Most of this content comes from Haskell from the first principle
A typeclass is a sort of interface that defines some behavior. If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means that it supports and implements the behavior the typeclass describes.
Typeclasses correspond to sets of types which have certain operations defined for them, and type class polymorphic functions work only for types which are instances of the type class(es) in question. Typeclasses can have laws.
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
Higher-kinded polymorphism is polymorphism which has a type variable abstracting over types of a higher kind. Functor is an example of higher kinded polymorphism because the kind of the f parameter to Functor is * -> *.
A functor maps a function over some structure (commonly called f) to apply. Another way to see it is we lift a function into a context.
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a->b) -> f a -> f b
- Identity : fmap id == id
- Composition : fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g
Applicative is a monoidal functor. The Applicative typeclass allows for function application lifted over structure (like Functor) but with Applicative the function we’re applying is also embedded in some structure. Because the function and the value it’s being applied to both have structure, we have to smash those structures together. So, Applicative involves monoids and functors.
Another explanation : an applicative maps a function that is contained over some structure over some structure and then mappends the two bits of structure.
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Laws :
- Identity : pure id <*> v = v - ex: (pure id) <*> (Just "abc") = Just "abc"
- Composition : pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w) - ex: pure (.) <*> (Just head) <*> (Just head) <*> (Just [[1]]) = (Just head) <*> ((Just head) <*> (Just [[1]]))
- Homomorphism : pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x) - A homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two categories. The effect of applying a function that is embedded in some structure to a value that is embedded in some structure should be the same as applying a function to a value without affecting any outside structure - ex: pure (+1) <*> pure 1 = pure ((+1) 1)
- Interchange : u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u - ex: Just (+2) <*> pure 2 = pure ($ 2) <*> Just (+2)
Use case example:
validateLength :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
validateLength maxLen s =
if (length s) > maxLen
then Nothing
else Just s
newtype Name = Name String deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Address = Address String deriving (Eq, Show)
mkName :: String -> Maybe Name
mkName s = fmap Name $ validateLength 25 s
mkAddress :: String -> Maybe Address
mkAddress a = fmap Address $ validateLength 100 a
data Person = Person Name Address deriving (Eq, Show)
mkPerson :: String -> String -> Maybe Person
mkPerson n a =
case mkName n of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n' ->
case mkAddress a of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a' ->
Just $ Person n' a'
mkPerson' :: String -> String -> Maybe Person
mkPerson' n a = Person <$> mkName n <*> mkAddress a
Another useful function: Control.Applicative defines a function that's called liftA2, which has a type of liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
"Monad" refers to a particular pattern of composition that can be implemented on types with certain higher-kinded type constructors. The entirety of the concept is tied up in the types of a couple operations and the rules for how those operations must interact with themselves and each other.
Monads in Haskell can be thought of as composable computation descriptions. The essence of monad is thus separation of composition timeline from the composed computation's execution timeline, as well as the ability of computation to implicitly carry extra data, as pertaining to the computation itself, in addition to its one (hence the name) output, that it will produce when run (or queried, or called upon). This lends monads to supplementing pure calculations with features like I/O, common environment, updatable state, etc.
Monads in Haskell are used as a mechanism for scheduling evaluation, thus turning a language with a hard-to-predict evaluation strategy into a language with predictable, sequential, interactions. This makes it possible to add interactive computations such as state and input-output to the language, noting that benign (non-interactive) computations are already a part of the language, transparent to the type system.
- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
- return :: a -> m a
Monads are applicative functors : Functor -> Applicative -> Monad
- fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- <*> :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- >>= :: Monad f => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
Some example in the REPL:
putStrLn "Hello, " >> putStrLn "World!"
binding :: IO ()
binding = do
name <- getLine
putStrLn name
binding' :: IO ()
binding' = getLine >>= putStrLn
:t putStrLn <$> getLine
import Control.Monad
join $ putStrLn <$> getLine
bindingAndSequencing :: IO ()
bindingAndSequencing = do
putStrLn "name pls:"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("y helo thar: " ++ name)
bindingAndSequencing' :: IO ()
bindingAndSequencing' = putStrLn "name pls:" >> getLine >>= \name -> putStrLn ("hello: " ++ name)
- right identity : m >>= return = m
- left identity : return x >>= f = fx
- associativity : (m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
data Cow = Cow {
name :: String
, age :: Int
, weight :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
noEmpty :: String -> Maybe String
noEmpty "" = Nothing
noEmpty str = Just str
noNegative :: Int -> Maybe Int
noNegative n
| n >= 0 = Just n
| otherwise = Nothing
-- if Cow's name is Bess, must be under 500
weightCheck :: Cow -> Maybe Cow
weightCheck c =
let w = weight c n = name c
in if n == "Bess" && w > 499
then Nothing
else Just c
mkSphericalCow :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow name' age' weight' =
case noEmpty name' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just nammy ->
case noNegative age' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just agey ->
case noNegative weight' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just weighty ->
weightCheck (Cow nammy agey weighty)
-- Prelude> mkSphericalCow "Bess" 5 499
-- Just (Cow {name = "Bess", age = 5, weight = 499})
-- Prelude> mkSphericalCow "Bess" 5 500
-- Nothing
mkSphericalCow' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow' name' age' weight' = do
nammy <- noEmpty name'
agey <- noNegative age'
weighty <- noNegative weight'
weightCheck (Cow nammy agey weighty)
Datatypes A datatype is a class that encapsulates one reusable coding pattern. These solutions have a canonical implementation that is generalised for all possible uses.
Typeclasses Typeclasses define a set of functions associated to one type. This behavior is checked by a test suite called the “laws” for that typeclass. You can use typeclasses as a DSL to add new free functionality to an existing type or treat them as an abstraction placeholder for any one type that can implement the typeclass. Examples of these behaviors are: comparability (Eq), composability (Monoid), its contents can be mapped from one type to another (Functor), or error recovery (MonadError).
Instances A single implementation of a typeclass for a specific datatype or class. Because typeclasses require generic parameters each implementation is meant to be unique for that parameter.
Higher Kinds In a Higher Kind with the shape Kind<F, A>, if A is the type of the content then F has to be the type of the container. Kotlin/KEEP#87