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Last active March 5, 2023 09:44
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Describing function analysis
# ref:
# ref:
using ControlSystemsBase
using ControlSystems
using ControlSystemIdentification
s = tf("s")
G = 4/(s*(s+1)^2) # A test system
nl = ControlSystemsBase.saturation(1)
# nl = ControlSystemsBase.deadzone(1)
# nl = ControlSystemsBase.nonlinearity(x->abs(x)<1 ? 0 : sign(x))
e(t, A, w) = A*sin(w*t)
integrate(fun,data,ω,h) = h*sum(fun(ω*(i-1)*h)*data[i] for i = eachindex(data))
W = exp10.(LinRange(-1, 2, 30)) # A frequency vector
As = 0.1:0.1:10 # A vector of amplitudes
h = 0.001 # Discretization time
# res = lsim(nl, (x,t)->e(t, 1, 1), 0:h:10)
# plot(res)
Gs = map(eachindex(As)) do ai # Compute descibing function
A = As[ai]
Nw = ComplexF64[]
for i in eachindex(W)
w = W[i]
t = 0:h:(2pi/w)
u = nl.f[1].(e.(t, A, w)) # NOTE: this only works for simple static nonlinearities. Use lsim for more complex stuff like backlash
a = w/(A*pi) * integrate(cos, u, w, h)
b = w/(A*pi) * integrate(sin, u, w, h)
push!(Nw, complex(b, a))
FRD(W, Nw)
NA = map(Gs) do G # For odd nonlinearities, compute N(A,w) = N(A)
median(real.(G.r)) # NOTE: this only holds for odd nonlinearities
plot(As, NA, title="N(A)", xlabel="A")
@userplot Describingfunctionplot2
@recipe function nyquist_df(p::Describingfunctionplot2)
A, NA = p.args[1:2]
iNA = -1 ./ NA
anninds = 1:length(A)÷8:length(A)
anns = [(real(iNA[i]), imag(iNA[i])+0.3, text("A = $(A[i])", 10)) for i in anninds]
@series begin
hover := A
linewidth --> 2
lab --> "\$N(A)\$"
real(iNA), imag(iNA)
@series begin
seriestype := :scatter
primary := false
annotations := anns
real(iNA[anninds]), imag(iNA[anninds])
# Plot describing function on top of Nyquist curve. The point where the Nyquist curve crosses the describing function predicts the amplitude and frequency of the limit cycle (use hover information with the plotly backend to see amplitude and frequency).
# plotly()
describingfunctionplot2!(As, NA)
# plot()
# for G in Gs
# plot!(G)
# end
# display(current())
## Simulate the nonlinear system to see if the analysis was accurate
plot(step(feedback(G*nl), 40))
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