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Created December 17, 2014 03:40
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HelloWorld ofSketch Gist.
class Ball{
ofVec2f position;
ofVec2f velocity;
int radius;
ofColor color;
Ball() {
// Choose a random radius.
radius = ofRandom(5, 10);
// Choose a random position.
position = ofVec2f(ofRandom(radius, ofGetWidth() - radius),
ofRandom(radius, ofGetHeight() - radius));
// Choose a random velocity.
velocity = ofVec2f(ofRandom(-5, 5), ofRandom(-5, 5));
// Choose a random color between red and yellow.
color = ofColor(255, ofRandom(255), 0, 255);
void update() {
// Update the x velocity.
if (position.x + radius >= ofGetWidth() ||
position.x - radius <= 0) {
velocity.x *= -1;
// Update the y velocity.
if (position.y + radius >= ofGetHeight() ||
position.y - radius <= 0) {
velocity.y *= -1;
// Update the position.
position += velocity;
void draw() {
// Set the fill color for this ball.
ofSetColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, 127);
// Draw the ball.
ofCircle(position, radius);
// Set the outline for this ball.
// Draw the ball.
ofCircle(position, radius);
#include "Ball.h"
int numBalls; // The total number of balls we'll use.
vector<Ball> balls; // A collection of all balls.
void setup() {
numBalls = 750; // The total number of balls we'll use.
// Enable vertical sync.
// Set the window size.
ofSetWindowShape(500, 500);
// Set the background color.
// Create the balls
for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) {
void update() {
// Update all balls.
for (int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++) {
void draw() {
// Draw all balls.
for (int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++) {
// Log a message.
ofLogNotice("draw()") << ofGetTimestampString();
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