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Forked from aquiseb/c++-cheatsheet.cpp
Created April 24, 2020 06:33
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C++ CheatSheet

First Delete all // userinput-- values to get an effective prompt in terminal.

Make sure you have g++ installed, name the file main.cpp and run this

g++ main.cpp -o main.out && ./main.out
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void learnTypesAndSize() {
/** TYPES */
cout << "\n:::: TYPES ::::" << endl;
const double PI = 3.1415926535;
char myGrade = 'A';
bool isHappy = true;
int myAge = 30;
float favNum = 3.141592;
// Other types
// short int: at least 16 bits
// long int: at least 32 bits
// long long int: at least 64 bits
// unsigned int: same as signed version
// long double: not less than double
cout << "Fav number: " << favNum << endl;
/** SIZE (number of bytes) */
cout << "\n:::: SIZE ::::" << endl;
cout << "Size of double: " << sizeof(PI) << endl;
cout << "Size of char: " << sizeof(myGrade) << endl;
cout << "Size of bool: " << sizeof(isHappy) << endl;
cout << "Size of int: " << sizeof(myAge) << endl;
cout << "Size of float: " << sizeof(favNum) << endl;
int largestInt = 2147483647; // cannot be higher
cout << "Largest integer: " << largestInt << endl;
largestInt = 2147483648; // goes out of range
void learnMath() {
/** ARITHMETIC +, -, *, /, %, ++, -- */
cout << "\n:::: ARITHMETIC ::::" << endl;
cout << "5 + 2 = " << 5 + 2 << endl;
cout << "5 - 2 = " << 5 - 2 << endl;
cout << "5 * 2 = " << 5 * 2 << endl;
cout << "5 / 2 = " << 5 / 2 << endl;
cout << "5 % 2 = " << 5 % 2 << endl;
int five = 5;
cout << "5++ = " << five++ << endl; // increment after getting value of five
cout << "++5 = " << ++five << endl; // increment before getting value of five
cout << "5-- = " << five-- << endl; // decrement after getting value of five
cout << "--5 = " << --five << endl; // decrement before getting value of five
five += 6; // five becomes 11
int eleven = five;
five = 5; // reassign five
bool isEqual = eleven == five + 6;
cout << "isEqual: " << isEqual << endl; // decrement before getting value of five
cout << "1 + 2 - 3 * 2 = " << 1 + 2 - 3 * 2 << endl; // multiplication occurs first
cout << "(1 + 2 - 3) * 2 = " << (1 + 2 - 3) * 2 << endl;
void learnCastType() {
/** CAST TYPE */
cout << "\n:::: CAST TYPE ::::" << endl;
cout << "4 / 5 = " << 4 / 5 << endl;
cout << "(float)4 / 5 = " << (float)4 / 5 << endl;
void learnIf() {
cout << "\n:::: IF STATEMENT ::::" << endl;
int age = 70;
int ageAtLastExam = 18;
bool correctVision = true;
if ((age >= 1) && (age < 16)) {
cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
} else if (!correctVision) {
cout << "Not sure you could drive" << endl;
} else if (age >= 80 && ((age > 100) || (age - ageAtLastExam) > 5)) {
cout << "You should pass an exam again" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Ok, you can drive" << endl;
void learnSwitch() {
/** SWITCH */
cout << "\n:::: SWITCH ::::" << endl;
int greetingOpion = 2;
switch (greetingOpion) {
case 1:
cout << "Bonjour" << endl;
case 2:
cout << "Hola" << endl;
cout << "Hello" << endl;
void learnTernary() {
cout << "\n:::: TERNARY OPERATOR ::::" << endl;
int largestNum = (5 > 2) ? 5 : 2;
cout << "largestNum :" << largestNum << endl;
void learnArray() {
/** ARRAY */
cout << "\n:::: ARRAY ::::" << endl;
int myFavNums[5];
int badNums[5] = {20, 33, 57, 83, 91};
cout << "Bad Number 1 :" << badNums[0] << endl;
char myName[4][5] = {{'A', 's', 't', 'e', 'n'}, {'M', 'i', 'e', 's'}}; // starts with last array definition
cout << "3rd letter in 2nd array: " << myName[1][2] << endl; // arrays start at index 0
myName[1][2] = 'i'; // re-assign new value
cout << "3rd letter in 2nd array new value: " << myName[1][2] << endl; // arrays start at index 0
myName[1][2] = 'e'; // re-assign new value
void learnFor() {
char myName[4][5] = {{'A', 's', 't', 'e', 'n'}, {'M', 'i', 'e', 's'}};
/** FOR LOOPS */
cout << "\n:::: FOR LOOPS ::::" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
cout << i << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
cout << myName[j][k];
cout << endl;
void learnWhile() {
/** WHILE LOOPS */ // When you don't know when your loop will end ahead of time
cout << "\n:::: WHILE LOOPS ::::" << endl;
int randNum = (rand() % 100) + 1; // 0 - 99 so we add 1 to reach 100
while (randNum != 100) {
cout << randNum << ",";
randNum = (rand() % 100) + 1;
cout << endl;
int index = 1;
while (index <= 10) {
cout << index << endl;
void learnDoWhile() {
/** DO WHILE LOOPS */ // To execute what is in a while loop at least one time even if the while condition is false
cout << "\n:::: DO WHILE LOOPS ::::" << endl;
string numberGuessed;
int intNumberGuessed = 0;
do {
cout << "Guess a number between 1 and 10: (4 is the answer) ";
// userinput-- getline(cin, numberGuessed);
if (numberGuessed.empty()) numberGuessed = "4";
// stoi converts string to integer, stod converts string to double...
