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Last active March 21, 2024 13:59
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Front-end Tech Radar
"name": "SCSS",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Sass is a CSS extension language."
"name": "Fractal",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Fractal is a tool to help you build and document web component libraries, and then integrate them into your projects."
"name": "Grunt",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "A JavaScript Task Runner"
"name": "Vue 2",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "The deprecated version of Vue - The Progressive JavaScript Framework"
"name": "NUXT 2",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "The deprecated version of Nuxt - The Intuitive Vue Framework"
"name": "Stylelint",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "A CSS linter"
"name": "Tailwind",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Unmaintainable inline CSS with class names"
"name": "Lightweight Charts",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Your dream of tiny, yet mighty, interactive charts is now a reality"
"name": "Angular",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Angular is an application-design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps."
"name": "PWA APIs",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": ""
"name": "Bun",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Bun is a fast JavaScript all-in-one toolkit|"
"name": "Deno",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Next-generation JavaScript runtime"
"name": "",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "The open-source package registry for modern JavaScript and TypeScript"
"name": "OAuth Client*",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": ""
"name": "Biome.js",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "One toolchain for your web project"
"name": "@fastify/vite",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Integrate Fastify and Vite to create a minimal, low overhead, blazing fast™ setup for full stack monoliths"
"name": "Starlight",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Make your docs shine with Starlight"
"name": "Externe component libs (Vuetify, PrimeVue, etc)",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Add more value than creating a button for the nth time"
"name": "Copilot (Github/MS)",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "AI pair programmer"
"name": "European Accessibility Act 2025",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)"
"name": "Openprops CSS",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Supercharged CSS variables"
"name": "Nano Stores",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "A tiny state manager for React, React Native, Preact, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Lit, Angular, and vanilla JS. "
"name": "React",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "A framework by Meta"
"name": "Svelte",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Cybernetically enhanced web apps"
"name": "JAM stack",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability."
"name": "GraphQL",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "A query language for your API"
"name": "Web Components / Lit",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Web Components is a suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code — and utilize them in your web apps."
"name": "Mobile first",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Mobile first, a form of progressive enhancement, is a web-development and web-design approach that focuses on prioritizing design and development for mobile screen sizes over design and development for desktop screen sizes."
"name": "Vue",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces. "
"name": "Pinia",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "The intuitive store for Vue.js"
"name": "Vite",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Next Generation Frontend Tooling"
"name": "Vitest",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Next Generation Testing Framework"
"name": "Docker",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "platforms",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Accelerate how you build, share, and run applications"
"name": "Entra ID (AAD)",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud-based identity and access management service that enables your employees access external resources. "
"name": "Astro",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "The web framework for content-driven websites"
"name": "Highcharts",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Interactive charting library"
"name": "TypeScript",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale."
"name": "Meilisearch",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Meilisearch is a flexible and powerful user-focused search engine that can be added to any website or application. "
"name": "Monorepos",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "A monorepo is a single repository containing multiple distinct projects"
"name": "Prettier",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "An opinionated code formatter"
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