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Last active April 6, 2017 02:55
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# $Id: dovecot 293 2015-03-27 16:01:35Z opoplawski $
# $Log: dovecot,v $
# Revision 1.18 2010/09/18 17:41:00 stefan
# ignore: ssl-build-param
# Revision 1.17 2009/06/02 14:48:06 mike
# Removed some periods that were in the Fedora patch and broke the file -mgt
# Revision 1.16 2009/06/02 14:45:48 mike
# Patch from Fedora (Ivana Hutarova Varekova) -mgt
# Revision 1.15 2008/11/18 06:02:49 mike
# Rolled back..that was wrong. -mgt
# Revision 1.14 2008/11/18 06:00:34 mike
# Removed a space should be better -mgt
# Revision 1.13 2008/11/18 04:32:49 mike
# Added bytes detected to IMAP disconnect match expect more issues -mgt
# Revision 1.12 2008/08/11 15:38:02 mike
# Connection closed patch from Niels Baggesen -mgt
# Revision 1.11 2008/06/30 23:07:51 kirk
# fixed copyright holders for files where I know who they should be
# Revision 1.10 2008/03/24 23:31:26 kirk
# added copyright/license notice to each script
# Revision 1.9 2008/02/14 18:19:51 mike
# Patch from Gilles Detillieux summarize pop3/imap -mgt
# Revision 1.8 2008/01/16 20:11:04 bjorn
# Filtering dovecot start-up message, by Gilles Detillieux.
# Revision 1.7 2007/06/18 03:54:45 bjorn
# Better printing of IPv6 addresses, by Patrick Vande Walle.
# Revision 1.6 2007/03/17 19:13:13 bjorn
# Now handling dovecot starts/kills.
# Revision 1.5 2006/12/20 15:25:09 bjorn
# Additional filtering, by Ivana Varekova.
# Revision 1.4 2006/08/13 22:02:31 bjorn
# IPv4 addresses displayed in native format, and don't display user totals
# if user connects from only one IP address; changes by Patrick Vande Walle.
# Revision 1.3 2006/08/13 21:06:33 bjorn
# Added support for Dovecot 1.0 based on patches from Mark Nienberg, and
# IP addresses displayed without brackets for consistency across versions;
# modifications by Patrick Vande Walle.
# Revision 1.2 2005/12/07 04:31:44 bjorn
# Added $dovecot_ignore_host.
# Revision 1.1 2005/09/18 17:01:05 bjorn
# Dovecot filters written by Patrick Vande Walle.
# Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports,
# etc, to [email protected]
# The Dovecot script was written by:
# Patrick Vande Walle <[email protected]>
# Based on previous work by
# Pawel Golaszewski <[email protected]>
# - use printf features to align text in table
## Copyright (c) 2008 Patrick Vande Walle
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
## and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions
## under your own copyright or a different license this
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
## contributions. If you have made significant
## contributions to this script and want to claim
## copyright please contact [email protected].
my $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} || 0;
my $Detail = $ENV{'dovecot_detail'} || $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0;
my $IgnoreHost = $ENV{'dovecot_ignore_host'} || "";
my $Restarts = 0;
my $End = 0;
if ( $Debug >= 5 ) {
print STDERR "\n\nDEBUG \n\n";
use Socket;
my $rdns = {};
sub hostName {
(my $ipaddr) = @_;
if ($ENV{'LOGWATCH_NUMERIC'} || $ENV{'dovecot_numeric'}) {
return $ipaddr;
if (exists $rdns{ $ipaddr }) {
return $rdns{ $ipaddr };
$rdns{ $ipaddr } = $ipaddr;
my $iaddr = inet_aton($ipaddr);
if (defined $iaddr) {
my $host = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
if (defined $host) {
my $iaddrcheck = gethostbyname($host);
if (defined $iaddrcheck) {
if ($iaddr == $iaddrcheck) {
$rdns{ $ipaddr } = $host;
return $rdns{ $ipaddr };
# Handle "dovecot: <svc>" and "dovecot: [ID yyyyy] <svc"
my $dovecottag = qr/dovecot(?:\[\d+\])?:(?:\s*\[[^]]+\])?/;
while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
# remove timestamp and hostname. We can't use *RemoveHeaders because we need the
# service name
#$ThisLine =~ s/^\w{3} .\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d (?:[^\s:]* |)//;
$ThisLine =~ s/^\w{3} .\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d .*? //;
if ( ($ThisLine =~ /(?:ssl-build-param|ssl-params): SSL parameters regeneration completed/) or
