givne a system
The user-specified trim conditions may take many forms, for example
$x_i \approx 5$ should be close to 5 (called a soft constraint)
html"""main { | |
max-width: 1050px; | |
align-self: flex-start; | |
margin-left: 70px; | |
} | |
pluto-helpbox { | |
width: clamp(300px,calc(100vw - 781px),600px) | |
} | |
""" |
using FastDifferentiation | |
# ============================================================================== | |
## Try simple things | |
# ============================================================================== | |
x = make_variables(:x, 2) | |
mu = make_variables(:mu, 2) | |
ex = sum(abs2, x .* mu) | |
hs = sparse_hessian(ex, x) |
# ref: | |
# ref: | |
using ControlSystemsBase | |
using ControlSystems | |
using ControlSystemIdentification | |
s = tf("s") | |
G = 4/(s*(s+1)^2) # A test system | |
nl = ControlSystemsBase.saturation(1) |
givne a system
The user-specified trim conditions may take many forms, for example
using PrettyTables | |
using ModelingToolkit, Symbolics | |
using ModelingToolkit: has_defaults, defaults, getbounds, AbstractODESystem, n_extra_equations, get_iv | |
using Symbolics: unwrap, VariableSource | |
function describe(io::IO, sys::AbstractODESystem; backend = Val(:text), alignment = :l) | |
header = ["Variable name", "Variable type", "Default value", "Bounds", "Description"] | |
x = sort(states(sys), by=string) | |
p = sort(parameters(sys), by=string) |
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### | |
# v0.19.8 | |
using Markdown | |
using InteractiveUtils | |
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). | |
macro bind(def, element) | |
quote | |
local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end |
using Symbolics | |
""" | |
lie(f, h, x) | |
The Lie derivative of `h` w.r.t. `x` in the direction of `f`. | |
""" | |
lie(f, h, x) = Symbolics.gradient(h, x)'f | |
""" |
using StaticArrays | |
using Statistics, LinearAlgebra | |
using ModelingToolkit, Symbolics | |
""" | |
rk4(f, l, Ts) | |
Discretize dynamics `f` and loss function `l`using RK4 with sample time `Ts`. | |
The returned function is on the form `(xₖ,uₖ,t)-> (xₖ₊₁, loss)`. | |
Both `f` and `l` take the arguments `(x, u, t)`. |
using StaticArrays | |
using Statistics, LinearAlgebra | |
using ModelingToolkit, Symbolics | |
""" | |
rk4(f, l, Ts) | |
Discretize dynamics `f` and loss function `l`using RK4 with sample time `Ts`. | |
The returned function is on the form `(xₖ,uₖ,t)-> (xₖ₊₁, loss)`. | |
Both `f` and `l` take the arguments `(x, u, t)`. |
using ModelingToolkit | |
using ModelingToolkit: renamespace | |
using LinearAlgebra | |
using ModelingToolkit: isinput, isoutput, is_bound, isdifferential | |
using Symbolics: jacobian, substitute | |
""" | |
linearize(sys::ODESystem; numeric=false, x0=nothing) | |
Linaerize `sys` around operating point `x0`. `x0` can be `nothing` for a symbolic linearization, or a `Dict` that maps states and parameters to values. |