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-- 1. Find the titles of all movies directed by Steven Spielberg. | |
SELECT title | |
FROM Movie | |
WHERE director = 'Steven Spielberg'; | |
-- 2. Find all years that have a movie that received a rating of 4 or 5, and sort them in increasing order. | |
FROM Movie, Rating | |
WHERE Movie.mId = Rating.mId AND stars IN (4, 5) | |
ORDER BY year; | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating ON Movie.mId = Rating.mId | |
WHERE stars IN (4, 5) | |
ORDER BY year; | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
WHERE stars IN (4, 5) | |
ORDER BY year; | |
FROM Movie NATURAL JOIN Rating | |
WHERE stars IN (4, 5) | |
ORDER BY year; | |
-- 3. Find the titles of all movies that have no ratings. | |
SELECT title | |
FROM Movie | |
-- 4. Some reviewers didn't provide a date with their rating. Find the names of all reviewers who have ratings with a NULL value for the date. | |
SELECT name | |
FROM Reviewer | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(rId) | |
WHERE ratingDate IS NULL; | |
-- 5. Write a query to return the ratings data in a more readable format: reviewer name, movie title, stars, and ratingDate. Also, sort the data, first by reviewer name, then by movie title, and lastly by number of stars. | |
SELECT name, title, stars, ratingDate | |
FROM Movie, Rating, Reviewer | |
WHERE Movie.mId = Rating.mId AND Reviewer.rId = Rating.rId | |
ORDER BY name, title, stars; | |
SELECT name, title, stars, ratingDate | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating ON Movie.mId = Rating.mId | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer ON Reviewer.rId = Rating.rId | |
ORDER BY name, title, stars; | |
SELECT name, title, stars, ratingDate | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
ORDER BY name, title, stars; | |
SELECT name, title, stars, ratingDate | |
ORDER BY name, title, stars; | |
-- 6. For all cases where the same reviewer rated the same movie twice and gave it a higher rating the second time, return the reviewer's name and the title of the movie. | |
SELECT name, title | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating R1 USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Rating R2 USING(rId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE R1.mId = R2.mId AND R1.ratingDate < R2.ratingDate AND R1.stars < R2.stars; | |
SELECT name, title | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating R1 USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Rating R2 USING(rId, mId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE R1.ratingDate < R2.ratingDate AND R1.stars < R2.stars; | |
-- 7. For each movie that has at least one rating, find the highest number of stars that movie received. Return the movie title and number of stars. Sort by movie title. | |
SELECT title, MAX(stars) | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
ORDER BY title; | |
-- 8. For each movie, return the title and the 'rating spread', that is, the difference between highest and lowest ratings given to that movie. Sort by rating spread from highest to lowest, then by movie title. | |
SELECT title, (MAX(stars) - MIN(stars)) AS rating_spread | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
ORDER BY rating_spread DESC, title; | |
-- 9. Find the difference between the average rating of movies released before 1980 and the average rating of movies released after 1980. (Make sure to calculate the average rating for each movie, then the average of those averages for movies before 1980 and movies after. Don't just calculate the overall average rating before and after 1980.) | |
SELECT AVG(Before1980.avg) - AVG(After1980.avg) | |
FROM ( | |
SELECT AVG(stars) AS avg | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
WHERE year < 1980 | |
GROUP BY mId | |
) AS Before1980, ( | |
SELECT AVG(stars) AS avg | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
WHERE year > 1980 | |
GROUP BY mId | |
) AS After1980; |
-- 1. Find the names of all reviewers who rated Gone with the Wind. | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE title = "Gone with the Wind"; | |
-- 2. For any rating where the reviewer is the same as the director of the movie, return the reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars. | |
SELECT name, title, stars | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE director = name; | |
-- 3. Return all reviewer names and movie names together in a single list, alphabetized. (Sorting by the first name of the reviewer and first word in the title is fine; no need for special processing on last names or removing "The".) | |
SELECT title FROM Movie | |
SELECT name FROM Reviewer | |
ORDER BY name, title; | |
-- 4. Find the titles of all movies not reviewed by Chris Jackson. | |
SELECT title | |
FROM Movie | |
WHERE mId NOT IN ( | |
SELECT mId | |
FROM Rating | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE name = "Chris Jackson" | |
); | |
-- 5. For all pairs of reviewers such that both reviewers gave a rating to the same movie, return the names of both reviewers. Eliminate duplicates, don't pair reviewers with themselves, and include each pair only once. For each pair, return the names in the pair in alphabetical order. | |
SELECT DISTINCT Re1.name, Re2.name | |
FROM Rating R1, Rating R2, Reviewer Re1, Reviewer Re2 | |
WHERE R1.mID = R2.mID | |
AND R1.rID = Re1.rID | |
AND R2.rID = Re2.rID | |
AND Re1.name < Re2.name | |
ORDER BY Re1.name, Re2.name; | |