intNumberGuessed = stoi(numberGuessed);
cout << intNumberGuessed << endl;
} while (intNumberGuessed != 4); // winning number is 4
cout << "Your win" << endl;
void learnString() {
cout << "\n:::: STRING OBJECTS ::::" << endl;
char happyArray[6] = {'H', 'a', 'p', 'p', 'y', '\0'}; // This is how to create a string in C
string birthdayString = " Birthday"; // This is how we create a string in C++
cout << happyArray + birthdayString << endl; // Join strings with the concatenation operator
string yourName;
cout << "What is your name ? ";
// userinput-- getline(cin, yourName); // store user input in yourName, cin is the source input
if (yourName.empty()) yourName = "Asten Mies";
cout << "Hello " << yourName << endl;
double eulersConstant = .57721;
string eulerGuess;
double eulerGuessDouble;
cout << "What is Euler's Constant ? ";
// userinput-- getline(cin, eulerGuess);
if (eulerGuess.empty()) eulerGuess = ".55";
eulerGuessDouble = stod(eulerGuess);
if (eulerGuessDouble == eulersConstant) {
cout << "You are right" << endl;
} else {
cout << "You are wrong" << endl;
cout << "Size of string: " << eulerGuess.size() << endl;
cout << "Is string empty: " << eulerGuess.empty() << endl;
cout << eulerGuess.append(" was your guess") << endl;
// compare strings (alphabetical)
string dogString = "dog";
string catString = "cat";
cout << << endl; // 1 if it's less than
cout << << endl; // returns 0 when equal
cout << << endl; // -1 if it's greater than
string wholeName = yourName.assign(yourName); // assign a new value
cout << wholeName << endl;
// substring
string firstname;
firstname.assign(wholeName, 0, 5); // Get whole name from char 0 for length of 5
cout << "Substring: " << firstname << endl;
// find substring in string
int lastNameIndex = wholeName.find("Mies", 0); // Start searching for that string at index 0
string lastName;
lastName.assign(wholeName, lastNameIndex);
cout << "Find in string: " << lastName << endl;
// insert in string (index, substring)
yourName.insert(5, " Bob");
cout << "Insert in string: " << yourName << endl;
// delete from string (index, length)
yourName.erase(6, 4);
cout << "Erase from string: " << yourName << endl;
// replace in string (index, length)
yourName.replace(0, 5, "Bobby");
cout << "Replace in string: " << yourName << endl;
void learnVector() {
/** VECTOR */ // Same as arrays but size can change
cout << "\n:::: VECTOR ::::" << endl;
vector<int> lotteryNumVect(10);
int lotteryNumArray[5] = {4, 13, 14, 25, 66};
lotteryNumVect.insert(lotteryNumVect.begin(), lotteryNumArray,
lotteryNumArray + 3); // (from begin, array to insert, length of the part we want to insert)
cout << "Insert in vector: " << << endl;
lotteryNumVect.insert(lotteryNumVect.begin() + 5, 44); // starts at index 5
cout << "Insert in vector: " << << endl; // outputs the one that we just inserted at index 5
lotteryNumVect.push_back(64); // push from the back
cout << "First value in vector: " << lotteryNumVect.front() << endl;
cout << "Final value in vector: " << lotteryNumVect.back() << endl;
cout << "Vector size: " << lotteryNumVect.size() << endl;
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum = 0) {
int combinedValue = firstNum + secondNum;
return combinedValue;
// We can overload a function (already defined but re-defining)
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum, int thirdNum) {
int combinedValue = firstNum + secondNum + thirdNum;
return combinedValue;
int getFactorial(int number) {
int sum;
if (number == 1)
sum = 1;
sum = getFactorial(number - 1) * number;
return sum;
void learnFunction() {
cout << "\n:::: FUNCTIONS (see top of file) ::::" << endl;
cout << "Call function addNumbers: " << addNumbers(1) << endl;
cout << "Call function addNumbers: " << addNumbers(1, 5, 6) << endl;
cout << "Call function getFactorial of 3: " << getFactorial(3) << endl;
int learnFile() {
/** FILES */
cout << "\n:::: FILES (read and write) ::::" << endl;
string steveQuote = "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night";
ofstream writer("stevequote.txt");
if (!writer) {
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1;
} else {
writer << steveQuote << endl; // create file was successful? Write into it
ofstream writer2("stevequote.txt", ios::app); // append to then end of file
// ios::binary : Treat the file as binary
// ios::in : Open a file to read input
// ios::truc : Default
// ios::out : Open a file to write output
if (!writer2) {
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1;
} else {
writer2 << "\n - Steve Martin" << endl; // create file was successful? Write into it
char letter; // will hold each character
ifstream reader("stevequote.txt");
if (!reader) {
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1;
} else { // stream is open
// Read each character from the stream until the end of the file
for (int i = 0; !reader.eof(); i++) {
cout << letter;
cout << endl;
void learnException() {
cout << "\n:::: EXCEPTION HANDLING ::::" << endl;
// division by 0 error
int number = 0;
// Instead of causing an error, with a try block we can catch it and throw a message
try {
if (number != 0) {
cout << 2 / number << endl;
} else
throw(number); // throw is looking for a catch.