($ThisLine =~ /ssl-params: Generating SSL parameters/) or
($ThisLine =~ /auth-worker/) or
($ThisLine =~ /auth:.*: Connected to/) or
($ThisLine =~ /Connection closed/) or
($ThisLine =~ /IMAP.*: Connection closed bytes/) or
($ThisLine =~ /IMAP.* failed with mbox file/) or
($ThisLine =~ /discarded duplicate forward to/) or
($ThisLine =~ /discarding vacation response/) or
($ThisLine =~ /discarded vacation reply to/)
# We don't care about these
} elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /Killed with signal /) {
} elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /Dovecot (v\d[^ ]* |)starting up/) {
$End = 0;
} elsif ( ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag pop3-login: Login: (.*?) \[(.*)\]/ ) ) or
( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag pop3-login: Info: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/ ) ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
} elsif ( ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag imap-login: Login: (.*?) \[(.*)\]/ ) ) or
( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag imap-login: Info: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/ ) ) or
( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag imap-login: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/ ) ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
} elsif ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /$dovecottag managesieve-login: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/ ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
# 'lda' for dovecot 2.0, 'deliver' for earlier versions
} elsif ( ($User, $Mailbox) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver)\((.*)\): msgid=.*: saved mail to (.*)/ ) ) {
# For Sieve-based delivery
} elsif ( ($User, $Mailbox) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver)\((.*)\): sieve: msgid=.*: stored mail into mailbox '(.*)'/ ) ) {
# LMTP-based delivery
} elsif ( ($User, $Mailbox) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag lmtp\(\d+, (.*)\): [^:]+: msgid=.*: saved mail to (.*)/ ) ) {
# dovecot: [ID 583609] lmtp(12782, [email protected]): jBt1EfjCMk3uMQAAm9eMBA: msgid=<[email protected]>: saved mail to INBOX
# LMTP-based Sieve delivery
} elsif ( ($User, $Mailbox) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag lmtp\(\d+, (.*)\): .*: sieve: msgid=.*: stored mail into mailbox '(.*)'/ ) ) {
# sieve forward
} elsif (($User, $Recip) = ($ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver)\((.*)\): sieve: msgid=.* forwarded to \<(.*)\>/)) {
# sieve vacation
} elsif (($User, $Recip) = ($ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver|lmtp)\((?:\d+, )?(.*)\):(?: .*:)? sieve: msgid=.* sent vacation response to \<(.*)\>/)) {
} elsif (($User, $Recip) = ($ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver|lmtp)\((?:\d+, )?(.*)\):(?: .*:)? sieve: msgid=.* discarded duplicate vacation response to \<(.*)\>/ )) {
} elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag (?:lda|deliver|lmtp)\(.*\): .*sieve: msgid=.* marked message to be discarded if not explicitly delivered/ ) {
# dovecot: lda(joe): sieve: msgid=<m$01$@com>: marked message to be discarded if not explicitly delivered (discard action)
} elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag lmtp\(.*\): Connect from/ ) {
# dovecot: [ID 583609] lmtp(12782): Connect from local: 1 Time(s)
} elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag lmtp\(.*\): Disconnect from/ ) {
# dovecot: [ID 583609] lmtp(12782): Disconnect from local: Client quit: 1 Time(s)
# This is for Dovecot 1.0 series
} elsif ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag pop3-login: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/ ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
} elsif ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag imap-login: Login: user=\<(.*?)\>.*rip=(.*)\, lip=/) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
# Dovecot 2.0 proxy
} elsif ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag pop3-login: proxy\((.*)\): started proxying to .*: user=<.*>, method=.*, rip=(.*), lip=/ ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
