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Created August 6, 2019 21:29
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FLUTTER Dynamic Alphabetic Overlay
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
//NOTE: this widget is designed specifically to go OVER a slider
//the idea is that the slider takes you to certain positions and this should give you some idea of what those positions are
//In order to meet it's goals as best as possible we MUST
//1. fill the entirety of the totalHeight
// - otherwise the overlay won't match the slider and it won't be helpful
// - we do this by making the spacing larger if needed
// - the minimumSpacing is just used to determine how many item guides we can show
//2. have the first and last item displayed as an item guide
// - this is important once again because if not the overlay wont be reflective of the slider
// - we do this by grabbing the first item and then trying to divide the rest in groups
// - sometimes we can't possibly divide things into groups
// - because we are working off of a prime
// - in which case we basically combine the last group with the last number
Example of #2
we have 6 items and 3 spots for item guides
we need to have the 1st item as a item guide
[1] | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
but now we have 5 items to cover and only 2 spots for item guides
the best we can do is a 2 group of 2 and one item on its own
[1] | [2,3] | [4,5] | 6
but we can combine the last two groups
[1] | [2,3] | [4,5,6]
then our item guides will be the last item in each group
[1] 2 [3] 4 5 [6]
this will create a bit of an unusual gap between 3 and 6
but this is the best that is possible if you want the overlay to still be reflective of whats happening
//NOTE: we don't have to worry about the size of the item guide
//this is because after the math is done
//every item guide in the overlay is technically of size 0
//every spacing in the overlay is an expanded widget
//between every two item guides there is a spacer
//So since we are using overlay box as a child of every item guide
//thing will be aligned as expected
class AlphaScrollBarOverlay extends StatelessWidget {
@required this.items,
@required this.scrollBarHeight,
@required this.itemHeight,
@required this.spacingVertical,
final double scrollBarHeight;
final double spacingVertical;
//TODO... convert this to a list of widgets
final List<int> items;
//this should be the height of all the equally sized widgets in items
final double itemHeight;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//ideally we show all of the keys but most likely it isnt possible
// (in fact this is the entire reason I built this tool)
//so we have to calculate how many values we can take in
//ONLY the first and last item MUST be visible
//In A Perfect World
//total height = height of items + height of items' spacing
//height of items = height * items
//height of items' spacing = spacing * (items-1)
//Reconfigure to calculate items
// ATH >= (H * items) + (S * [items - 1])
// ATH >= (H * items) - S + (S * items)
// ATH + S >= (H * items) + (S * items)
// ATH + S >= (H + S) * items
// (ATH + S) / (H + s) >= items
//Since initially ATH >= function
//we truncate the result of items
//no partial items can exist
int itemGuideCount = ((scrollBarHeight + spacingVertical) ~/ (itemHeight + spacingVertical));
//if there isnt enough space for anything then -> simply fill the space there is
if(itemGuideCount == 0) return Container(height: scrollBarHeight);
//if there is only space for one thing
if(itemGuideCount == 1){
//AND we have nothing to fill it with -> simply fill the space there is
if(items.length == 0) return Container(height: scrollBarHeight);
//AND we have anything to fill it with -> fill it with the first
return new OnlyShowFirst(
scrollBarHeight: scrollBarHeight,
itemHeight: itemHeight,
items: items,
//NOTE: we KNOW we have space for atleast 2 possible spots
if(items.length == 0) return Container(height: scrollBarHeight);
if(items.length == 1){
return new OnlyShowFirst(
scrollBarHeight: scrollBarHeight,
itemHeight: itemHeight,
items: items,
//NOTE: we KNOW we have atleast 2 possible spots
//AND 2 possible items
//SO... we will be able to atleast have the first and last items
//on top of the scroll bar, but we may also be able to have more
//NOTE: works as long as we have ATLEAST ONE OF EACH
//we ALWAYS include the first key
int keyCount = items.length - 1;
itemGuideCount -= 1;
//we know we are using the first index
List<int> itemGuideIndices = new List<int>();
if(itemGuideCount > 0){
//calc the group sizes of all the items left
int groupSize = keyCount ~/ itemGuideCount;
//covers case I noticed
//EX: you have 21 slots and 28 items
//other wise might run into case where the last list is
//SO MUCH LARGER thatn the rest that the spacers mess things up
//you would include index 0 to 19
//then jump to index 27
//an 8 item gap with spacers that would break everything
//This bases itself off of the basic rule that although its better to
//use all available itemGuide slots
//its preferable to not use them all If it means things will look good
//TODO... check if there is an alternative solution
//OR if we always need to add one (math.ceil)
if((itemGuideCount * groupSize) < keyCount){
//iterate through all the items and mark the ones we will be using as item guides
for(int i = groupSize; i < items.length && itemGuideCount > 0; i += groupSize){
int addIndex;
bool nextWillExit = (i + groupSize) >= items.length;
if(itemGuideCount == 1 || nextWillExit){
addIndex = items.length - 1;
else addIndex = i;
//this item took up an item guide slot
//generate widget list
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
//If we marked this as an itemGuide then make it so
//else put a placer holder
Widget itemGuide;
itemGuide = OverflowBox(
minHeight: itemHeight,
maxHeight: itemHeight,
//NOTE: width auto set
child: Container(
height: itemHeight,
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
child: FittedBox(
fit: BoxFit.contain,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
else itemGuide = Container();
//add the spacer BEFORE if not the first item
if(i != 0){
child: Container(),
//add the item widget
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
height: 0,
child: itemGuide,
//output the widget
return Center(
child: Container(
height: scrollBarHeight,
width: 24,
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: widgets,
//Taken from
bool isPrime(int n){
if(n <= 1) return false;
else if(n <= 3) return true;
int i = 2;
while(i*i <= n){
if(n%i == 0) return false;
else i +=1;
return true;
//TODO... switch over to using the same thing as every thing else
//we may only have one possible slot but we still need
//0 sized containers and expanded widget spacer
//so that we can properly align with the slider
class OnlyShowFirst extends StatelessWidget {
const OnlyShowFirst({
Key key,
@required this.scrollBarHeight,
@required this.itemHeight,
@required this.items,
}) : super(key: key);
final double scrollBarHeight;
final double itemHeight;
final List<int> items;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: scrollBarHeight,
child: Center(
child: Container(
height: itemHeight,
child: Text(
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b-cancel commented Aug 6, 2019

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