This is not exactly a full-featured speedy bundler, but it will do the basic minification.
/((?![\"\'])(\/\/.*|(?<=\n) +|^$|\/\*.*\*\/|(?<=[\{\}\(\)\[\]])[\n ]+|[\n ]+(?=[\{\}\(\)\[\]]))(?![\"\'])|(?<=for) (?=\()|(?<=;)(\n| )| (?=[\=\!\(\)\}\{\"\'\`]))/g
() => {
// display the js only text
const text = document.getElementById('drag-n-drop-jsonly'); = 'initial';
// Minified to \/
const text= document.getElementById('drag-n-drop-jsonly');'initial';
Basically, it just strips unwanted whitespaces and comments ignoring everything that is within "
or '
One knowh caveat is that multiline `
tags will be rendered useless