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bakman2 /
Last active November 15, 2024 06:36
Home assistant adaptive light brightness based on lux sensor

Home assistant adaptive light brightness based on lux sensor

Use template sensor

- sensor:
    - name: "Adaptive brightness"
      unique_id: adaptive_brightness_id_1
      state: >-
        {% set input_value = (states('sensor.lux_sensor_illuminance_lux')|int) %}
 {% set min_input_value = 400 %}

PWM fan control in Linux with a Gigabyte Aorus motherboard

  • install lm-sensors with your package manager


If it won't show any fan/speed, continue


Count distinct aggregate multiple repeating elements

    "count": "13",
    "name": "joep",
    "total": 1
bakman2 /
Last active September 19, 2024 21:01
Octoprint IP Camera

How to use Octoprint with an IP camera that has an RTSP stream available

Optional: For Wyze cam only

Install Dafang Hacks on the Wyze Cam.

Once running and all is functional, continue. Set video bitrate to 1500, VBR, 30fps.


bakman2 /
Last active April 29, 2020 06:41
uibuilder - scaffolding

node-RED uibuilder - barebone examples

Create custom dashboard or web interfaces.

ref.: node-red-contrib-uibuilder

Examples include receive and send from/to node-RED.

  • Vanilla javascript version
// Set ip address
ipaddress1 <ip>
ipaddress2 <gateway>
ipaddress3 <subnet>
ipaddress4 <dns>
// RF bridge Portisch with unknown but supported devices
rfraw 166
bakman2 / characteristics.json
Created July 28, 2019 10:46
Homekit characteristics object for reuse in Node-red
"homekit_services": [
"Name": "Name",
"service": "AirPurifier",
"characteristics": {
"Active": "0, 1 (active, inactive)",
"TargetAirPurifierState": "0,1 (manual, auto)",
"CurrentAirPurifierState": "0,1,2 (inactive, idle, purify air)",
"LockPhysicalControls": "0,1 (lock disabled, lock enabled)",
bakman2 / Dockerfile
Last active March 19, 2019 10:38
Node-RED docker with avahi
FROM nodered/node-red-docker:0.20.2
USER root
RUN apt-get update
RUN curl -sL | bash -
RUN apt-get -y install git python make g++ libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libnss-mdns dbus
RUN npm install node-red-node-discovery
include 'functions.php';
include platformSlashes("lib/ccxt.php");
$allcoins = file_get_contents(platformSlashes('lib/data/coinlist.json'));
$coinList = json_decode($allcoins, true);
echo "debug...";
echo sizeof($config['api']). " keys found.<br/><br/>";
if(isset($config['api']) && sizeof($config['api'])>0){
foreach ($config['api'] as $key => $value) {
. /etc.defaults/rc.subr
case $1 in
/var/packages/debian-chroot/scripts/start-stop-status start
chroot /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget service cron start
chroot /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget service dnsmasq start
chroot /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget service lighttpd start