} catch (int number) {
cout << number << " is not valid" << endl;
void makeMeYoung(int* age) {
cout << "I used to be " << *age << endl;
*age = 21;
void actYourAge(int& age) { age = 42; }
void learnPointer() {
/** POINTERS */ // Memory addresses
cout << "\n:::: POINTERS ::::" << endl;
int myAge = 30;
char myGrade2 = 'A';
cout << "Size of int: " << sizeof(myAge) << endl; // 4 bytes
cout << "Size of char: " << sizeof(myAge) << endl; // 1 byte
// reference this box / memory address with the reference operator &
cout << "myAge is located at " << &myAge << endl; // outputs the memory address example: 0x7ffccc557780
// if we don't use pointers or we don't use reference operators
// and we change the value of a variable in a function
// that change of value does not carry on - it is lost
int* agePtr = &myAge; // pass that memory address over to our pointer
cout << "Address of pointer: " << agePtr << endl;
cout << "Data at memory address: " << *agePtr << endl; // de-reference to get the data at that memory address
int badNums2[5] = {20, 33, 57, 83, 91};
int* numArrayPtr = badNums2; // create a pointer
cout << "Address " << numArrayPtr << " Value " << *numArrayPtr << endl;
numArrayPtr++; // goes one integer further, so 4 bytes more in the address
cout << "Next Address " << numArrayPtr << " Value " << *numArrayPtr << endl;
// Use pointer when you don't want to initialize at declaration
// means I can (re-)initialize later
makeMeYoung(&myAge); // modify the value through a function
cout << "I'm " << myAge << " years old now" << endl;
int& ageRef = myAge;
cout << "myAge: " << myAge << endl;
cout << "myAge: " << myAge << endl;
// When ok to initialize at declaration
// not able to change whatever you're pointing at after that
cout << "myAge: " << myAge << endl;
class Animal {
// Attributes : height weight modeled in variable
// Capabilities : Run Eat modeled in methods
private: // can only be changed by functions inside this class - called encapsulation
int height;
int weight;
string name;
static int numOfAnimals; // is going to be shared by every object of type animal that is going to be created
public: // to be able to access the private values - we encapsulate them to keep them protected
int getHeight() { return height; }
int getWeight() { return weight; }
string getName() { return name; }
// protect the values that are going to be stored
void setHeight(int cm) { height = cm; };
void setWeight(int kg) { weight = kg; };
void setName(string animalName) { name = animalName; };
// we declare a prototype of a function
void setAll(int, int, string);
// a constructor - handle creating every object
Animal(int, int, string);
// a destructor
// overloading - a constructor that doesn't receive anything. Should have no arguments
// static method
static int getNumberOfAnimals() { return numOfAnimals; };
void toString();
// declare our static
int Animal::numOfAnimals = 0;
void Animal::setAll(int height, int weight, string name) {
// no animals created yet
this->height = height;
this->weight = weight;
this->name = name;
// constructor
Animal::Animal(int height, int weight, string name) {
this->height = height;
this->weight = weight;
this->name = name;
Animal::~Animal() { cout << "Animal " << this->name << " destroyed" << endl; }
Animal::Animal() { Animal::numOfAnimals++; }
void Animal::toString() {
cout << this->name << " is " << this->height << " cms tall and " << this->weight << " kgs in weight " << endl;
void learnClass() {
/** CLASS */
cout << "\n:::: CLASS ::::" << endl;
Animal fred;
cout << fred.getName() << " is " << fred.getHeight() << " cms tall and " << fred.getWeight() << " kgs in weight "
<< endl;
Animal tom(12, 1, "Tom");
cout << tom.getName() << " is " << tom.getHeight() << " cms tall and " << tom.getWeight() << " kgs in weight "
<< endl;
int main() {
cout << "Hello" << endl;
/** COMPARISON OPERATORS: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= */
/** LOGICAL OPERATORS: && || ! */
return 0;
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