-- 6. For each rating that is the lowest (fewest stars) currently in the database, return the reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars. | |
SELECT name, title, stars | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
INNER JOIN Reviewer USING(rId) | |
WHERE stars = (SELECT MIN(stars) FROM Rating); | |
-- 7. List movie titles and average ratings, from highest-rated to lowest-rated. If two or more movies have the same average rating, list them in alphabetical order. | |
SELECT title, AVG(stars) AS average | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
ORDER BY average DESC, title; | |
-- 8. Find the names of all reviewers who have contributed three or more ratings. | |
SELECT name | |
FROM Reviewer | |
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rating WHERE Rating.rId = Reviewer.rId) >= 3; | |
SELECT name | |
FROM Reviewer | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(rId) | |
GROUP BY rId | |
HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3; | |
-- At least 3 ratings to different movies (Remainder to myself) | |
SELECT name | |
FROM Reviewer | |
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mId) FROM Rating WHERE Rating.rId = Reviewer.rId) >= 3; | |
-- 9. Some directors directed more than one movie. For all such directors, return the titles of all movies directed by them, along with the director name. Sort by director name, then movie title. | |
SELECT title, director | |
FROM Movie M1 | |
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Movie M2 WHERE M1.director = M2.director) > 1 | |
ORDER BY director, title; | |
SELECT M1.title, director | |
FROM Movie M1 | |
INNER JOIN Movie M2 USING(director) | |
GROUP BY M1.mId | |
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | |
ORDER BY director, M1.title; | |
-- 10. Find the movie(s) with the highest average rating. Return the movie title(s) and average rating. | |
SELECT title, AVG(stars) AS average | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
HAVING average = ( | |
SELECT MAX(average_stars) | |
FROM ( | |
SELECT title, AVG(stars) AS average_stars | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
) | |
); | |
-- 11. Find the movie(s) with the lowest average rating. Return the movie title(s) and average rating. | |
SELECT title, AVG(stars) AS average | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
HAVING average = ( | |
SELECT MIN(average_stars) | |
FROM ( | |
SELECT title, AVG(stars) AS average_stars | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
) | |
); | |
-- 12. For each director, return the director's name together with the title(s) of the movie(s) they directed that received the highest rating among all of their movies, and the value of that rating. Ignore movies whose director is NULL. | |
SELECT director, title, MAX(stars) | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
WHERE director IS NOT NULL | |
GROUP BY director; |
-- 1. Add the reviewer Roger Ebert to your database, with an rID of 209. | |
INSERT INTO Reviewer | |
VALUES (209, "Roger Ebert"); | |
-- 2. Insert 5-star ratings by James Cameron for all movies in the database. Leave the review date as NULL. | |
INSERT INTO Rating | |
SELECT (SELECT rId FROM Reviewer WHERE name = "James Cameron"), mId, 5, NULL | |
FROM Movie; | |
-- 3. For all movies that have an average rating of 4 stars or higher, add 25 to the release year. (Update the existing tuples; don't insert new tuples.) | |
UPDATE Movie | |
SET year = year + 25 | |
WHERE mId IN ( | |
SELECT mId | |
FROM Movie | |
INNER JOIN Rating USING(mId) | |
GROUP BY mId | |
HAVING AVG(stars) >= 4 | |
); | |
-- 4. Remove all ratings where the movie's year is before 1970 or after 2000, and the rating is fewer than 4 stars. | |
DELETE FROM Rating | |
WHERE mId IN ( | |
SELECT mId | |
FROM Movie | |
WHERE year < 1970 OR year > 2000 | |
) AND stars < 4; |
can anyone please explain this:
SELECT DISTINCT Re1.name, Re2.name
FROM Rating R1, Rating R2, Reviewer Re1, Reviewer Re2
AND R1.rID = Re1.rID
AND R2.rID = Re2.rID
AND Re1.name < Re2.name
ORDER BY Re1.name, Re2.name;
Is there a potential issue in #9 because you may have repeating rows due to the join? I wrote the query below and got slightly different average
(select avg(ratings)
select avg(r.stars) ratings
from rating r, movie m
where r.mid = m.mid
and m.year < '1980'
group by r.mid
)) - (select avg(ratings)
select avg(r.stars) ratings
from rating r, movie m
where r.mid = m.mid
and m.year >= '1980'
group by r.mid
very helpful to prepare for sql interview
how to download data
How would I do these ones?
For each movie, display the number of times it was reviewed and the average of the
number of stars it received. List only the movies that were reviewed three or more
times. -
Use a correlated reference to find all reviews that have occurred on the same day by
different reviewers. Display the reviewer ID and date of the review. Print out the. Order
by rating date. You must use the word EXISTS within query.
How can I do ?
- How many movies have been made each year?
- How many actors are there in each movie?
thank you for the Exercises
how find the rating of 1 and 2 stars for the last 5 days in a week in a table.
You have to display an actor name who has worked in many films. [Use join, group by, order by]
How can I do ?
- How many movies have been made each year?
- How many actors are there in each movie?
thank you for the Exercises
Thank you, this is very helpful!
