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Last active January 7, 2025 12:27
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[Woocommerce Javascript events] #woo
//Woocommerce Checkout JS events
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_checkout' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'payment_method_selected' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_checkout' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'checkout_error' );
//Woocommerce cart page JS events
$( document.body ).trigger( 'wc_cart_emptied' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_wc_div' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_cart_totals' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_shipping_method' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'applied_coupon', [ coupon_code ] );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'removed_coupon', [ coupon ] );
//Woocommerce Single product page JS events
$( '.wc-tabs-wrapper, .woocommerce-tabs, #rating' ).trigger( 'init' );
//Woocommerce Add to cart JS events
$( document.body ).trigger( 'adding_to_cart', [ $thisbutton, data ] );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'added_to_cart', [ response.fragments, response.cart_hash, $thisbutton ] );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'removed_from_cart', [ response.fragments, response.cart_hash, $thisbutton ] );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'wc_cart_button_updated', [ $button ] );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'cart_page_refreshed' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'cart_totals_refreshed' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'wc_fragments_loaded' );
//Woocommerce Add payment method JS events
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_add_payment_method' );
//To bind listener to these events, use:
jQuery('<event_target>').on('<event_name>', function(){
console.log('<event_name> triggered');
$('body').on('change', '#billing_state', function(){
$( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' );
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If you want to do something with the params in the function then here is an example

 $(document.body).on("wc_cart_button_updated", function (e, $button) {

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cbarretta12 commented Apr 26, 2024

Additional events that are useful for listening:

/***Single Product***/
$( document.body ).on( 'found_variation', function( event, variation ) {
//Same as above
$( document.body ).on( 'show_variation', function( event, variation ) {
//Not as useful but worth mentioning, fires whenever there is a change in the variation buttons
$( document.body ).on( 'woocommerce_variation_select_change', function( ) {
    //Do something

$( document.body ).on( 'applied_coupon_in_checkout', function( event, coupon ) {
    console.log(coupon );
$( document.body ).on( 'removed_coupon_in_checkout', function( event, coupon ) {
    console.log(coupon );

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