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Last active April 9, 2020 00:23
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Covid model
using Pkg
pkg"activate ."
# pkg"add Turing, NamedTupleTools, MonteCarloMeasurements, StatsPlots"
# pkg"dev Turing2MonteCarloMeasurements"
using Turing, Turing2MonteCarloMeasurements, NamedTupleTools, MonteCarloMeasurements
## Some helper functions stolen from Soss ======================================
particles(v::Vector{<:Real}) = Particles(v)
using IterTools
function particles(v::Vector{Vector{T} }) where {T}
map(eachindex(v[1])) do j particles([x[j] for x in v]) end
function particles(v::Vector{Array{T,N} }) where {T,N}
map(CartesianIndices(v[1])) do j particles([x[j] for x in v]) end
function particles(s::Vector{NamedTuple{vs, T}}) where {vs, T}
nt = NamedTuple()
for k in keys(s[1])
nt = merge(nt, [k => particles(getproperty.(s,k))])
## ============================================================================
# Turing.@model model(Ir, p, ::Type{T}=Float64) where {T} = begin
# N = length(Ir)
# np = length(p)
# I,R = ntuple(i->Vector{T}(undef, N), 2)
# zI ~ MvNormal(zeros(N), ones(N)) # Innovations
# zIr ~ MvNormal(zeros(N), ones(N)) # Innovations
# zR ~ MvNormal(zeros(N), ones(N)) # Innovations
# nq = 1 # Assuming one lag for now
# q = Vector{T}(undef, 1)
# q[1] ~ Uniform(0.01,0.99) # this is a bad prior, but something to get us started
# # Distribution of initial state
# Ir[1] = zIr[1] #truncated(Normal(1,1), 0, Inf)
# I[1] = zI[1] #Gamma(10)
# R[1] = zR[1] #Normal(3,0.5) # A guess
# σI ~ Gamma(100) # These are all bad choices and have to be tuned with prior predictive checks
# σIr ~ Gamma(50)
# σR ~ truncated(Normal(0,0.03), 1e-6, Inf) # Random walk for R
# if !isfinite(σI) || !isfinite(σIr) || !isfinite(σR)
# @logpdf() = -Inf
# return @namedtuple(I,Ir,R,σI, σIr, σR)
# end
# for k = 2:N
# μI = R[k] * sum(p[i]*I[k-i] for i = 1:min(np,k-1))
# μIr = sum(q[i]*I[k-i] for i = 1:nq)
# μR = R[k-1]
# I[k] = μI + σI*zI[k]
# Ir[k] = μIr + σIr*zIr[k]
# R[k] = μR + σR*zR[k]
# end
# @namedtuple(I,Ir,R,σI, σIr, σR) # These parameters will be saved
# end;
Turing.@model model(Ir, p, ::Type{T}=Float64) where {T} = begin
N = length(Ir)
np = length(p)
I,R = ntuple(i->Vector{T}(undef, N), 2)
nq = 1 # Assuming one lag for now
q = Vector{T}(undef, 1)
q[1] ~ Uniform(0.01,0.99) # this is a bad prior, but something to get us started
# Distribution of initial state
Ir[1] ~ truncated(Normal(1,1), 0, Inf)
I[1] ~ Gamma(10)
R[1] ~ Normal(3,0.5) # A guess
σI ~ Gamma(100) # These are all bad choices and have to be tuned with prior predictive checks
σIr ~ Gamma(50)
σR ~ truncated(Normal(0,0.03), 1e-6, Inf) # Random walk for R
if !isfinite(σI) || !isfinite(σIr) || !isfinite(σR)
@logpdf() = -Inf
return @namedtuple(I,Ir,R,σI, σIr, σR)
for k = 2:N
R[k] ~ Normal(R[k-1], σR)
I[k] ~ truncated(Normal(R[k] * sum(p[i]*I[k-i] for i = 1:min(np,k-1)), σI), 0, Inf)
Ir[k] ~ Normal(sum(q[i]*I[k-i] for i = 1:nq), σIr)
@namedtuple(I,Ir,R,σI, σIr, σR) # These parameters will be saved
fake_Ir_data = round.(exp.(0.2 .* (1:30)))
p = rand(Dirichlet(4, 1)) # A random vector that sums to 1
m = model(fake_Ir_data, p)
# Draw some samples from the prior (technically p(all_priors | data) since the data is given. To actually draw also Ir from the prior, replace the data with missing values)
prior = [m() for _ in 1:500] |> particles
mcplot(prior.R, title="Draws from prior implication for R") |> display
mcplot(prior.I, title="Draws from prior implication for I") |> display
@time chain = sample(m, NUTS(), 800) # Sample using Hamiltonian MC
# @time chain = sample(m, PG(100), 1000) # Sample using particle Gibbs
dc = describe(chain, digits=3, q=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9]) |> display
p = Particles(chain, crop=100); # These particles can now be used like they were real numbers, but they internally represent the sampled posterior
using StatsPlots
plot(p.R, title="Posterior R") |> display
plot(p.I, title="Posterior I") |> display
density(p.σR, title="Posterior σR") |> display
density(p.σI, title="Posterior σI") |> display
density(p.σIr, title="Posterior σIr") |> display
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