} elsif ( ($User, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^$dovecottag imap-login: proxy\((.*)\): started proxying to .*: user=<.*>, method=.*, rip=(.*), lip=/ ) ) {
if ($Host !~ /$IgnoreHost/) {
} elsif ( ($Reason) = ( $ThisLine =~ /proxy\(.*\): disconnecting .* \(Disconnected (.*)\)/ ) ) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected (\[|top)/) {
$Disconnected{"no reason"}++;
} elsif (($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected: (.*) \[/) ) {
} elsif (($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected: (.*) (bytes|top|in)=.*/) ) {
} elsif (($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected \((.*)\):/) ) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected (bytes|top)=.*/) {
$Disconnected{"No reason"}++;
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Server shutting down./) {
$ConnectionCl{"Server shutting down"}++;
} elsif (($Reason, $Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /TLS initialization failed/) ) {
} elsif (($Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /Aborted login:.* rip=(.*),/) ) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
} elsif (($Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /Aborted login \[(.*)\]/) ) {
$Host = hostName($Host);
} elsif (($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /Aborted login \((.*)\):/)) {
} elsif (($user, $rip, $lip) = ($ThisLine =~ /Maximum number of connections.* exceeded.* user=<([^>]+)>.*rip=([^,]+), lip=([^,]+)/)) {
# dovecot: [ID 583609] imap-login: Maximum number of connections from user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections=10): user=<[email protected]>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=14.105.322.67, TLS
$LimitExceeded{"max_userip_connections: $user from $rip to $lip"}++;
# This is for Dovecot 1.0 series
# Overly general matches in this section -mgt
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected for inactivity/) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected in IDLE/) {
$Disconnected{"in IDLE"}++;
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected in APPEND/) {
$Disconnected{"in APPEND"}++;
} elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Disconnected$/) or
($ThisLine =~ /(IMAP|POP3)\(.+\): Disconnected (bytes|top|rip|user|method)=/) or
($ThisLine =~ /(imap\-login|pop3\-login): Disconnected: (bytes|top|rip|user|method)=/) ) {
$Disconnected{"no reason"}++;
} elsif ( (($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:IMAP|POP3).+: Disconnected: (.+) (bytes|top)=/i)) or
(($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:imap\-login|pop3\-login): Disconnected: \(?(.+)\)?: /)) or
#This one should go away also -mgt
(($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /IMAP.+: Disconnected: (.+)/i)) ) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /(IMAP|POP3).+: Connection closed (top|bytes)=/i) {
$ConnectionCl{"no reason"}++;
} elsif ( ($Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:IMAP|POP3).+: Connection closed: (.*) (?:bytes|method|top|rip|user)=/i) ) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /(IMAP|POP3).+: (Connection closed.*)/) {
} elsif (($Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:imap\-login|pop3\-login): Aborted login: .*rip=(?:::ffff:)?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) ) {
} elsif (($Error) = ($ThisLine =~ /child \d* (?:\(login\) )?returned error (.*)/)) {
# dovecot: child 23747 (login) returned error 89
# dovecot: log: Error: service(auth): child 19654 returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
} elsif (($Name) = ($ThisLine =~ /$dovecottag IMAP\((.*)\): .*(.*) failed: Disk quota exceeded/i)) {
# dovecot: IMAP(podracka): mkdir(/home/LF/KLINIKY/podracka/mail/.imap/saved-messages) failed: Disk quota exceeded
} else {
# Report any unmatched entries...
if ( $End ) {
print "\nDovecot was killed, and not restarted afterwards.\n";
if ( ( $Detail >=5 ) and $Restarts ) {
print "\nDovecot restarted $Restarts time(s).\n";
if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %Connection)) {
print "\n[Dovecot IMAP and POP3] Connections:".
"\nPOP3 IMAP Total Host".
