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Created October 7, 2020 21:46
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I found that all the masonry libraries were slow so I made my own one.
* The code won't work by it self but most of the logic is here
* I was using immutablejs
* Also, I'm aware this is not react, but it's code that I'm most proud of 😅
export function getLooksMasonry(masonry: List<List<Map<string, any>>>, lookIds: List<any>, colWidth: number, gutterPadding: number = 5, footerHeight: number = 55) {
return (dispatch, getState: () => IGlobalState) => {
const { looks } = getState();
return masonry.withMutations(mLayout => {
const insertInMasonry = (look: Map<string, any>) => {
// find in which column we will insert the new look
const computeColHeight = col => col.isEmpty() ? 0 : col.last().get("top") + col.last().get("postHeight");
const shortestCol = mLayout.minBy(col => computeColHeight(col));
const colIndex = mLayout.indexOf(shortestCol);
const currentLast = shortestCol.last();
mLayout = mLayout.update(colIndex, (col: List<Map<string, any>>) => {
const newBlock = look.merge({
colIndex: colIndex,
top: currentLast ? (currentLast.get("top") + currentLast.get("postHeight")) : 0,
left: colIndex * colWidth
return col.push(newBlock);
lookIds.forEach((lookId, i) => {
const look = looks.get(lookId);
if (look) {
const ratio = 3 / 2;
const padding = gutterPadding;
const postImageHeight = Math.ceil((colWidth - padding) * ratio);
const postHeight = postImageHeight + padding + footerHeight;
id: lookId,
postWidth: colWidth,
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