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Last active January 7, 2019 21:39
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Don't forget how to build and start Flyimg in windows 10 home environment with Cmder (conEmu)
# Windows only: Don't forget how to build and start Flyimg in windows 10 home environment with Cmder (conEmu)
# Must have virtualbox installed, ideally through docker toolbox
# do this only once
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
# all the subsequent times, only this
docker-machine start default
# hook the virtual env to docker
docker-machine env default
#then cd into flyimg folder
cd ~/projects/flyimg
# check if the container image exists
docker image ls
# otherwise build the container basd on the Dockerfile from this directory
docker build -t flyimg .
# if there is an image to use, check if a container is not already created.
docker ps -a
# if there is no container start running one and mount the current folder (very careful with the folder path syntax in windows)
docker run -itd -p 8080:80 -v /c/Users/agust/projects/flyimg:/var/www/html --name flyimg flyimg
# you can now bash into the container (if you want)
docker exec -it flyimg bash
# Additionaly you can alias the mounted volume folder with the following:
# All credit to señor senyor:
docker-machine stop
vboxmanage sharedfolder add default --name "project_name" --hostpath "<full_project_path>" --automount
docker-machine start
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