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Last active March 13, 2018 13:51
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"""Provides data for trash/recycling/etc. pickups."""
from logging import getLogger
from datetime import timedelta
from math import ceil
import voluptuous as vol
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
_LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
REQUIREMENTS = ['pyden==0.4.1']
ATTR_PICKUP_DATE = 'pickup_date'
CONF_PLACE_ID = 'recollect_place_id'
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=10)
'compost': ('Compost Pickup', 'mdi:food-apple'),
'extra_trash': ('Extra Trash Pickup', 'mdi:truck'),
'recycling': ('Recycling Pickup', 'mdi:recycle'),
'trash': ('Trash Pickup', 'mdi:delete')
vol.Required(CONF_PLACE_ID): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=[]):
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(PICKUP_TYPES)]),
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None):
"""Setup the platform."""
import pyden
recollect_place_id = config.get(CONF_PLACE_ID)
_LOGGER.debug('Recollect place ID: %s', recollect_place_id)
pickups_to_watch = config.get(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS)
_LOGGER.debug('Pickup types being monitored: %s', pickups_to_watch)
client = pyden.TrashClient(recollect_place_id)
except pyden.exceptions.GeocodingError as exc_info:
_LOGGER.error('An error occurred while geocoding: %s', str(exc_info))
return False
except pyden.exceptions.HTTPError as exc_info:
_LOGGER.error('An HTTP error occurred: %s', str(exc_info))
return False
except Exception as exc_info: # pylint: disable=broad-except
_LOGGER.error('An unknown error occurred...')
return False
sensors = []
for pickup_type in pickups_to_watch:
name, icon = PICKUP_TYPES[pickup_type]
data = PickupData(client, pickup_type, hass.config.time_zone)
sensors.append(DenverTrashSensor(data, name, icon))
add_devices(sensors, True)
class DenverTrashSensor(Entity):
"""Define a class representation of the sensor."""
def __init__(self, data, name, icon):
self._data = data
self._icon = icon
self._name = name
self._state = None
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes."""
if self._data:
return {
ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: 'City and County of Denver, CO',
dt.parse_date(self._data.raw_date).strftime('%B %e, %Y')
def icon(self):
"""Return the icon of the pickup type."""
return self._icon
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the pickup type."""
return self._name
def state(self):
"""Return the next pickup date of the pickup type."""
return self._state
def update(self):
"""Update the status."""
_LOGGER.debug('Updating sensor: %s', self._name)
self._state = self._data.humanized_pickup
class PickupData(object):
""" Define a class to deal with representations of the pickup data."""
def __init__(self, client, pickup_type, local_tz):
self._client = client
self._humanized_pickup = None
self._local_tz = local_tz
self._pickup_type = pickup_type
self._raw_date = None
def humanized_pickup(self):
"""Return the humanized next pickup number."""
return self._humanized_pickup
def raw_date(self):
"""Return the raw date of the pickup."""
return self._raw_date
def _humanize_pickup(self, future_date):
"""Humanize how many pickups away this type is."""
today =
delta_days = (future_date - today).days
if delta_days < 1:
return "in today's pickup"
if delta_days < 2:
return "in tomorrow's pickup"
if delta_days <= 7:
return 'in the next pickup'
return 'in {0} pickups'.format(ceil(delta_days / 7))
def update(self):
"""Update the data for the pickup."""
import pyden.exceptions as exceptions
raw_date = self._client.next_pickup(self._pickup_type)
next_date = dt.parse_date(raw_date)
self._raw_date = raw_date
self._humanized_pickup = self._humanize_pickup(next_date)
except exceptions.HTTPError as exc_info:
_LOGGER.error('Unable to get next %s pickup date',
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