"\n" . "-" x 72;
$TLSInitFail = 0;
foreach $Host (sort { $Connection{$b} <=> $Connection{$a} }
keys %Connection) {
$Total = $Connection{$Host};
if (defined ($ConnectionPOP3{$Host})) {
$Conns = $ConnectionPOP3{$Host};
} else {
$Conns = 0;
if (defined ($ConnectionIMAP{$Host})) {
$IMAP = $ConnectionIMAP{$Host};
} else {
$IMAP = 0;
# Cleanly display IPv4 addresses
$Host=~ s/::ffff://;
printf "\n%4s %4s %5s %s", $Conns, $IMAP, $Total, $Host;
$POP3Count += $Conns;
$IMAPCount += $IMAP;
$TotalCount += $Total;
print "\n" . "-" x 72;
printf "\n%4s %4s %5s %s", $POP3Count, $IMAPCount, $TotalCount, "Total";
if (keys %Deliver) {
my $DeliverCount = 0;
my $DeliverUserCount = {};
foreach my $User (keys %Deliver) {
foreach my $Mailbox (keys %{$Deliver{$User}}) {
$DeliverUserCount{$User} += $Deliver{$User}{$Mailbox};
$DeliverCount += $DeliverUserCount{$User};
printf "\n" if ($Detail >= 5);
printf "\nDovecot Deliveries: %s", $DeliverCount;
if ($Detail >= 5) {
foreach my $User (sort { $DeliverUserCount{$b} <=> $DeliverUserCount{$a} }
keys %DeliverUserCount) {
printf "\n %4s %s", $DeliverUserCount{$User}, $User;
if ($Detail >= 10) {
foreach my $Mailbox (sort {
$Deliver{$User}{$b} <=> $Deliver{$User}{$a}
} keys %{$Deliver{$User}}) {
printf "\n %4s %s", $Deliver{$User}{$Mailbox}, $Mailbox;
if (($Detail >= 10) and (keys %Forwarded)) {
$TotalForwarded = 0;
print "\n\nDovecot LDA sieve forwards:";
foreach $User (sort keys %Forwarded) {
print "\n\n User $User";
foreach my $Recip (sort keys %{$Forwarded{$User}}) {
print "\n To $Recip: $Forwarded{$User}{$Recip} time(s)";
$TotalForwarded += $Forwarded{$User}{$Recip};
print "\n\n Total: $TotalForwarded Time(s)";
if (($Detail >= 10) and (keys %VacationResponse)) {
$TotalVacResp = 0;
print "\n\nDovecot LDA sieve vacation responses:";
foreach my $User (sort keys %VacationResponse) {
print "\n\n User $User";
foreach my $Recip (sort keys %{$VacationResponse{$User}}) {
print "\n To $Recip: $VacationResponse{$User}{$Recip} time(s)";
$TotalVacResp += $VacationResponse{$User}{$Recip};
print "\n\n Total: $TotalVacResp Time(s)";
if (($Detail >= 10) and (keys %VacationDup)) {
$TotalVacDup = 0;
print "\n\nDovecot LDA sieve duplicate vacation responses not sent:";
foreach my $User (sort keys %VacationDup) {
print "\n User $User";
foreach my $Recip (sort keys %{$VacationDup{$User}}) {
print "\n To $Recip: $VacationDup{$User}{$Recip} time(s)";
$TotalVacDup += $VacationDup{$User}{$Recip};
print "\n\n Total: $TotalVacDup Time(s)";
if (keys %Login) {
my $LoginCount = 0;
my $LoginUserCount = {};
foreach my $User (keys %Login) {
foreach my $Host (keys %{$Login{$User}}) {
$LoginUserCount{$User} += $Login{$User}{$Host};
$LoginCount += $LoginUserCount{$User};
$LoginPOP3{$User} = 0 if $LoginPOP3{$User} <= 0;
$LoginIMAP{$User} = 0 if $LoginIMAP{$User} <= 0;
printf "\n" if ($Detail >= 5);
printf "\nDovecot IMAP and POP3 Successful Logins: %s", $LoginCount;
if ($Detail >= 5) {
foreach my $User (sort { $LoginUserCount{$b} <=> $LoginUserCount{$a} }
keys %LoginUserCount) {
printf("\n %4s %s", $LoginUserCount{$User}, $User);
if ($Detail >= 10) {
printf(" (%s POP3, %s IMAP)", $LoginPOP3{$User}, $LoginIMAP{$User});
foreach my $Host (sort { $Login{$User}{$b} <=> $Login{$User}{$a} }
keys %{$Login{$User}}) {
$HostCount = $Login{$User}{$Host};
# Cleanly display IPv4 addresses
$Host=~ s/::ffff://;
printf "\n %4s %s", $Login{$User}{$Host}, $Host;
if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %SieveLogin)) {
print "\n\nDovecot ManageSieve Successful Logins:";
