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Created January 29, 2014 02:52
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Save bagaag/8680923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hit Aggregator Problem
* Write a class to support the following website feature. On each product
* detail page, display the number of hits in the past 10 minutes if there have
* been at least 10. Otherwise, display the number of hits in the past hour if
* there have been at least 10. Otherwise, display the number of hits in the
* past 24 hours if there have been at least 10. Otherwise, display nothing.
* There is no analytics service available to provide realtime reporting on the
* number of hits, so this class must also collect that data. It should aim to
* work on a website that has a few million product pages and gets 10 million
* unique visitors per day.
import java.util.*;
public class HitAggregator {
// 10 min, 1 hr, 24 hr
private final static int[] THRESHOLDS = {10, 60, 1440};
// number of hits needed to satisfy a threshold
private final static int MIN_HITS = 10;
// stores a list of dated hits for each id
private Map<Long,List<Entry>> hitCounts = new HashMap<Long,List<Entry>>();
// dated hit count, hits are grouped for 1 minute
protected static final class Entry {
public long date = System.currentTimeMillis();
public int hits = 1;
// return value must include the hit count and the threshold
public static final class Result {
public int threshold; // in minutes (10 min, 1hr, 24 hr)
public int hits; // number of hits
public Result(int t, int h) { threshold = t; hits = h; }
// get list of minute/counts for an id
private List<Entry> getCounts(long id) {
List<Entry> counts = this.hitCounts.get(id);
if (counts==null) {
counts = new ArrayList<Entry>();
this.hitCounts.put(id, counts);
return counts;
// record a hit
private void recordHit(List<Entry> counts, long id, long now) {
long minuteAgo = now - (60*1000);
// get most recent entry and add to it if it's for the current minute, or create a new one
Entry latest = null;
if (counts.size()>0) {
// get latest entry
latest = counts.get(counts.size()-1);
// increment if its for this minute
if ( > minuteAgo) {
else {
// minute has passed, create hit count for the current minute
counts.add(new Entry());
else {
// empty list, create new hit count
counts.add(new Entry());
/* record a hit for the page and return a result object */
/* this is the only method exposed to the servlet layer */
public Result aggregate(long id) {
// get entry list for this id
List<Entry> counts = getCounts(id);
// record the hit
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
recordHit(counts, id, now);
// get the hit count and threshold
int hits = 0;
int threshold_ix = 0;
int threshold = HitAggregator.THRESHOLDS[threshold_ix];
long threshold_date = now - (threshold*60*1000);
// walk through the hit counts backwards
for (int i=counts.size()-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
Entry e = counts.get(i);
// increment hits if within the current threshold
if ( > threshold_date) {
hits += e.hits;
// we've met the min threshold hits, so get out
else if (hits >= HitAggregator.MIN_HITS) {
counts.subList(0,i).clear(); // had to look up this trick
// increase threshold to look for more hits
else {
if (HitAggregator.THRESHOLDS.length <= threshold_ix) {
threshold = HitAggregator.THRESHOLDS[threshold_ix];
threshold_date = now - (threshold*60*1000);
// out of HitAggregator.THRESHOLDS, remove old entries and get out
else {
// return result or null if we don't have the minimum hits needed
Result result = null;
if (hits >= HitAggregator.MIN_HITS) {
result = new Result(threshold, hits);
return result;
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