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Last active June 28, 2019 00:49
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FLUTTER => Ensures that "TextFormFields" are visible when focused in Flutter
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Note:
/// [*] some functions are async simply because that schedules them after something else that should happen first for everything to work properly
/// [*] you really should not use "ensureVisible" or "ensureErrorVisible" or "KeyboardListener" unless that field is already wrapped in "EnsureVisibleWhenFocused"
/// you will get very unusual behavior
/// Feature Set:
/// [1] Wrap any field with "EnsureVisibleWhenFocused" if you want that field to be automatically ensure visible on the conditions indicated
/// 1. ensure a field is visible when its toggled to focused from unfocused
/// 2. ensure a field is visible when the keyboard opens (after being dismissed manually)
/// [2] Wrap any field that is already wrapped with "EnsureVisibleWhenFocused" with an "AnimatedBuilder"
/// that updates when the error in "focusNodeToError" changes to have errors found during validation show up on screen
/// [3] Before you return the main widget in the "AnimatedBuilder" run "ensureErrorVisible" to ensure the error is still in view once it pops up
/// [4] Add a "KeyboardListener" to each field that you want to automatically scroll into focus if the keyboard is tapped
/// [5] Use "clearIsPossible" to the be able to listen to changes with an animated builder and allow a user to clear the entire text field when the user is focused on that field
/// Other Modifications Written By: Bryan Cancel
/// 1. Removed un needed delay that is now covered by checking keyboard metrics
/// 2. Added the Code that only makes us wait for the keyboard to be in view IF it isn't already in view
/// 3. Made "ensureVisible" an external function that can be accessible by other functions so we can refocus properly on certain edge cases
/// [+] this became relevant with the implementation of per field input validation (instead of validating the form all at once)
/// 4. Added "ensureErrorVisible" to simplify the code required to use [3] properly
/// [*] must be async to delay execution and schedule it after the error is built
/// 5. Added "KeyboardListener" that can be added as an input formatter in the "TextFormField.inputFormatters" property so that you automatically refocus when typing
/// 6. Added "keyboardWait" or the quantity of time before we check if the keyboard is open, If it isn't open we wat that quantity again until it is open
/// [*] this is flexible because it might take some phone keyboards longer to open up
/// 7. Function renames
/// 8. Added "clearIsPossible" that can then be watched by an animated builder to show or hide the icon that allows you to clear the field
/// Modified Source Code Added By: Peter Yuen
/// 1. Makes sure that if the user closes the keyboard, we wait for it to pop up, and then we ensure the field is visible
/// Modified Source Code Added By: boeledi
/// [*]
/// 1. Added code to ensure visible when the metrics change or when the keyboard opens or closes
/// Initial Source Code Written By: Collen Jackson
/// [*] Code Can Be Found At:
/// 1. Ensure a field is visible when its focused by scrolling to it
class EnsureVisible extends StatefulWidget {
final FocusNode focusNode;
final Duration duration; //time it takes us to scroll ourselves into view
final Curve curve; //the curve we use to scroll ourselves into view
final Duration keyboardWait; //the time we wait to once again check if the keyboard is finally open
final ValueNotifier<bool> clearIsPossible; //if we pass this value notifier its implicit that we want this to be true, when the node is focused
final Widget child;
const EnsureVisible({
Key key,
@required this.focusNode,
this.duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
this.curve: Curves.ease,
//what most humans consider instant is .1 seconds, so we want to check if the keyboard is finally open a little bit more often than that .05 seconds
this.keyboardWait: const Duration(milliseconds: 50), //.05 seconds = 50 milliseconds
@required this.child,
}) : super(key: key);
_EnsureVisibleWhenFocusedState createState() => new _EnsureVisibleWhenFocusedState();
class _EnsureVisibleWhenFocusedState extends State<EnsureVisible> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState(){
void dispose(){
void didChangeMetrics(){
if(widget.focusNode.hasFocus) _waitForKeyboardToOpenAndEnsureVisible();
_listenForFocusNodeChanges() async{
//used if you want a clear field option to show up per field only when its focused
if(widget.clearIsPossible != null){
if(widget.focusNode.hasFocus) widget.clearIsPossible.value = true;
else widget.clearIsPossible.value = false;
//wait until keyboard is open
Future<Null> _waitForKeyboardToOpen() async {
if (mounted){
EdgeInsets closedInsets = MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets;
//this works because MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets only changes ONCE when the keyboard is FULLY open
while (mounted && MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets == closedInsets) {
await new Future.delayed(widget.keyboardWait);
Future<Null> _waitForKeyboardToOpenAndEnsureVisible() async {
// Wait for the keyboard to come into view (if it isn't in view already)
if(MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets == await _waitForKeyboardToOpen();
// ensure our focusNode is visible
ensureVisible(context, widget.focusNode, duration: widget.duration, curve: widget.curve);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.child;
ensureVisible(BuildContext context, FocusNode focusNode, {Duration duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), Curve curve: Curves.ease}){
// No need to go any further if the node has not the focus
if (focusNode.hasFocus){
// Find the object which has the focus
final RenderObject object = context.findRenderObject();
final RenderAbstractViewport viewport = RenderAbstractViewport.of(object);
assert(viewport != null);
// Get the Scrollable state (in order to retrieve its offset)
ScrollableState scrollableState = Scrollable.of(context);
assert(scrollableState != null);
// Get its offset
ScrollPosition position = scrollableState.position;
double alignment;
if (position.pixels > viewport.getOffsetToReveal(object, 0.0)) {
// Move down to the top of the viewport
alignment = 0.0;
} else if (position.pixels < viewport.getOffsetToReveal(object, 1.0)){
// Move up to the bottom of the viewport
alignment = 1.0;
if(alignment != null){
alignment: alignment,
duration: duration,
curve: curve,
ensureErrorVisible( context, focusNode, {Duration duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), Curve curve: Curves.ease,}) async => ensureVisible(context, focusNode, duration: duration, curve: curve);
class KeyboardListener extends TextInputFormatter {
final BuildContext context;
final FocusNode focusNode;
final Duration duration;
final Curve curve;
KeyboardListener(this.context, this.focusNode, {this.duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), this.curve: Curves.ease});
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
ensureVisible(context, focusNode, duration: duration, curve: curve);
return newValue;
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Typo in 138 and 141 lines, add .offset

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