For the average rating of movies before and after 1980 question (movies #9), can someone help me what I am doing wrong in my query below? Instead of getting result of 0.0555555555555558, mine comes to 0.05555555555555536. Small difference but would like to understand what I am doing wrong. Thank you so much!
SELECT distinct
(SELECT avg(rt_avg)
FROM (SELECT m.mID, avg(rt.stars) as rt_avg, year
FROM Rating rt JOIN Movie m ON rt.mID=m.mID
GROUP BY rt.mID) temp
WHERE year<1980)
(SELECT avg(rt_avg)
FROM (SELECT m.mID, avg(rt.stars) as rt_avg, year
FROM Rating rt JOIN Movie m ON rt.mID=m.mID
GROUP BY rt.mID) temp
WHERE year>1980)
FROM Movie
EmiliaDariel, Have a look at this site from Stanford might help you
Otherwise the SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct/different values (avoiding duplicate values present in any specific columns of a table.). An example, inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values, and sometimes we only want to return or list the different values. The second line FROM clause, third line WHERE clause, 4th-line AND clauses (the two tables having common columns, matching id, mid and ratings id, rid) follows ANSI (American National Standards Institute) table aliases and ANSI old/theta style to reduce those chains of names. Remember ratings, reviewers tables and id are spelt in small letters and when you submit that query, the query handler might not be able to accept and or recognize those big/capital letters as the configuration settings in SQL might have been disenabled/abled although by SQL is by default case insensitive (Query handler checks spelling (=goes to view RATINGS or ratings, like when you are hungry you would ask a lunch not 2 lunches) and recognize only available views or table views and then raises a red flag, saying I don't have such table, RATING or rating in here, that means it only saw ratings/RATINGS/RaTIngs). see an example: SELECT
Orders.OrderID, Orders.CustomerID, Orders.EmployeeID, Orders.OrderDate, Orders.RequiredDate, Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.ShipVia, Orders.Freight, Orders.ShipName, Orders.ShipAddress, Orders.ShipCity, Orders.ShipRegion, Orders.ShipPostalCode, Orders.ShipCountry,
Customers.CompanyName, Customers.Address, Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.PostalCode, Customers.Country
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;
Note: The table names need not be repeated unless the same column names exist in both tables. The table names are only required in the FROM, JOIN, and ON clauses, and in the latter, only because the relating column, CustomerID, has the same name in both tables.
The query syntax shown above follows ANSI (American National Standards Institute) rules and should work in the latest versions of all relational databases. Older syntax includes the join condition in the WHERE clause (theta style). Note the number of rows and columns in the result set for the Orders Query and try the same example (with fewer columns), using the older style and table aliases, as follows:
SELECT o.OrderID, o.EmployeeID, o.OrderDate, o.RequiredDate, o.ShippedDate, o.ShipVia, o.Freight, c.CompanyName, c.Address, c.City, c.Region, c.PostalCode, c.Country
FROM Customers c, Orders o
WHERE c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID;
Note for MS Access users: Compare this query in design view with the ANSI style query. MS Access runs the query correctly but cannot represent it in the usual way In the graphical query interface.
Thanks a lot man
For the average rating of movies before and after 1980 question (movies #9), can someone help me what I am doing wrong in my query below? Instead of getting result of 0.0555555555555558, mine comes to 0.05555555555555536. Small difference but would like to understand what I am doing wrong. Thank you so much!
SELECT distinct
(SELECT avg(rt_avg)
FROM (SELECT m.mID, avg(rt.stars) as rt_avg, year
FROM Rating rt JOIN Movie m ON rt.mID=m.mID
GROUP BY rt.mID) temp
WHERE year<1980)
(SELECT avg(rt_avg) FROM (SELECT m.mID, avg(rt.stars) as rt_avg, year FROM Rating rt JOIN Movie m ON rt.mID=m.mID GROUP BY rt.mID) temp WHERE year>1980)FROM Movie
you can use this:
Perform the Following Operations and Capture the query plan before each query.
- Write a query in SQL to list the Horror movies
- Write a query in SQL to find the name of all reviewers who have rated 8 or more
stars - Write a query in SQL to list all the information of the actors who played a role in
the movie ‘Deliverance’. - Write a query in SQL to find the name of the director (first and last names) who
directed a movie that casted a role for 'Eyes Wide Shut'. (using subquery) - Write a query in SQL to find the movie title, year, date of release, director and
actor for those movies which reviewer is ‘Neal Wruck’ - Write a query in SQL to find all the years which produced at least one movie and
that received a rating of more than 4 stars. - Write a query in SQL to find the name of all movies who have rated their ratings
with a NULL value - Write a query in SQL to find the name of movies who were directed by ‘David’
- Write a query in SQL to list the first and last names of all the actors who were
cast in the movie ‘Boogie Nights’, and the roles they played in that production.
10.Find the name of the actor who have worked in more than one movie.
please help me to solve this
Thanks, very helpful!