$LoginCount = 0;
foreach my $User (sort keys %SieveLogin) {
print "\n\n User $User:";
$UserCount = 0;
$NumHosts = 0;
foreach $Host (sort keys %{$SieveLogin{$User}}) {
$HostCount = $SieveLogin{$User}{$Host};
# Cleanly display IPv4 addresses
$Host=~ s/::ffff://;
print "\n From $Host: $HostCount Time(s)";
$UserCount += $HostCount;
$LoginCount += $UserCount;
if ($NumHosts > 1) {
print "\n Total: $UserCount Time(s)";
print "\n\nTotal: $LoginCount successful ManageSieve logins";
if (keys %LimitExceeded) {
print "\n\nDovecot limits exceeded:";
foreach my $Reason (sort keys %LimitExceeded) {
print "\n $Reason: $LimitExceeded{$Reason} Time(s)";
if (keys %Disconnected) {
my $Disconnects = 0;
foreach my $Reason (%Disconnected) {
$Disconnects += $Disconnected{$Reason};
printf "\n" if ($Detail >= 5);
printf "\nDovecot disconnects: %s", $Disconnects;
if ($Detail >= 5) {
foreach my $Reason (sort { $Disconnected{$b} <=> $Disconnected{$a} }
keys %Disconnected) {
printf "\n %4s %s", $Disconnected{$Reason}, $Reason;
if (keys %ConnectionCl) {
print "\n\nDovecot connections closed:";
foreach my $Reason (sort keys %ConnectionCl) {
print "\n $Reason: $ConnectionCl{$Reason} Time(s)";
if (keys %ChildErr) {
print "\n\nDovecot child error:";
foreach my $Error (sort keys %ChildErr) {
print "\n error number ". $Error . ": ". $ChildErr{$Error} ." Time(s)";
if ((keys %Aborted) && ($Detail >= 10)) {
print "\n\nLogout/aborts:";
foreach my $Host (sort keys %Aborted) {
print "\n $Host: $Aborted{$Host} Time(s)";
if ($TLSInitFail > 0) {
print "\n\nTLS Initialization failed $TLSInitFail Time(s)";
if (keys %DiskQuotaExceed) {
print "\n\nDisk quota exceeded:";
foreach my $Name (sort keys %DiskQuotaExceed) {
print "\n disk quota for user '". $Name . "' exceeded: ". $DiskQuotaExceed{$Name} ." Time(s)";
if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ProxyLogin)) {
print "\n\nDovecot Proxy IMAP and POP3 Successful Logins:";
$LoginCount = 0;
foreach my $User (sort keys %ProxyLogin) {
print "\n User $User:";
if ( ($Detail >= 10) and ($ProxyLoginPOP3{$User} > 0 || $ProxyLoginIMAP{$User} > 0) ) {
print " (";
if ($ProxyLoginPOP3{$User} > 0) { print "$ProxyLoginPOP3{$User} POP3"; };
if ($ProxyLoginPOP3{$User} > 0 && $ProxyLoginIMAP{$User} > 0) { print "/"; };
if ($ProxyLoginIMAP{$User} > 0) { print "$ProxyLoginIMAP{$User} IMAP"; };
print ")";
$UserCount = 0;
$NumHosts = 0;
foreach $Host (sort keys %{$ProxyLogin{$User}}) {
$HostCount = $ProxyLogin{$User}{$Host};
# Cleanly display IPv4 addresses
$Host=~ s/::ffff://;
print "\n From $Host: $HostCount Time(s)" if ($Detail >= 10);
$UserCount += $HostCount;
$LoginCount += $UserCount;
if ($Detail >= 10) {
if ($NumHosts > 1) {
print "\n Total: $UserCount Time(s)\n";
} else {
print "\n";
} elsif ($Detail >= 5) {
print " $UserCount Time(s)";
print "\nTotal: $LoginCount successful logins";
if (keys %ProxyDisconnected) {
print "\n\nDovecot Proxy disconnects:\n";
foreach my $Reason (sort keys %ProxyDisconnected) {
print " $Reason: $ProxyDisconnected{$Reason} Time(s)\n";
if (keys %OtherList) {
print "\n\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
foreach $line (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %OtherList) {
print " $line: $OtherList{$line} Time(s)\n";
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# perl-indent-level: 3
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
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bacinsky commented Apr 6, 2017

Fixed unmatched entries.

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