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Last active April 7, 2020 04:34
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gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "sudo rm -rf /home/jupyter/jupyterlab-gcloud-auth"
gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "mkdir -p /home/jupyter/jupyterlab-gcloud-auth"
gcloud compute scp --recurse ./* "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}:/home/jupyter/jupyterlab-gcloud-auth"
gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "pip uninstall -y jupyterlab_gcloud_auth"
gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "pip install /home/jupyter/jupyterlab-gcloud-auth"
gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "sudo service jupyter restart"
gcloud compute ssh "jupyter@${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- "cd /home/jupyter/jupyterlab-gcloud-auth && jupyter labextension install"
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