr
orExpr =
[ P.try $ EOr <$> (andExpr <* tok "||") <*> orExpr
, andExpr
andExpr :: Parser Expr
andExpr =
[ P.try $ EAnd <$> (equalityExpr <* tok "&&") <*> andExpr
, equalityExpr
equalityExpr :: Parser Expr
equalityExpr =
[ P.try $ EEqual <$> (relationalExpr <* tok "==") <*> equalityExpr
, P.try $ ENotEqual <$> (relationalExpr <* tok "!=") <*> equalityExpr
, relationalExpr
relationalExpr :: Parser Expr
relationalExpr =
[ P.try $ ELess <$> (additiveExpr <* tok "<") <*> relationalExpr
, P.try $ ELessEqual <$> (additiveExpr <* tok "<=") <*> relationalExpr
, P.try $ EGreater <$> (additiveExpr <* tok ">") <*> relationalExpr
, P.try $ EGreaterEqual <$> (additiveExpr <* tok ">=") <*> relationalExpr
, additiveExpr
additiveExpr :: Parser Expr
additiveExpr =
[ P.try $ EAdd <$> (multiplicativeExpr <* tok "+") <*> additiveExpr
, P.try $ ESub <$> (multiplicativeExpr <* tok "-") <*> additiveExpr
, multiplicativeExpr
multiplicativeExpr :: Parser Expr
multiplicativeExpr =
[ P.try $ EMult <$> (powerExpr <* tok "*") <*> multiplicativeExpr
, P.try $ EDiv <$> (powerExpr <* tok "/") <*> multiplicativeExpr
, powerExpr
powerExpr :: Parser Expr
powerExpr =
[ P.try $ EPow <$> (unaryExpr <* tok "^") <*> powerExpr
, unaryExpr
unaryExpr :: Parser Expr
unaryExpr =
[ P.try $ tok "!" *> unaryExpr
, primaryExpr
primaryExpr :: Parser Expr
primaryExpr =
[ P.try $ EInt <$> L.signed (pure ()) (lexeme L.decimal)
, P.try $ EBool <$> (tok "true" $> True)
, P.try $ EBool <$> (tok "false" $> False)
, P.try $ EID <$> idString
, tok "(" *> expr <* tok ")"
idString :: Parser String
idString = lexeme ((:) <$> P.letterChar <*> P.many P.alphaNumChar)
{- Statement parser. -}
stmt :: Parser Stmt
stmt =
[ P.try $ SSeq <$> stmtOptions <*> stmt
, pure SNoOp
stmtOptions :: Parser Stmt
stmtOptions =
[ P.try declareStmt
, P.try printStmt
, P.try ifStmt
, P.try forStmt
, P.try whileStmt
, assignStmt
declareStmt :: Parser Stmt
declareStmt =
[ SDeclare <$> (tok "int" $> IntT) <*> idString <* tok ";"
, SDeclare <$> (tok "bool" $> BoolT) <*> idString <* tok ";"
printStmt :: Parser Stmt
printStmt = SPrint <$> (tok "printf" *> tok "(" *> expr <* tok ")" <* tok ";")
ifStmt :: Parser Stmt
ifStmt =
<$> (tok "if" *> tok "(" *> expr <* tok ")")
<*> (tok "{" *> stmt <* tok "}")
<*> elseBranch
elseBranch :: Parser Stmt
elseBranch =
[ tok "else" *> tok "{" *> stmt <* tok "}"
, pure SNoOp
forStmt :: Parser Stmt
forStmt =
<$> (tok "for" *> tok "(" *> idString)
<*> (tok "from" *> expr <* tok "to")
<*> (expr <* tok ")")
<*> (tok "{" *> stmt <* tok "}")
whileStmt :: Parser Stmt
whileStmt =
<$> (tok "while" *> tok "(" *> expr <* tok ")")
<*> (tok "{" *> stmt <* tok "}")
assignStmt :: Parser Stmt
assignStmt = SAssign <$> idString <*> (tok "=" *> expr <* tok ";")
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