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Created June 19, 2020 17:01
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import category_theory.monad.algebra
import data.sigma
namespace category_theory
open category_theory category_theory.category category_theory.limits comonad
universes v u
variables {C : Type u} [small_category C]
def inner_functor (Y : Type u) : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type u :=
{ obj := λ X, Π T, (T ⟶ X.unop) → Y,
map := λ X Z f t T g, t T (g ≫ f.unop) }
variable (C)
def W : Type u ⥤ Type u :=
{ obj := λ Y, Σ (x : Cᵒᵖ), (inner_functor Y).obj x,
map := λ Y Z f Ue, ⟨Ue.1, λ T g, f (Ue.2 T g)⟩ }.
instance : comonad (W C) :=
{ ε := { app := λ Y Ue, Ue.2 Ue.1.unop (𝟙 _) },
δ := { app := λ Y Ue, ⟨Ue.1, λ T f, ⟨opposite.op T, λ S g, Ue.2 S (g ≫ f)⟩⟩ },
right_counit' :=
intro Y,
ext1 ⟨U, e⟩,
dsimp [W],
coassoc' :=
intro Y,
ext ⟨U, e⟩,
dsimp [W],
congr' 1,
ext T f,
congr' 1,
ext S g,
congr' 1,
ext k,
end }.
def coalgebra_to_presheaf : coalgebra (W C) ⥤ Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type u :=
{ obj := λ w,
{ obj := λ X, {i : _ // (w.a i).1 = X},
map := λ X Y f a,
refine ⟨_, _⟩,
apply (w.a a.1).2 _ (f.unop ≫ eq_to_hom (opposite.op_inj a.2.symm)),
have t := congr_fun w.coassoc a.1,
dsimp [comonad.δ, W] at t,
injection t with t₁ t₂,
rw heq_iff_eq at t₂,
replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ Y.unop,
replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ (f.unop ≫ eq_to_hom (opposite.op_inj a.2.symm)),
replace t₂ := congr_arg sigma.fst t₂,
apply t₂.symm
map_id' := λ X,
ext1 ⟨a, ha⟩,
congr' 1,
cases ha,
rw id_comp,
exact congr_fun w.counit a,
map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g,
ext1 ⟨a, ha⟩,
subst ha,
rw comp_id,
rw comp_id,
congr' 1,
have t := congr_fun w.coassoc a,
dsimp [comonad.δ, W] at t,
injection t with t₁ t₂,
rw heq_iff_eq at t₂,
replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ Y.unop,
replace t₂ := congr_fun t₂ f.unop,
dsimp at t₂,
rw ← sigma.eta (w.a ((w.a a).snd Y.unop f.unop)) at t₂,
dsimp at t₂,
have := t₂,
rcases this with ⟨t₃, t₄⟩,
-- by using t₄, we get the result pretty easily
end category_theory
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