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Created July 3, 2020 07:18
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Buffering requests to the same resource
class Requester {
/** Intermediate observable used to prepare fetching connector identifiers and updating `connectorIdentifiers$`. */
protected readonly fetchConnectorIdentifiers$ = new Subject<number>();
constructor() {
* When idle and an identifiers fetch request comes in, this waits 100ms before triggering.
* When just received a value (within the 100ms window), these do not increase the window timeout.
const fetchConnectorIdentifiersTimer$ = this.fetchConnectorIdentifiers$.pipe(mapTo(undefined), auditTime(100));
* Buffers identifier fetch requests for the time given by the `fetchConnectorIdentifiersTimer$`, then fetches
* all requested identifiers at once. This must be done, as many labels possibly request the UUID concurrently.
this.fetchConnectorIdentifiers$.pipe(bufferWhen(() => fetchConnectorIdentifiersTimer$)).subscribe(async connectorIds => {
await this.immediateUpdateConnectorUuidsByIds(connectorIds);
* Fetches the identifiers for the given connector ID, i.e. an object of both the ID and the UUID,
* then updates `connectorIdentifiers$` with the new values. The update is buffered and the effect
* can be observed with `getConnectorUuidById`.
public updateConnectorUuidById(connectorId: number) {
if (connectorId > -1) {
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