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Created August 12, 2015 14:01
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REM Original posted by mmphosis to comp.sys.apple2.programmer
REM Shortened down to two lines by b. robert
0 HGR : HCOLOR= 6: HPLOT 0,0 : CALL 62454: B = 70 : FOR Y = 0 TO 99 : READ A$:L = LEN (A$): IF L THEN B = B + 2: P = 130: Q=131: FOR X = 1 TO L:P=P+2: Q=Q+2: HCOLOR=VAL(MID$ (A$,X,1)) : FOR Z = B TO B+1 : HPLOT P,Z TO Q,Z: NEXT Z,X,Y
1 DATA 66666555555,66665555555555,666644477477,66647477747777,666474477747777,66644777744444,6666677777777,66664445444,66644445444,6744445544,7774455755,6445555555,6664455555,6664444,66444,
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