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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Save badcc/0df09e597f016f875f80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Asm x86-64 Fibonacci Sequence Generator with Command Line Input
.intel_syntax noprefix # Set dialect to Intel (AT&T default for GAS)
.global main
.asciz "%2d\n"
mov rdi, [rsi + 8] # argv[1]
call atoi # > eax
mov ecx, eax # Number of calculations / output
push rbx
xor rax, rax # Set current equal to 0
xor rbx, rbx # Set next equal to 0
inc rbx
mov rdi, OFFSET FLAT:.format # First parameter
mov rsi, rax # Second parameter
push rax # Save ax
push rcx # Save cx
call printf
pop rcx # Load ax
pop rax # Load cx
mov rdx, rax
mov rax, rbx
add rbx, rdx
dec ecx
jnz print
pop rbx
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